Everwind Family

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Everwind Family
Fame 12
Wealth 1210
Home Region Clermont
Home World East Continent

The Everwinds are a small family originating from the realm of Clermont to the west of the Perdan region. Although a noble family, they have been happy to keep to themselves and their creature comforts until the youngest Everwind came of age at 17 - Amelara Everwind.

The Everwinds used to rule over the Clermont Alcazar Estate, home to nearly 4,500 citizens, until Dame Amelara tarnished the name and had them evicted from the estate they were so comfortable with. Besides Amelara, the family remains in Clermont, but no longer of nobility.

Amelara Everwind is the only Everwind of note so far in the family's history. Fed up of her pompous upbringing and inspired by the heroes of Perdan's Golden Lions and Black Paladins, on the day of her coming-of-age she set off from Clermont to make her mark in history. Amelara's destiny was not to be Perdan, however, as a year into her life as a Knight, she defected to the realm of Yssrgard, causing controversy for her family and old homeland.

Amelara is now Margravine of Tota and Lady Steward of Yssrgard, as well as engaged to Wolf King Patriacc and soon-to-be Queen Consort of the Realm.

Dame Amelara Everwind

A young woman full of youth, hair as black as a raven and eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. Standing at only 5'3 with a build that can best be described as 'skinny', Amelara hardly appears very threatening. The girl is dressed neatly, wearing expensive dresses and jewelry whenever possible, hair neat and straight, aiming to appear beautiful. On the road, she dresses lightly in greens, and whenever the journeys and battles damage or wound her, the discomfort in her is apparent.

Amelara Everwind
Status: Alive
Continent: East Continent
Realm: Yssrgard
Titles Held: Margravine of Tota
Class: Warrior
Honor: 57
Prestige: 22
Age: 21
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: Slim, Fairly Muscular
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Jet Black

Raised and groomed to be a perfect Lady of the Court, Amelara has been taught all there is to know on how to be a 'lady', with no ambition from her family to be anything but a shining example of a daughter and future matriarch to the Everwind name.

This life tired her, however, and Amelara trained in secret, finding herself rather gifted with using a bow and arrows. She read every book and account she could find on the Lords and Ladies of Perdan - their heroics, key battles and events, weddings, kings and queens... On the dawn of her 17th birthday, she set out from Clermont to fulfil her childish dream of becoming a hero.

Fighting for Perdan

The road was different to what she expected, however. Gone were her comforts of nobility - sleeping cold, clothes torn and dirtied, her hair no longer prim and well-kept. She struggled to adjust, and still does, but she quickly valued the men who followed her. Her upbringing in halls and courts proved valuable, allowing her to quickly become an inspiring leader. Every man and woman under her banner she considered a friend, knowing each one by name and family. She believed that with these brave souls at her side as well as the heroes of Perdan, she was invincible.

She quickly moved to make herself known to her fellow nobles, attending the coronation of Queen Alyssa Kingsley and meeting with others including Jacelyn Goldwater, Dustiria Noire and Sir Apollyon Daubeny.

But then the war began against Yssrgard, and Amelara very quickly learnt what war really was. Gone were her visions of knights in shining armour charging to save the day - replaced by screams of agony, limbs torn from terrified men, and blood... so much blood. In the first conflicts, Amelara's lack of experience almost proved her undoing - falling out of position multiple times, every man and woman that fought for her lost their life as Perdan was eventaully forced into temporary retreat.

During this time, Amelara had the pleasure of meeting (through letters) Count Patriacc of Yssrgard, quickly developing a rivalry with the enemy lord. She found herself intrigued by the Yssrgardian ways, however, begrudgingly agreeing with some of their views. Through the various conflicts, they encountered each other multiple times - in one of the conflicts, Patriacc gifted Amelara with a well-crafted axe. Despite having no experience in using such a heavy weapon, Amelara kept hold of it, swearing to herself, her fallen allies and Patriacc himself she would use it to remove the Count's head should the opportunity ever arise.

The lives of her friends weighed on her heavily, almost breaking her spirit - one usually full of life and enthusiasm. She found herself alone in unfamiliar land, until her temporary knight in shining armour Ser Oliver Laststar and the remains of his men encountered her and escorted her back to Perdan.

Having learnt her lesson, however, she recruited once more and swore to herself she would not let her people down ever again. She came to understand her journey would include loss and death, but in order to protect the innocents and helpless, it was something she needed to do.

After the atrocities of Ser Apollyon, Amelara was disheartened to see her realm crumble into debate and arguments as the armies of Yssrgard attacked their realm on two fronts.

The Influence of Wolves

Fully believing that her allies were focused more on squabbling than the lives of the brave men and women who fought and died for them, Amelara was left further disillusioned when after the Battle in Leibo, she found herself left behind and abandoned by the rest of her army, wounded and alone.

Making the long road back to Perdan, filled with hurt and feeling betrayed by her 'noble' allies, she stumbled upon Count Patriacc of Yssrgard who awaited her in the Mines of Isadril. There, they met as neutrals and their rivalry came to a close as they shared an evening of passion, the Wolf attempting to convince the young Dame to defect and join Yssrgard.


Amelara initially refused, but on her way back to Perdan she exchanged unpleasant letters with another of Perdan who she found to be toxic - his words barbed with poison. This was the settling decision, and Amelara turned her horse round to return to Yssrgard. She never returned to Perdan, sending some men to clear her estate in Clermont and a letter to the realm addressing her concerns. Her concerns were mostly met passively, troubling Amelara even further that the realm didn't seem to care that one of their own was defecting to add numbers to their supposed enemy. That was, until she received a letter from Oliver Laststar, someone she felt herself closer to following his escort of her a few months before. Oliver confirmed her fears by declaring her a traitor and questioning her on her decisions and values, building a new rivalry between what used to be an alliance.

In Abadan, she encountered Marshall Adrianna Le Monte, who quickly took down her already weakened unit. Refusing to surrender, however, Amelara rode to meet the woman face-to-face, demanding that she be accepted as a Wolf of Yssrgard. Entertaining the thought, Adrianna invited Amelara to share dinner with her to see if she had what it takes. Over wine and food, the two women got to know each other, Adrianna successfully wearing down Amelara through wine and words. The she-wolf successfully 'lured' Amelara into her den, which would lead to an interesting relationship between the two down the line.

Yssrgardian Days

Amelara continued to Tota, where Patriacc had just won lordship over and set her up an estate in Tota Town. There, she officially joined Yssrgard and made her greeting to the rest of the realm. It was deemed by her new King, Germanico, that she needed to face a trial set by the Gods to prove she was a worthy wolf. So after setting off for Isadril and acquiring a new unit (Captained by a highly intimidating Yssrgardian woman called Galeria) after her Perdanese abandoned her, she set off on her own into the nearby woods to await whatever the Gods had in store for her.

First believing her trial to be nothing but a small boar, she was ambushed from behind by three brigands who set about stealing all her possessions, proceeding to then attempt to remove her clothing with end intentions only imagined by Amelara. She successfully fought them off desperately, using her own nails to all-but destroy the leader's eye and then a tree branch to finish him off with stabs to his brain. The second, she killed in combat with a sword. The third begged for mercy, but the pleading was ignored by the angry and adrenaline-filled Dame, and a defining choice was made when she chose to slit the man's throat rather than accept him as a prisoner and spare his life.

Fighting as a Wolf

The call to battle came from Marshal Adrianna, and Amelara arrived with Patriacc to Leibo. Here, she re-acquainted with Adrianna, the more colder side of the woman introduced to Amelara, confusing her further. Here, she also met in person the Wolf King Germanico, and Count Alfrid and Duke Eros - the latter only an impression, one that filled her with concern that the rumours may be accurate for some Yssrgardians.

Her first battles against her old allies took place in Itor Boss, where Amelara was troubled to see that Queen Alyssa herself was present, finding herself reluctant to raise arms against the woman she had idolised for so long. But to battle she went, where eventually Yssrgard emerged victorious, with Patriacc wounding the Queen (something that secretly troubled Amelara), and Adrianna capturing Oliver.

It was not all victory and celebrations, however. After Yssrgard retreated from the first conflict, Amelara witnessed her fears come true as she caught Adrianna physically abusing and screaming at her own troops. Remembering her promises to herself and those of Perdan who had questioned her over the 'rumours' of Yssrgardians, Amelara stepped in to try and defend these troops. Though surprised by the young woman standing up to her, the Ice Wolf struck Amelara across the cheek, shocking her considering Amelara foolishly believed them to at least have a form of friendship. Amelara clearly struck a chord by her words however, further confusing the dynamic between these two.

Chains and Interrogations

Amelara began to grow almost obsessed with impressing Adrianna, finding herself with a strange desire to emulate her. In a bid to achieve this, she visited Oliver whilst he was imprisoned, attempting to both mentally and physically (to minor effect) torture her old friend as she demanded answers for the insulting letters he had sent her previously. But realising she was not Adrianna or 'strong' enough to do such things, she fled from him, promising that the feud between them wasn't over.

The wolves of Yssrgard returned to Isadril, where Adrianna called a tactical meeting to discuss their next steps against Yssrgard - Amelara, Patriacc, Germanico and Alfred attended. Here, Amelara was pleasantly surprised to hear Patriacc raise a proposal that Yssrgard stopped acts of undue violence such as murder and raping when conducting raids, which although treated uneasily by those in the room, was eventually agreed to be made into a formal order.

Later that day, Amelara approached Adrianna in the Isadril training grounds, bringing up the latter's offer when they first met of training her with a sword rather than just being able to use a bow. Amelara was quickly beaten, but frustration grew as Adrianna marched away with no acknowledgement - yet again - of her efforts to become a real wolf. Amelara, despite being bruised and exhausted, got back to her feet and demanded her to stop, again cutting through the ice wolf's defenses with some hard-hitting truths, nearly bringing the cold woman to tears and straining their relationship yet again.

The Failed Raid

The plan was set to sail to Perdan and catch them by surprise from the north, and Patriacc put his own plan in place to quite literally force Amelara and Adrianna together so they could 'make up', by tricking them both onto the same boat together where neither had anywhere to run. There, the two women finally had some sort of bonding moment, with Adrianna apologising and going into some of her tough past, and Amelara confessing about the strange obsession that had been growing within her to be more like Adrianna.

The army boarded in Lorient, where Amelara was quick to receive a letter from another old acquaintance from Perdan - another she had idolised as one of Perdan's finest examples of a knight, Earl Daario. The letter accused her of falling far from the path of a knight, sending another spiral of doubt through Amelara of her actions in recent months. Little time passed for her to process this letter before, after suffering a defeat to the almighty peasants of Perdan, orders were sent to march to Clermont - her old family home.

Frozen with indecision, riddled with emotion from Daario's letter and guilt and horror at the thought of raiding her family home, Amelara chose to do nothing, falling behind from the army only to be caught in battle again against the peasants, no matter how hard she tried to convince them she meant no harm. Beaten and wounded, she followed the army to Clermont after the raiding had ceased, ordered straight to an angry Adrianna's tent for defying orders, seeming to put the two women back to square one of what had started to develop into a friendship.

Forced to take the long way march home after their failed raid in Perdan, the Yssrgardians were met with troubling news of Perdan's march on Isadril, their capital city. It was discovered that who would later be known as 'Traitorous Tom' had been using his title of Duke and Lord Steward to his own gain, disbanding the ample defense of Isadril to line his own pockets, and thus leaving the city wide open for Perdan to easily overcome the meagre guards and begin taking control of the city. Traitorous Tom was removed from his positions and banished from Yssrgard.

War's End

Eager to progress her life in Yssrgard, Amelara successfully took over as Lady Steward of the realm until a formal election could take place, quickly throwing herself into the role proudly. She was shocked to receive a letter from Queen Alyssa of Perdan to congratulate her on her appointment, still showing no ill will towards the twenty-year old despite her leaving Perdan for Yssrgard and their current war. This letter renewed some of Amel's spirit, which would be needed for the upcoming battle.

The Yssrgard army, after many days of marching across half of the East Continent, camped near Isadril, ready for what would be the concluding fight of the war. One that did not look good, as Perdan grew closer and closer to ceasing control over the entire city, the Yssrgard army was tired and low on funds, with no ability to recruit more needed troops either. The evening before the battle began, the trio of Amelara, Patriacc and Adrianna had one last conversation - Patriacc hit hard with some hard truths, shocking Amelara by not being his normal, confident self. The reality was that this was going to be a battle that most soldiers around them would not survive - perhaps not even Patriacc himself.

Indeed, the multiple battles were a failure, killing and wounding many on both sides of the battle, including Amelara's captain Galeria. It came to a forced end where Wolf King Germanico had no choice but to surrender, thus ending the war between Perdan and Yssrgard - despite the many victories Yssrgard enjoyed over a far stronger opponent, it was quite solely down to Traitorous Tom for their loss of this war. Wounded and exhausted, Amelara entered the city in search for Patriacc or Adrianna, unsure if either of them even survived. But before falling into unconsciousness, her saviour was to not be either of her friends, but one victorious and rather unwelcome Ser Oliver Laststar.

He had her taken to his tent, where his healers helped Amelara recover. But what started as uneasy gratitude with perhaps the hope that their feud could finally be at an end, Amelara noticed Oliver peeking as she changed, reminding her of his intentions the first time they had met, angering her and tempting her into throwing insults at Oliver again, insisting Patriacc to be a better man than him. Their argument reducing Amelara to embarrassed tears, again, Oliver makes an attempt to mend some of the burnt bridges between them, only to address her as 'pup' as she is about to leave. Reminded, with fury, of the many times she has been called that as she's struggled to fit in Yssrgard, she punches Oliver in the nose, but is shocked and horrified when he returns the gesture and strikes her across the cheek. She flees from his tent, embarrassed.

Eventually, she stumbled into Adrianna who had been out searching for her, and was taken to be reunited with a heavily wounded Patriacc in some back-alley 'doctor' that Adrianna knew. There, despite the current situation, Patriacc asked Amelara to marry him, to which the overjoyed girl said yes, immediately throwing herself into planning the wedding now that war was over and things seemed to be calming down.

Yssrgard's first action following the war was to conduct a raid on the rogue region of Semall to the west of Yssrgard. Amelara equipped herself with a new unit, led by a strangely meek and short (even shorter than Amelara) girl called Laura, who was rumoured to be extremely effective in battle, much to Amelara's doubt. During the raid, and quite literally pushed into raiding an alcohol store by Adrianna, Amelara witnessed her new captain's skill firsthand. Even as Amelara was about to subdue a peasant attacking her, Laura swooped in to defend her and chopped both of the man's hands off, before brutally ending him even after he was well-and-truly beaten. Although Adrianna was incredibly impressed, Amelara found herself disturbed.

Boats, Confusion and Respect

Another mostly unsuccessful raid (Semall didn't have much to take) led Yssrgard to now march on Shadowdale to take action against the Shadowism religion following their insults on Yssrgard's primary religion Aethir. Shortly before boarding, Amelara was delighted to hear that Patriacc was running for Wolf King following Germanico's surrender of the crown, which would then make her Queen Consort following their upcoming marriage. As they boarded Micheal Daubeny's (now a member of Yssrgard) ship, Patriacc gifted her with a well-crafted golden torc, with three hidden scenes engraved on the inside - her first meeting with Patriacc at the Mines of Isadril, her successful Wolf's trial against the three bandits, and her and Patriacc as King and Queen-Consort. The rest of the trip was enjoyed with Micheal's company, listening to stories and getting to know the Sea Wolf.

Returning to Isadril, the election for the new Wolf King or Queen was settled with a clear victory for Patriacc over Adrianna, who had also run for the position. Amelara was voted to continue her duties of Lady Steward, as well, and was made Margravine of Tota after Patriacc resigned his lordship with his new duties as Wolf King. The Wolf King's first action was to set off to Eponllyn to raid, another futile attempt as the superhuman peasants of the East Continent defeated them, capturing Warmistress Adrianna and wounding the Wolf King himself with a rusty clearly magic-infused pitchfork...

On the way back, an unfortunate incident caused two of Yssrgard's knights to lose control of their units, sparking a battle with Perdan that almost led to severe circumstance with the already strained relationship with Perdan. Despite apologies and clear declarations that this was an accident, Amelara was dismayed to read the letter that Queen Alyssa sent Patriacc, feeling shocked and betrayed that her once-idol would talk down to the 'new Yssrgard' so bluntly and risk more blood between the two realms. Until this day, Amelara still regarded Alyssa highly as one of her childhood heroes, even as she fought against Perdan in the war. But no more.
