Red Star Courier/Page 2

From BattleMaster Wiki

Sertraline.png The Red Star Courier
Price: One doughnut "All the muse has seen fit to print" June 2006
Printed in Hamadan


Successful Takeover in Tokat

With the rising of the sun this morning came the successful completion of Yssaria's attempt to take over Tokat. This success came after an earlier attempt had failed to establish secure control of the province. During the last three or so months Yssaria has retaken Supra and Aureus, temporarily took over Aestus, and attacked the Caligan capital of Domus.

The groundwork for the takeover was laid out in the most recent offensive on the part of Yssaria, which began after a series of defensive actions due to a declaration of war from Ubent and a reconnaissance in force by one of Perdan’s brigades. After Ubent and Perdan became more occupied by the efforts of Itorunt and Ibladesh, Yssaria struck out again, with a plan to take over two regions at once, Sordidus and Tokat. The two armies where in position to assist each other, and thus when Caligus responded by moving out to Sordidus, the army there withdrew to Tokat, abandoning the takeover so as not to be defeated in detail. At the same time, the local peasants stopped the first takeover of Tokat, and the Yssarian army gathered to make a second attempt to secure the province for its name.

The Caligan troops inevitably advanced upon Tokat thereafter, and there ensued two battles to determine whether the takeover attempt would continue.

The two battles saw Caligus with more troop leaders than the Yssarians, and a higher number of solders in the first battle, with the tally being closer to equal at the second. The Yssarian troops, however, were judged more deadly in battle by some neutral observers, wither by virtue of arms, armor, training, or some combination of the three is not known. This superior quality seems to have made the difference, as the Yssarians won both bloody engagements, and caused more casualties to their attackers than they received in turn. The list of wounded nobles, knights, and troop leaders on both sides was long, with over a dozen of noble blood being sent to the healers.

As the sun set and the armies grappled yet again, a hero of Caligus by the name of Grontar perished in the battle, having been wounded as he fought side by side with his troops during the morning engagement, then spending his life on the field, apparently heedless of his wounds or his life.

The two battles having decimated the fighting strength of Caligus, they withdrew, and the second takeover attempt by Yssaria proceeded undisturbed, this time, successful.



We are winning: Here's why

We apologize for the delay in the publishing of this article. It occured to this editor that perhaps he should run it by the Marshal of the realm before running it off the presses. Please wait until we hear back from him.