McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Confronting Mathias

From BattleMaster Wiki

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

Sorsha had finally arrived at her estate. Walking through the long hall leading to her bedchamber she was thinking, yet again of Mathias. It was all she seemed to be able to do lately. She wondered how he was and what he was doing, more importantly she wanted to know what he was thinking now and if he still felt the same way for her.

It was obvious by his silence that he either didn’t care about her welfare or maybe he was angry… or maybe… Could he be so oblivious to her? Inconsiderate? She thought of Lycan’s words and pondered this some more. A man of action? Well he had tried to duel Count Bowie. The thought only brought a sigh.

She hated not knowing. This nagging sensation in the pit of her stomach was disconcerting. She was done with waiting. Her bedchamber was still a ways off when she stopped in mid-step. She looked down and shrugged. It would have to do. She would have normally tried to look her best, but right now she could care less. She was actually still wearing her black armor, fitting considering what she was about to do.

Turning around, she walked back the way she came and made her way to the Ducal Palace. The sun was high in the sky, as she announced herself as someone who had grievances to bring up to the Duke and was let through to join the court. Of course they all knew who she was, but they didn’t say anything. The look on her face stopped them short.

She walked into the hall, and watched as Mathias directed the court. She chose a seat and waited until the last peasant had left and rose. He was obviously preoccupied with the work before him and didn’t bother to look up as she approached.

Waiting a few moments to at least give him a chance to look at her but he never did. Finally she became impatient and spoke up. “I have a grievance my lord,” she began in a loud clear voice and he looked up.

“Your voice seems to be in working order, as well as your hands as I can clearly see,” she indicated as she had seen him write something on a parchment. “So then I must count both of these excuses out for not having written or sent word to me. Has my Lord forgotten me?”

She was so incredibly disappointed in him but right now it was coming off as anger.

“How could you profess to have these feelings for me Mathias if you do not even bother to write or to inquire how I am? I guess this only means that I am but a glimmer in your thoughts. And if I am but a fleeting thought to you, then perhaps from this moment forth I should take the example of your actions and reciprocate. ” She took one long look at him before leaving his presence for what she would count as the last time and cocked her head waiting for a response.

She would at least give him a chance to say something in his defense. Her heart was hammering so hard she could feel the pounding of blood in her ears.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:

Standing Mathias then said to the guards, "Doors! Do not let Lady Sorsha through." Then walking towards Sorsha, Mathias dismissed his court.

"My Lady, you know I still have feelings for you, and you know I am not the romantic type. I tried my hardest but I am but a one trick pony. I asked you what I could do to prove my love to you but to no avail. You said however that what must be done would eventually present itself. SO I have decided to wait and see. You see my lady since I do not know what to do, I will let the world show me what to do. And it seems to have presented me with what I needed. You have brought yourself to me with no provocation hence proving to me that my feeling are reciprocated in you. You are not anger my lady, you are just frustrated that I have not shown myself in days. I would not go so far as to say that you have become dependent on me but..."

With that Mathias started to walk off towards his private office with the intention of making the lady follow him.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

Sorsha was affronted that he took any means of escape away from her, but was relieved that he at least told her what she needed to hear. The pounding in her ears lessened somewhat only to be replaced by anxious curiosity. “You would do well not to think of it as dependence,” she said as she followed behind him, her words still cold. She was a solitary creature by nature, she would simply go on living as she always had.

He entered his private office and she stood not far behind him. “Since the world has shown you what you needed, did it also show you what I needed in return?” she asked quietly. “I can clearly see you are no romantic. I don’t expect you to don off your armor every time you see me and start sprouting sonnets, but for the love…. Well for me… Mathias. A little effort in showing you need me goes a long way.”

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:

"Heh you miss understand me my dear Sorsha the world has shown me what you needed not I, and what you need is me. Look around you. You have followed me here on your own free will not once did i insinuate that you should follow or once did you say that I am coming. You followed on instincts my dear. And That is what I need, you at my side. If that is not enough the door is right behind you."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

At his words she stopped cold and stared. Was he serious? Did he live in an alternate reality she was not privy to? Was she speaking Gaelic to his English? She had not once uttered her native language in his presence that was not the issue.

Who treated the ones they claimed to love, this way? Men of actions, she remembered. Well in this case that action spoke volumes. Was she to be the fire to his ice? Did he thrive on it? No more.

She wanted to rage for all she was worth, but clearly she wasn’t worth his time. She wasn’t going to be drawn in by an impossible addiction for a man who brushed her off so easily. It was a while before she gave one long slow blink. Only then realizing they released the confined tears in her moist eyes. Her cheeks reddened. How could she be such a fool?

She gave a slow nod, as if understanding his meaning perfectly. Too perfectly. “Very well,” her voice shook. She didn’t say anything and walked towards the door.