McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/memories of Hexic

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Revision as of 14:15, 16 September 2009 by Firesong (talk | contribs) (New page: '''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' Sorsha decided it was long time she left, the music had stopped and she rose from the bench. She returned inside the palace, gathered her belonging...)
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Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha decided it was long time she left, the music had stopped and she rose from the bench. She returned inside the palace, gathered her belongings and prepared to leave. When she was done, she was back into her blood red skin tight leathers, slicked back, braided hair. She had left the gown on Mathias' bed with her jewelry. Only one thing was missing now, she couldn’t find Lasair. In fact she had figured he would be in the garden but he was nowhere to be seen. She looked inside the palace, then the garden again and then the stables, when she gave up, she began to whistle in such a way the Ocelot would recognize it as hers, she had trained him to respond to it.

She whistled again and waited… She took one of the Duke’s horses, not caring to ask and began to ride home to Nebel. Every once in a while she gave another shrill whistle, hoping her cat would eventually show up.

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

"No, go ahead and become... better acquainted. I am seeing to their safe return to the Lighthouse in the morning, so do not exhaust them too much tonight." Hexic gave a wink, so that only the three could see. "I believe I will be turning in shortly. Perhaps after I finish off this bottle of rum." Hexic gestured to where the rum bottle had been, only to discover it was empty. More to himself Hexic said "Why is the rum always gone?" He sighed, and excused himself.

Hexic wandered outside, he must have taken a wrong turn since he was now in a garden, and not the front of the grounds. Hexic walked the path anyway, confidant it would lead to a suitable exit. Admiring the garden, Hexic thought he saw one of the most beautiful statues he had ever seen. He stood to admire it, and it was only after the statue's gown billowed in the wind did he realize it was in fact a person. It was only then did he recognize Sorsha, and he sobered up immediately.

Hexic walked over and greeted Sorsha.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

On her way back home, Sorsha then thought back to what occurred before she decided to leave for home. The memory was all too vivid. She had in fact, risen to get ready but something had occurred she did not expect and she came face to face with Hexic. “Duke Hexic,” she greeted in turn. “I’m afraid the dancing has come to an abrupt end…” she let trail off without replaying the details. “Have you also decided to return home?”

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

"In the morning, Marshal, I will be escorting Elizabeth and Kathrine back to the Lighthouse. If you're heading in that direction, perhaps I can persuade you to travel with me tomorrow?"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

At Hexic’s invitation, she bit her lip. She then wondered if all higher powers were bent on making the rest of her life unbearably riddled with these types of decisions. She scrutinized his face, looking for a sign there was more to his invitation, but she then figured it didn’t really matter.

“I would have accepted your invitation,” she then told him softly and lowered her eyes. “But I will be leaving this night and going home to Nebel, I can no longer remain here.” She then began to walk slowly forward and he walked with her. “Should you wish to though, you are welcomed to stop by my estate on your way through Nebel.” She then stopped to look into his eyes, and it was only then Hexic would have noticed the difference. Her blue violet eyes were dull, filled with such emptiness, so lifeless it was too hard to ignore.

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

"I'm afraid my first duty is to see Elizabeth and Kathrine arrive home safely. Perhaps another time. I'd best be off to the Mercantile Inn. Should you change your mind, that is where I will be." Hexic said his goodbyes, and departed.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan smiled appreciatively at Duke Hexic's reply. Sure he would enjoy both of the ladies' company for the night. As for not getting them too tired, he wasn't promising anything. He turned around in the direction of the King and Queen's table and upon reaching it he bowed and thanked them for inviting him to the banquet. It had been great and very entertaining. Certainly proper for any royal blooded noble.

He then left with the ladies in a carriage until they reached an hostel. The ladies' hands had been roaming Lycan's body all night, it was only fitting they got what they been craving for. He chuckled at his own thoughts and led them upstairs where they spent the night waking up the other guests in the rooms next to theirs.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha’s gaze refocused from the memory of her encounter with Hexic and she looked to the ground before her. Her horse had now slowed to a walk without her directions and she looked over her shoulder to see she wasn’t that far out of the city and pulled on the reigns bringing the horse to a stop. I'd best be off to the Mercantile Inn. Should you change your mind, that is where I will be." Hexic’s voice played over in her mind.

Maybe she was going about it all wrong. Maybe she simply needed different company all together. She pondered his words for a long time watching the road back, she knew if she turned around now she would find the inn, knock on his room door, and then… She imagined how it may turn out and her eyes lost focus again. No, it was best if she went home instead, she would only put herself into an impossible situation another conflict.

She kicked her horse to a run this time continuing on her way to Nebel.

From now on if anyone wanted her company they would have to go to her.