Gildre Family/Gilth

From BattleMaster Wiki
Status: Alive
Continent: East Continent
Realm: Vix Tiramora
Previous Realms: Perdan
Current Titles: Knight
Titles Held: N/A
Class: Cavalier
Honor: 70
Prestige: 26
Age: 38
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Auburn
Sword skills: 53
Jousting skills: 29
Leadership skills: 28
Infiltration skills: N/A
Bureaucratic skills: N/A
Preaching skills: N/A
Unique Items: N/A
Unique Items Held: N/A

Gilth's Betrayal

Gilth is the younger brother of Fiona. He had grown up watching her excel in all aspects of war and battle, and had devoutly followed in her footsteps. His heart had been heavy when she came of age and decided to join the ranks of nobility in Atamara. He had continued his studies in Perdan, honing his fighting skills with the masters in Aix. Many of his younger years were spent day dreaming of his sister's conquests as a warrior, while his instructors attempted to feed his mind with politics, economics, and other subjects which held no interest for the boy.

Eventually war came to Perdan. The Northern War was a volatile time for Perdan, which almost saw to Perdan's destruction. Gilth was nearing his own coming of age, and was ready to step into adulthood and lead men into battle. He was overjoyed when the family received word that Fiona had decided to return to Perdan and fight for the family motherland. Soon after her return, Fiona was proclaimed Queen of Perdan and Gilth was commissioned to lead his very first unit of warriors.

The Northern War was brutal, fast, and bloody. Gilth served as a lesser-knight under his sisters rule. Gilth fought in countless battles, many of which out numbered and out flanked, with unparalleled ferocity. Yet every enemy who fell to his blade did nothing to bring the approval of his sister to bear on him. She rarely answered his letters, and acted with a cool sense of aloof when they had chance meetings in battle camps. In the capital she isolated herself with her Dukes and ministers within the castle, of which he held not the rank to enter.

Time took its toll on Gilths admiration of Fiona, degrading him to a sense of resentment. She had been his mentor and friend for so many years, yet now it hardly seemed like he knew her at all. Gilth began to lack support for his sisters cause, and his attitude was noticed.

As with any kingdom, Perdan had dissenters. Gilth was approached by the Duke of Ubent Duchy, Duke Albert. The Duke had grown tired of Fionas rule, and viewed Perdan as a sinking ship. Or so he told Gilth. The silver tongued Duke played on Gilths resentment to his sister to draw him into his fold. The unappreciated brother of the monarch did much to lend support to Duke Alberts cause, and after much debate, separatism was decided on.

Shortly after Perdan finally made peace with the North, Duke Albert enacted his plan and ceded the Duchy to create Vix Tiramora. The center of the continent essentially imploded as a result as the ancient kingdom of Perdan was split in half.

Having lost Perdans namesake city, a third of her realm from war, and a third of her realm from betrayal, Fiona spiralled into darkness. Gilth and the other separatists began preparing their new realm for the war that Fiona would undoubtedly launch upon them. It was at Castle Ubent while preparing his men that Gilth received word of his sisters suicide. She had taken her own life on the throne.

Gilth blamed himself completely. Had he stayed true to the family, he could have supported his sister and rebuilt Perdan with her. He had let petty jealousy cloud his vision. In a state of grief, he disbanded his unit and disappeared into the mountains surrounding Castle Ubent for two years.

After the Two Years

After two years in isolation, Gilth's stalwart companion Oldric found him in meditation at a monestary. He told Gilth of the war in the South, and how now more than ever Vix Tiramora needed warriors. Veterans of the Northern War had become few and far between. Gilth accepted, and returned to civilization.

Gilth once again proved his prowess in battle, this time specializing in mounted warfare. Gilth spent months in battle, living only to fight. During a particularly large battle against Greater Xavax Gilth met Dame Cadewyn Thunderborn. A ferocious fighter in her own right, her infantry unit held firm under Gilths charge. Gilth himself was unhorsed, and engaged in combat with Cadewyn. The result of the intense battle was the wounding of each other, and Gilth was pulled back Oldric as Greater Xavax forces closed in.

After that battle, Gilth felt a sense of reenergization. He could not stop his mind from wandering to the Dame, conjuring her face in his mind. Gilth began to have a more active role in the realm, feeling more alive. More than anything, he looked forward to meetings against Greater Xavax, in the hope that he might see Cadewyn again...

Greater Xavax: The Next Chapter

Gilth's pining for the lovely Lady Cadewyn eventually garnered the attention of the ruler of Greater Xavax, Xerarch Selenia. She presented Gilth with a single option: Cease his infatuation with an enemy Dame, or she would directly punish Cadewyn in his stead. Dismayed, Gilth spent days unsure of how to proceed. His heart had swelled in size, and he knew he could not simply give up his folly.

Instead, he did what no one could have expected. He betrayed Vix Tiramora, leaving their lands and joining Greater Xavax. He put himself at the mercy of the Xerarch, attempting to join the Imperium in pursuit of his love.

Gilth was met with great hostility from many nobles of Greater Xavax, yet some gave him the benefit of his story and extended a welcoming hand to him.

To determine his fate, a trial was to convene with the Phoenix Court in Leibo, involving the nobles of Greater Xavax. However, mere hours before his trial was to begin, Gilth was captured during an attack by Vix Tiramora.

Gilth resigned himself to certain execution at the hands of his former realm. He was sure he had lost everything, including his chance at love. Unbeknownst to him at the time, several nobles of Greater Xavax had formed a small strike force, and assaulted the Vix army. The confusion was enough for Gilth to obtain his horse and escape the prison camp.

Gilth made his way back to Leibo, but was discovered by a roving Vix patrol. With no other options, Gilth was forced to kill the two soldiers, officially dirtying his hands with Vix blood.

Returning to Leibo, Gilth was awarded a short time to clean himself before standing before the Xerarch's court. The Xerarch called forth any nobles who would argue for Gilth to be granted Knighthood in Xavax. The result was shocking to Gilth, for the number in support of him was staggering. Of his supporters included his new Countess, the Arbiter Aramon, and the Lady Cadewyn herself.

After hearing the testimonials, the Xerarch ruled in favor of knighting Gilth and allowing him to serve her and Xavax. Celebrations were to commence.

Finally, Gilth was afforded the chance to talk with the woman who had been the pivotal force in all his actions. Lady Cadewyn's honesty was forthcoming, as she explained that she did not love him, but that she would not refuse him as a suitor. Considering his last few days, Gilth considered this a monumental win in his favor.

Cadewyn did grant him one token of affection: a single kiss...