New Westmoor

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New Westmoor.jpg

 Karbala stormed! 14 April 1014

The city of Karbala was stormed by Perdan and Fallangard armies in a brilliant siege that saw the general of Sirion and duke of the city wounded. Ryu Hinamoto was the only noble inside Karbala when the SA forces hit the city. He managed to raise an impressive number of militia to defend the city but it was to no avail. Most of the units he recruited (likely due to recruitment options) were archers and other ranged units. Unfortunately strong winds and gusts reduced the offensive power of these arrows a lot on both sides but the sting was not as painful to Perdan and Fallangard who have many more infantry.

Speaking of infantry heavy, Westmoor in the west is busy launching a takeover of it's own in the Sirion region of Dulbin. Nivemus has successfully raided the region of Bruck but now seems to be retreating from the region. All in all this was a good day for the SA which has now claimed it's second Sirion city in battle.

 Sirion changes general 11 April 1014

We're not entirely sure for the reasons of changing general so soon into the campaign but Sirion's General Aednadh Dubhaine stepped down from the position yesterday to be replaced with Ryu Hinamoto. Well known throughout Sirion Ryu has held a huge number of military as well as court positions in Sirion and should be well qualified for the difficult job set ahead of him. Sirion needs to work hard though to catch up with the progress the SA has made. Many of their armies have been stranded in hostile territory and will have a dangerous journey home to the capitol.

Meanwhile Nivemus has launched it's first attack onto Westmoorian soil by invading Bruck.

 Krimml sieged! 10 April 1014

Krimml is a city that is steeped in history. Westmoor once led a failed attempt at breaching it's walls once when it was the capitol of Fontan but the duke at the time recruited many many soldiers at the last moment to defend the city and halted the Westmoorian attack. Today Krimml was not so lucky and failed to the huge combined might of the Southern Alliance. Some 55 siege engines mostly Perdanese were at the walls and allowed the allied army to cross over the walls with ease. Don't be fooled though some one thousand men were defending Krimml half of which was Sirion mobile force.

Nivemus troops have already been spotted in Greatbridge and Oligarch so they may well enter the war next turn. Eoonllyn however still has some work to do on Oligarch before they can really engage the SA. Realm control was at occupied today. Clearly the stubborn people of Oligarch don't like being ruled. The other problem with Oligarch is they used to eat everything. Westmoor's regions would poor food into the region day after day yet still the middle classes of Oligarch would dine huge meals to fill their bellies. Whether this has changed since the mysterious couples magic or just from changing hands through different realms is something only the Eponese and Siriontes could tell you. From Westmoor we look forward to seeing both Nivemus and the Eponese on the battlefield.

Nivemus declares war

Later in the day now Nivemus has entered the war with a declaration against Perdan by Nivemus' Kronogos Catherine. Among the reasons that it gives are the desire to protect the movement of the realm of Eponllyn into Oligarch by Sirion. It also states the earlier acts of aggression by Perdan (this declaration is also stored on the letters page: Feb15 1013) in which King Atanamir desired to liberate the Haradrim peoples from Nivemus oppression. It is expected that Eponllyn's declarations of war will also follow. Westmoor itself is still not at war with any of the northern realms although this is only a matter of time.

Krimml joins Westmoor!

The city of Krimml along with it's other duchy member Braga have changed sides to Westmoor after their duke Marshal Giselle Relak of Sirion decided to switch sides and join Westmoor. The city as we know from previous days currently holds the joint forces of the Southern Alliance of which Fallangard was performing a Takeover. The duchess did not answer many questions but did say this after a suggestion to contact the king by lord Deklan Fuor.

Thank you Baron,

I have indeed written to the King. I will await his reply before saying more, but I could not in good conscience let the Duchy of Coimbra fly the flag of the duplicitous Fallangardians.
Giselle Relak
Duchess of Coimbra
Margravine of Krimml

This move is similar to that of the Domus succession that happened back in January although it is surprising that this kind of thing is happening so early into the northern war. This will most likely be a huge blow for morale in Sirion.

Krimml Succession.jpg

 Southern alliance wins in Braga 9 April 1014

The combined armies of Perdan, Westmoor and Fallangard today descended on the hopelessly outnumbered Army of Sirion in Braga and struck a resounding blow to Sirion's forces. This was by no means all of Sirions combined force but was certainly a good chunk and will make it much harder for Sirion and it's allies to mount a strong resistance against the SA. A number of Sirion's troops were wounded notably the Marshal of the AoS by our own King's unit (the scarlet sentinels). Fallangard scored an impressive moment for their realm by having every single noble make it to the battle on time.

Oligarch ceded to Eponllyn

Eponllyn after being completely destroyed regionally by the glacier rose from the ashes like a phoenix and now exists solely in the city of Oligarch. Their army is currently held up there most likely with some very heavy equipment damage. It is expected that they will soon join the war effort. There is also a sizable number of Sirion troops there who may well try to move south with Nivemus troops sooner rather than later especially with the recent defeat in Braga..

 Southern alliance declares war! 8 April 1014

Yesterday the SA sent an official declaration of war to the Republic of Sirion which can be seen on our Letters Page. In it the southern alliance sets out its manifesto for severely reducing the republic of Sirion back to the regions of: Avamar, Trinba, Slimbar, Parm, Ustimbar and Osslamar. It is of course extremely unlikely that Sirion would agree to these terms hence we can expect a full war campaign to be carried out against the realm. Westmoor's reasoning for joining the SA result primarily in the removal of Eponnlyn from the city of Oligarch a city that is rightfully Westmoorian but was seized during the last war between Sirion and Westmoor.

Eponllyn is a realm now almost completely destroyed by the ice who Westmoor approached multiple times to try and improve relations with but each time was turned away and so we can only assume that Eponllyn has no intention of good relations with Westmoor and never did. The fact that they were ordered to bring Siege Engines up north with them as can been seen on the letters page in his highness King Thomas' letter further reduced our confidence as a realm in them.

Fallangard stated early on when Sirion began looting their territory in the war with Caligus that there would be consequences for those actions and it is not surprising that Fallangard and Perleone will also be marching north to fight against Sirion. A battle already took place today in the region of Dulbin where Perdan's Furious Tigers army of cavalry narrowly defeated Sirion's Red Dragons. Some Westmoorian forces were also in the area but were unable to join due to diplomatically being at peace with Sirion.

 Attempted assassination of Gregor Relak! 2 April 1014

In what is a serious shock for Westmoor yesterday the infiltrator Roose Bolton attempted to stab long serving Westmoorian Gregor Relak in Westmoor city. Roose Bolton now in Westmoor's dungeons was an infiltrator working for Nivemus at the time of the assassination. This has caused outrage amongst many of Westmoor's nobility. Our King Thomas Foxglove has written to Nivemus demanding for an explanation who have replied that the infiltrator was working on his own accord. Could this be the final blow that causes a continental war?





Regional News
14 April 1014

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Karbala: Fallangard, Perdan vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 1670 men vs. 1310 men The Army of the Panther Claw (Fallangard), sponsored by Edvard Perfect II, King of Fallangard, Royal of Fallangard, Duke of Isadril, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Donovan Montague. Sir Hostamir of Umbar, Duke of Castle Ubent, Margrave of Castle Ubent is spotted wielding the Daemonic Staff of Parrying. Sir Atanamir of Umbar, King of Perdan, Royal of Perdan is spotted wielding the Enchanted Club. Sir Atanamir of Umbar, King of Perdan, Royal of Perdan is spotted wielding the Doomed Shield of Ustimbar. Sir Atanamir of Umbar, King of Perdan, Royal of Perdan is spotted wearing the Emerald Girdle of Freedom. Bronn Karedan, Count of Beziers was captured by a militia unit of Sirion.

Attacker Victory!

11 April 1014

Looting Reported message to all nobles of Westmoor Tax collectors and wealthy locals in Bruck have been attacked and robbed by Nivemus forces!

Battle in Bruck Nivemus vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 370 men vs. 70 men The Army of Nivemus (Nivemus), sponsored by Talius Valorian, Royal of Nivemus, Duke of Ashforth, Margrave of Ashforth, were led into battle by Marshal Malakai Wolf. Brock Ketchum, Stratarchos of Nivemus, Earl of Juazeiro is spotted wearing the Cursed Chain Mail of the Maiden. Bavol Gottfried, Arithogon of Nivemus, Earl of Salta is spotted wearing the Dragon-Scale Gauntlets of the Kings. Malakor Wolf, Knight of Pucallpa is spotted wearing the Brilliant Chain Mail of Ashforth.
Attacker Victory!

10 April 1014

Sabotage! message to everyone in Krimml Nicoli Rasthaven's guards, in Krimml, have captured Elric Altenahr, an infiltrator working for Sirion while he was sneaking around the camp of Nicoli Rasthaven, Banker of Perdan, Duke of Perdan, Margrave of Perdan, Marshal of the Perdan's Home Defense conspicuously, with a poisoned dagger under his cloak.

Duchy Changes Allegiance message to Everyone on East Continent Coimbra has changed its allegiance with all its regions to the realm of Westmoor. The duchy used to belong to Sirion.

Duchy Joins Realm message to all nobles of Westmoor Giselle Relak has changed the allegiance of Coimbra to your realm. The duchy used to be a part of Sirion. Together with the duke, the following knights joined your realm: Giselle Relak, Ubin cIipt, Eliana Winterwind, Garroway Greneburie, Susanne von Lucker.

Sabotage! message to everyone in Krimml Crownad Branquille's guards, in Krimml, have captured Natalia Blue Star, an infiltrator working for Perdan while she was sneaking around the camp of Crownad Branquille, Knight of Sirion conspicuously, with a poisoned dagger under her cloak.

A new war is breaking out Nivemus has declared war on Perdan.

An alliance was forged The realms of Eponllyn and Sirion have joined into an alliance.

An alliance was forged The realms of Eponllyn and Nivemus have joined into an alliance.

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Krimml: Fallangard, Perdan, Westmoor vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 4290 men vs. 1190 men The Perdan's Murderous Wrath (Perdan), sponsored by ][osferatu Reapers, Royal of Perdan, Duke of Partora, Margrave of Partora, were led into battle by Marshal Saul Claireborne. The Perdan's Crimson Wing (Perdan), sponsored by Nicoli Rasthaven, Banker of Perdan, Duke of Perdan, Margrave of Perdan, Marshal of the Perdan's Home Defense, were led into battle by Marshal Nalle IceBeard. The Perdan's Royal Lions (Perdan), sponsored by Nicoli Rasthaven, Banker of Perdan, Duke of Perdan, Margrave of Perdan, Marshal of the Perdan's Home Defense, were led into battle by Marshal Martin Augulus. The Silver Legion (Sirion), sponsored by Erik Eyolf Serpentis, Judge of Sirion, Royal of Sirion, Duke of Avamar, Margrave of Avamar, were led into battle by Marshal Giselle Relak. The Westmoorian Bulwark (Westmoor), sponsored by Ravier Nebehn, Duke of the Western Moors, Margrave of Westmoor, Marshal of the Westmoorian Bulwark, were led into battle by Marshal Ravier Nebehn. The Army of the Panther Claw (Fallangard), sponsored by Edvard Perfect II, King of Fallangard, Royal of Fallangard, Duke of Isadril, were led into battle by Marshal Iskra Rousseau. Sir Hostamir of Umbar, Duke of Castle Ubent, Margrave of Castle Ubent is spotted wielding the Daemonic Staff of Parrying. Sir Atanamir of Umbar, King of Perdan, Royal of Perdan is spotted wielding the Enchanted Club. Sir Atanamir of Umbar, King of Perdan, Royal of Perdan is spotted wielding the Doomed Shield of Ustimbar. Sir Atanamir of Umbar, King of Perdan, Royal of Perdan is spotted wearing the Emerald Girdle of Freedom. Iskra Rousseau, Count of Abadan, Marshal of the Army of the Panther Claw is spotted wearing the Dragon-Scale Armour of the Dragons. Lisanna Simpson, Countess of Hillmar, Marshal of the Army of Sirion was seriously wounded by Lucian De'Verci's unit. Itachi O'Davidson, Knight of Aix, Marshal of the Perdan's Lethal Panthers was captured by Naismith Willarc's unit. Lisanna Simpson, Countess of Hillmar, Marshal of the Army of Sirion was seriously wounded by Mythos Sons of Homer's unit.

Attacker Victory!

9 April 1014

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Braga: Fallangard, Perdan, Westmoor vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 3580 men vs. 670 men The Perdan's Royal Lions (Perdan), sponsored by Nicoli Rasthaven, Banker of Perdan, Duke of Perdan, Margrave of Perdan, Marshal of the Perdan's Home Defense, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Natalia Blue Star. The Army of Sirion (Sirion), sponsored by Ecthelion Tezokian, Prime Minister of Sirion, Royal of Sirion, Duke of Sirion, Margrave of Sirion, were led into battle by Marshal Lisanna Simpson. The Westmoorian Bulwark (Westmoor), sponsored by Ravier Nebehn, Duke of the Western Moors, Margrave of Westmoor, Marshal of the Westmoorian Bulwark, were led into battle by Marshal Ravier Nebehn. The Army of the Panther Claw (Fallangard), sponsored by Edvard Perfect II, King of Fallangard, Royal of Fallangard, Duke of Isadril, were led into battle by Marshal Iskra Rousseau. Sir Hostamir of Umbar, Duke of Castle Ubent, Margrave of Castle Ubent is spotted wielding the Daemonic Staff of Parrying. Iskra Rousseau, Count of Abadan, Marshal of the Army of the Panther Claw is spotted wearing the Dragon-Scale Armour of the Dragons. Gregor Relak, Lord Justice of Westmoor, Knight of Evora is spotted wielding the Daemonic Nightblade of Parrying. Eldarion Rahl, Count of Ustimbar is spotted wearing the Ornate Gem. Armitage O'Davidson, Countess of Lorient is spotted wielding the Long-Lost Nightblade of Suffering. Alexandra Rowan, Dame of Karbala was captured by Kopis Winter-Born's unit. Grimbaldus Lockhart, Noble of Sirion was captured by Aephora Artwaltz's unit.

Attacker Victory!

Region Exchange message to Everyone on East Continent The realm of Sirion has given the region Oligarch away to Eponllyn.

2 April 1014

Monster Activity Monsters are rampaging in Morshes: The monsters have been seen moving away. They are probably going to another region.

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Isadril: (rogue) vs. Fallangard Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 540 men

Defender Victory!

New Workshop message to the duke and nobles of the Western Moors A new Workshop has been constructed in Westmoor.

1 April 1014

Sabotage! message to all nobles of Westmoor Gregor Relak's guards, in Bruck, have captured Roose Bolton, an infiltrator working for Nivemus while he was sneaking around the camp of Gregor Relak, Lord Justice of Westmoor, Knight of Evora conspicuously, with a poisoned dagger under his cloak.

Battle in Evora (rogue) vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 20 men

Defender Victory!

Disturbing Rumours Lately, the priests have become concerned about rumours that have been whispered around about some peasants with a strange affliction. Apparently, they are possessed by some sort of evil spirits that make them believe they are Daimons. The most worrying part, they say, is how fast this dark plague is spreading, with dozens of new cases appearing daily. Could it presage some fell event soon to come?

New Knight of Westmoor message to all nobles of Westmoor A new knight has emerged from among the ranks of the Westmoor nobles. Hester Gaveston has taken up a vacant estate in the region of Westmoor and started her career today.

New Knight of Westmoor message to all nobles of Westmoor A new knight has emerged from among the ranks of the Westmoor nobles. Isabella Gaveston has taken up a vacant estate in the region of Westmoor and started her career today.