Talk:Family Pages/old2

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/old version of this page

How to divide it up

The question still remains as to how to divide the page up.

We need some kind of structure, because a list of a hundred or more names just isn't something that is useful.

Let's sum up the structures that were proposed:

  • By number of rulerships
  • By a self-assessment of fame (as shown on the page at the moment)
  • By home island

What other ideas can we come up with? Let's do a little brainstorming. No criticising, just collection of thoughts, then we have fun shooting them down, ok?

--Tom 4 August 2005 11:22 (CEST)

Hmm. How about:
  • Straight-up alphabetical order
  • Guild memberships or other (less formal) associations
  • Favorite class
  • Home island and home realm
  • Length of time in game
  • By region (I'm thinking something like the Domesday Book here)
  • Actual numerical fame value (We should probably have a "famous families" page for that, anyway)
--Dolohov 4 August 2005 16:36 (CEST)

We definitely need a sort order that doesn't change all the time, which rules out fame, guild or realm memberships.

Alphabetical is something that we don't have to set up - if everyone puts his family page into a "families" category, we get that for free as an added bonus.

--Tom 4 August 2005 20:47 (CEST)

I was actually thinking that it would be a feature if the order changes -- if it were ordered by fame, for example, it would get people returning to this page every time they gained a fame point. --Dolohov 4 August 2005 20:49 (CEST)

We are restricting the community portal?

What a great community that will be. Come on Tom this is not what you are about.

And I was serious. I am not up for a watered down pissing match. Either get out the tale of the tape (Baseball terminology for lets measure) or water it down completely and just make it a game feature. --Eric S P 6 August 2005 10:39 (CEST)

Reasons for neutral tone

There are many reasons for remaining neutral on this one page and leaving the "pissing contest" to the family pages themselves. Two main reasons:

  1. There might be hundreds of families on this page. The difference between "1 line, no bragging" and "keep it short, maybe 3-4 lines" is 10 or more pages of text.
  2. Once the pissing contest starts, it will get out of control. Someone will not be happy with bragging about himself and will insert a comment on someone else's family. Then that one will want to get even. Then families will be deleted, and down we go.

This is a final decision. No pissing contest on the intro page.

--Tom 7 August 2005 11:42 (CEST)

Ok I understand the reason why and I have 2 things I can say about that:
First is that being what you want, alphabetical is the way to go. It is dull, boring, and people will not give a damn. Starting with me. That is why the family page dropped off on the old tiki... Lorens Versatile got some interest and than it waned again. It is simply not interesting. Your call.
Second is, you are wrong. How do know? Because it has not happened yet. Tiki Family page has been up forever and no has screwed with it. --Eric S P 7 August 2005 14:20 (CEST)

Well, my personal opinion is that the families won't be interesting no matter how you structure them. But I'd suggest making this simply link to a category page, and then everyone who wants to be on that page adds the [[Category:Family]]. Alphabetical order, no effort required. -- Nicholas August 8, 2005 03:48 (CEST)