McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/wedding ceremony

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Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha had gone to wash her face, and then returned to her room. When she did the room was cleared of any evidence that Rathan had ever been there. She took several moments, sitting on a bed, and quietly crawled her way out of the void.

Then as if nothing had even been out of the ordinary her servants returned with some food. She sat quietly while the women started to fuss over her hair, wondering how she had managed to get it out of order so quickly. She never told them why and simply shrugged. She ate in silence, not really tasting her food and let them do what they needed.

When they were done her hair, they brought in her gown, and began to apply makeup to her face.

She was being tended by so many servants, she had lost track of who was who and where, and what was being done and what she needed to do. When everything was complete the servants gave her awed compliments and then left. She finally stood in her room, alone, looking at herself in the mirror.

She took a deep breath and looked down to the bouquet of white roses in her hands. It had taken her so long to get here, almost as if her entire life has been spent for the culmination of this moment alone. And now she was terrified again.

Not because she didn’t want to get married, even after the days events. She loved Mathias, she was ready to do this, but she couldn’t help but wonder what would happen now? Was this the end of her adventure? Was she to settle down peacefully with Mathias and go quietly where everyone would soon forget her?

She kept reminding herself, this was the beginning of a promise, the beginning of the rest of her life.

Deep down though, she felt as if she were about to take a quill and write her last chapter. As if the quill was poised on the last page, only waiting for her to give a small push and finally write ‘the end’.

Would there be more or would this be the last of her? This was her fear… Was this what Kisharianda meant by cold feet?

It would be time soon. Sorsha had sent off a servant to inform the King she was ready. Now all she needed to do was wait…

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

With the battle in the city that day Cenarious had all the reason he needed to wear serviceable garb rather then the ceremonial outfit his wife had no doubt selected. Knowing that his doing so would be tempting fate he ended up compromising by slipping into his study and changing out of his battle armor and into his uniform for military ceremonies. Crafted by the best smiths in D'Hara, Cenarious' black bracers were engraved with his family crest and entwined with a depiction of his ancestor, the Great Dragon Raviel the Storm Rager. His black leather breast plate was adorned with various metals of service, reminders of past battles and of his valor during them. While some where indeed from his time as General here in D'Hara, most were from his time as an elite soldier in one of the East Continents oldest armies.

Sliding his arm through a ceremonial bandoleer he kept for these occasions, Cenarious adjusted its fit on his shoulder before drawing his black steel bastard sword from its regular combat sheath and sliding it into the finely crafted sheath of his bandoleer. Ceremonial garb was one thing, but there was no way Cenarious would consent to using a ceremonial blade. Things of beauty they may well be but they were not tools of war as his battle tested bastard sword is. How could he defend himself or his subjects with a pretty bauble after all.

Finally ready, Cenarious made his way behind the scenes to the wedding area and inquired at Sorsha's door to see if she was prepared enough to see him yet.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias had walked up to the area where he and his love were to be wed. Standing there he marveled in the absolute beauty of the gardens surrounding him. Looking down he straightened out his clothing. Brushing off his scarlet surcoat carrying his emblem, which was embroidered with gold, a phoenix perched between two swords. Then straightening out his white silk shirt with a quick tug he then moved on to his golden belt ensuring that it was centered perfectly on his body. Then brushing some more dust off his black breeches as well his red stockings. Then looking down at his polish tip shoes he swore to himself that he would never wear these uncomfortable foot fashion again.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha was still looking in the mirror, admiring herself now. Her hair had been touched up. The small miniature sapphires had been reset in her hair and sparkled as she moved giving a dazzling effect whenever light touched it. A small delicate silver diadem was nestled in her hair attached to it a long floor length veil. Upon her neck, was a delicate silver necklace, with a teardrop Sapphire pendant.

Her dress was made from the silk Kisharianda had given her. It still had an incredible iridescent effect of blue, which she absolutely adored. Blue was her favorite color… as well as Mathias’.

She had sat with Kisharianda’s mother and explained how she wished it done, and the end result had surpassed even what Sorsha had envisioned.

The front was cut squared across her chest, with delicate straps which loosely sat on her shoulders. The actual bodice was intricately designed with silver threading. The skirt was layered, the white satin marking the outside fold, with a sapphire colored lining to accentuate the center panel of white. The back of her dress tied up with a long ribbon which criss-crossed her entire back, the end of the ribbon then tied at her lower back. Then to finish the entire look, a transparent cape was then tied on to the back of her gown with small silver threads she could untie if she needed. It trailed from the back of her shoulders to the ground, almost the matching length of her veil.

She wondered what Mathias would think upon seeing her and smiled. There was then a knock at her door and Sorsha nodded for her servant to get it. When she opened the door the King entered.

Sorsha turned to face him and smiled. “My King,” she curtsied.

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

Finally it was time for Cenarious to check in on Sorsha, and when the door opened and he got his first look at the bride he found his breath was taken away. She was a vision of loveliness, so much so that he found himself thinking back to his own wedding and how he had felt when he'd first gotten to see his wife in her wedding dress. Maybe he could convince her to wear it again tonight, Cenarious thought to himself for a moment before bring himself back to reality.

"You look beautiful Sorsha," Cenarious said solemnly. "You've grown from a gangly teenager into a beautiful woman right before my eyes these last few years. Were once you could barely keep your sword tip high enough to block a thrust, you have now excelled enough to earn a Marshalship based on your own merits. My heart swelled with pride as I watched you develop into the lady I see before me and it is an honor that you wish me to give you away on this most sacred of days."

Stepping forward Cenarious used a finger to lift Sorsha's blushing face up towards his own. Taking her well sculpted hands in his calloused palms Cenarious continued with a soft smile, "While you may not have been born as one of my daughters, in all the ways that matter you have become one. From this day forth I recognize you as such, and have you ever need of a father I will stand ready to protect and assist you in anyway I can my dear. Today is your day, and your day alone, and it will not be the end of your story here. This is but a new beginning, the start of a grand new chapter in your life, a chapter I am proud to be part of. Is all as you wish it to be? Now is the time for you to speak out from your heart, you have but to ask and I will see your desires made real Princess."

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

Hexic's captain, Andric, ran straight up to Hexic, and whispered a report that Rathan had launched an attack on Port Raviel. "Fetch my claymore, and when you return, stay as close to me with it as possible until the ceremony is over." the Duke whispered in return. "And walk, do not run. I do not want to be responsible for causing panic." Andric acknowledged that he understood completely, and walked calmly to Duke Hexic's chambers.

Just as Hexic began to resume conversation with the bridesmaid he had been speaking with, the Duke caught the figure of Haskil in the corner of his eye, walking at a fast pace. Hexic turned to see that he was following Mathias, whom now stood awaiting his bride. Haskil took his task of preparing Duke Mathias very seriously. After the Duke had walked out on Haskil while he was brushing off some dust, Haskil followed the Duke trying to get rid of the rest of the dust. Figuring Haskil was taking his duties too seriously, and that if Hexic didn't order him to take a seat, Haskil would be fussing over Mathias' clothes during the whole ceremony. Turning one last time to the bridesmaid he had been conversing with, Hexic excused himself from Gabriella and proceeded to take up his station beside Mathias.

Haskil, who was just bout to reach Mathias again, and no doubt cause the Duke more discomfort in attempted to straiten out clothes that were already straight, Hexic caught Haskils arm. "Haskil. The Duke is well enough dressed and is standing in front of countless people. Do not embarrass him. Go have a seat... in the BACK, where you will be less tempted to come up here as he is exchanging his vows." Hexic whispered in a low tone. "But Sire...." Haskil began, only to have Duke Hexic cut him off "If you do not go have a seat at once, I will have you escorted off the grounds. Is that clear?" Haskil acknowledged defeat in this matter, mumbled "Crystal" and proceeded to the farthest row of seating available.

Hexic exchanged pleasantries with Mathias, and took up his station beside his fellow Duke. Hexic noted that Andric had already returned, with claymore in hand. Typical Hexic thought. He must have sprinted as soon as he had been out of sight. Apparently Rathan had made quite the impression on the defending forces of Port Raviel.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

After listening to Cenarious’ words, Sorsha grew speechless. Without really knowing it, he had given her the words she had needed to hear and her hands tightened around his. When she found her voice, she smiled.

“Thank you,” she said her eyes glinting with moisture. “I could not have gotten this far without your caring words, your tutelage and your expert guiding hand.” She then put her arms around Cenarious and held him, as she had always wanted to, as a daughter to a father and leaned her head into his chest “You have given me more than I could have asked of you already… I just wish for you to know… I love you.”

She then pulled back and wiped her eyes with a shy laugh, averting her face. “I think I’ll be doing a lot of that today,” she admitted.

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

"I love you too Princess." Cenarious said softly. "And you can do whatever you want today. This day is all about you."

As the pair grew silent again Cenarious decided to bring a bit of levity to this monumental moment.

"So what is next for this evening? Shall we make Mathias wait while we savor a glass of brandy or two? I've got one of my oldest and most delicious bottles waiting for me just for this occasion you know. I'm looking forward to opening it almost as much as your looking forward to your ceremony no doubt.. and there is always the chance you might like it more then you do Mathias.. I can give you the bottle as easily as I can give you Mathias you know! Besides, the brandy will probably age better!" Cenarious said with a hearty chuckle.

"Then again it might be wise if we make him jump through a hoop or two to prove his devotion to my daughter.." Cenarious continued with feigned seriousness. "You deserve only the best after all. Maybe we can have him walk through fire for you.. or balance on a sword blade.. or even juggle skunks by their tails! Hhhmmm.. now THAT would be entertaining to watch.. from a safe distance of course!"

After a heart felt laugh Cenarious went on, "And you know if he fails to prove his devotion I'll have to have him thrown in a pit of starving ferrets! That will teach him that passionate and fiery things often come in small cute packages now wont it! A lesson he should learn well if he intends to wed my Princess!"

Hugging Sorsha Cenarious whispered, "Or I suppose I can just walk you down the aisle if you insist.."

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Kisharianda waited for Sorsha and Cenarious to enter the hall before she could start the walk to the altar. When she turned around and caught a glimpse of Sorsha her heart sank at the beauty before her. Her dress was absolutely stunning, and it glistened with the candles that lit up the stairs, her hair was tied up perfectly and the gems stood out much like her beauty. She tilted her head in awe and smiled at Sorsha gracefully. When the both reached the doorway Kisharianda gave a small bow to Sorsha to greet her.

"Are we ready my dear" she smiled proudly and Sorsha nodded wrapping her arm around Cenarious' and he gently put his hand on top of hers and smiled at her. Kisharianda took a minute to admire her husband. He wasn't wearing the clothes she had took out for him earlier that morning but with the days event she could understand why. His eyes piercing proudly as he looked over at her, and he stood tall lifting his head up as any King would. He was very fond of Sorsha and she knew it, the bond they shared was like a father to a daughter and it pleased Kish that Sorsha had asked him to give her away on this day.

"Then let's get this ceremony started shall we" Kisharianda turned to face Mathias who stood nervously waiting for his bride. As Kish stepped into the garden the guest stood up and turned around to face the entrance. Kisharianda smiled and began to walk slowly to the end of the walkway. She had made sure that on this day she wouldn't bring any attention to her so she and her mother made a simple light blue dress, the dress caressed her body tightly and hung a few feet behind her as she walked, it was strapless and bared her cleavage. She wore a silver necklace with silver earrings. Her hair had been tied in a bun and baby's breath placed around her head delicately. She carried a small bouquet of flowers and smiled proudly as she walked closer towards Mathias.

Roleplay from Brackern of Burgundy

Brackern was just about to set off in search of some fine D'Haran clothing, when a herald arrived at their temporary residence. Receiving the letter, he couldn't help but be impressed by the elegance of both the words and the writing. He caught a hint of fragrance, and realised that the letter was even scented with a delicate Lavender scent.

After marveling at the letter, he turned to the herald, who was still waiting. "Were you ordered to return immediately, or can you wait for my reply? I wish to honour this courtesy that has been extended to me by writing the reply in person?" asked Brackern." "I have been ordered to take your reply, milord," answered the herald. "Ah, good, please follow me," rejoined Brackern.

Saying thus, he entered back into the well appointed suite a few blocks from the dockfront, and retrieved his quill and the paper that he reserved for the most prestigious occasions. With a flourish, he wrote in his most elegant calligraphy:

'Lady Sorsha, Lord Manfred and I are deeply honoured by your invitation, and most gratefully accept. We wish you all the happiness in the world, and are overjoyed that we shall be able to witness this union of two much esteemed Nobles!'

Yours truly, Sir Brackern

Brackern considered his letter, pondering that from witnessing the preparations and festivities in the city, he had actually understated the esteem that the people of Port Raviel held for Lady Sorsha and Duke Mathias. He considered the letter worthy, and folding it and putting it into a crisp golden tinted envelope, he handed it to the herald, asking the man to deliver it with their warmest thanks and compliments.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

The day so far had been quite eventful and it would be one Sorsha would never forget. As she walked out of the room, Kisharianda began to walk ahead leading the way.

Sorsha smiled as many of the guests then stood to look at her and she walked ahead proudly. She saw many nobles she recognized and she looked to them with a smile. Sir Lycan was there, Marshal Carlos, Sir Skyndarbau, Nobles wearing Caerwyn styled clothing, men she had never met before but was glad and honored to see present for the ceremony. There were most likely many others but she then focused ahead to Mathias and her smile slipped slightly as a lump grew in her throat.

He was gorgeous, as always and she admired his clothes and then her smile returned. Kisharianda was right, the Mathias she had known so long ago had changed. She had brought a softness out of him, together they had found love and he had found his way to her on his own.

Her hand trembled with the sensation and Cenarious must have felt it because he covered it with his and stilled it with a whispered word of encouragement. She was surrounded by the people she loved, and she now floated within that sensation.

As they approached the tree, Kisharianda walked to the right side of the small dais. To Mathias’ left Sorsha noticed Duke Hexic standing by his side and she felt light hearted to see the other Marshal. She gave him a small nod of greeting and respect. Hexic was a loyal and true friend to Mathias, which was rare in these times but mostly he had always been a man she truly admired.

Mathias needed someone to trust and she couldn’t have chosen better herself. In their ordeals they had discovered who they could rely on the most. Hexic had proven himself time and again to be there should she ask, and now she knew it was the same for her husband to be.

Cenarious stopped as they arrived beneath the tree, and Sorsha took a shaky breath. She looked to Mathias whose eyes had not drifted away the entire time.

The priest then walked out to stand before them, waiting for the King to give her away to Mathias.

Roleplay from Manfred Altenhar

Earl Manfred and Sir Brackern attended the wedding ceremony as guests of the Bride, Lady Sorsha. Sir Brackern wore some borrowed D'Haran finery in honour of his hosts, but Manfred wore his ceremonial robes of office, An embroidered tunic, clasped by a belt of tooled leather, worn underneath a white Toga with a wide red lining. He wore a single gold chain bearing the medallion of his Earldom, around his neck, tooled leather vambraces on his arms, and expensive sandals.

Both men cultivated smiles of the utmost urbanity, as befitted nobles of the Glorious Republic, visiting a civilised state. They drank little, said only what was appropriate, and observed much.

"Manfred leaned close to Brackern and whispered. The couple looks very happy. A Love match I'd say. I wish them the best of luck."

"And see that chap over there in the robes? looks like a priest of Sanguis Astroism to me. Those fellas get about." Manfred smiled politely and nodded to the robed man.

"Well its been a grand time here. As soon as the ceremony is over we'll weigh anchor and away to Ordenstadt. Grain doesn't deliver itself, and things are grim there I've heard."

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

As they walked down the aisle to where Mathias was waiting Cenarious whispered sweet words of encouragement to Sorsha. He was proud of her for many reasons as he held her hand and led her to her soon to be husband and her new life. She was beautiful and serene, daughter of his heart if not his loins, and she deserved for this day to be perfect. When they reached Mathias, Cenarious subtly stepped in close as he handed over his daughter's hand and spoke to him in a voice so low that no one else could hear him.

"If you break my daughter's heart you will beg me for death before I am through with you…" Cenarious whispered while maintaining a broad smile for all those watching.

Kissing Sorsha's cheek through her veil Cenarious stepped off to the side and watched the wedding proceed.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan heard the rumors about Rathan entering the Palace and he immediately got up and searched for Sorsha and Mathias. His presence there wasn't a good premise. He couldn't find Mathias and when he was about to reach the stairs to her chambers he saw someone fall on the bay. He ran out to see who it was and realized it to be Rathan. His heart raced as he thought of what he could have done to Sorsha. He tried to go upstairs but in the way he found the King who assured him she was alright. He still wanted to make sure for himself but the King told him Sorsha was preparing for the ceremony and he should return to his seat.

Since it was the King who assured him she was fine, Lycan went back out to the gardens, reluctantly and waited. He was restless. He wanted to talk to her, make sure she didn't need anything. But orders were orders.

Lycan had been waiting for a while when he saw the King and Sorsha entering the garden. Lycan got up as all other guests did and he breathed easier when he saw her well and amazingly beautiful nonetheless. He was speechless. She was the most beautiful bride he'd ever seen. Looking up to the altar he saw Mathias there proud as the King gave his bride away to him. Love could be seen in their eyes and Lycan smiled as his heart felt joy for witnessing this wonderful moment.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias had been standing there near the priest for some time now. Waiting for the chance to see his lovely bride. Then it happened he saw Sorsha along with the King turn the corner and begin walking up the row. Her dress so magnificent that it made the perfection that he saw his love as even more perfect.

He seemed entranced by his love so much so that he couldn't draw his eyes away from her, at least not until the king had walked up to him with a little warning, "Of course my King, you need not fear that from me." he said whispering his response.

Then gently squeezing her hand he turned to face the priest.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

The day was beginning to end, and the sky was changing colors, and soon the sun would begin to set. The servants around the garden then came to large stands of silver on which sat covered braziers, scented with floral oils. They lifted the covers and lit the bowls, both adding a lulling fragrance and to light the garden in the coming twilight.

The priest before them blessed them both with his love and a prayer of protecting promising to shelter the love of the children before them. Sorsha had requested that the ceremony be kept simple, and that no deities be mentioned. The priest had acquiesced and focused instead on speaking of love, and the union of two souls. He spoke at great length of it, but Sorsha was not really paying much attention to his words, all she could do was smile. Together they faced one another and she was unable to tear her gaze away from him.

They locked eyes, and it seemed the garden shrunk away until only the two of them remained. She thought of the first moment she had met him, their first kiss, their first touch, their first moment of deep intimate passion and her eyes filled with moisture.

Within his blue eyes, she could see the love he had for her, as if what was on her mind was reflected back to her. The emotion radiated from him and she could now see, she had always been and would forever be his universe.

How could she have resisted him for so long? One thing she was sure of now, was that they had loved one another from the very beginning. They had been through every conceivable obstacle and through it all, they were still together, as strong as they could be. She smiled at the thought and a single tear escaped her eyes.

All she could think of at that moment was how much he meant to her. When she felt she couldn’t go on, he had carried her. When she wanted to give up, his voice had given her hope. When she had needed protection, he had been there to shelter her. And when others had promised her the world and failed, he had given her his instead. In him she would always be complete, her heart and soul sang with that promise now.

The ceremony continued on for some time, as she had requested, until the first stars began to dot the night sky. When it was time, the priest said his final words and then motioned to Sorsha, “you may begin.”

She then looked to the priest with a warm smile and held Mathias’ hands in hers and spoke softly,

“As the setting of the sun
Gives rise to the moon
Beneath the setting of these stars,
Which will light thee for eternity,

I, Sorsha McDowell offer all that I am to you, Mathias Ridder, my heart, my pulse, my love.”

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Looking back to Sorsha he listened as his love said her vows, and when his turn came he began,

"You are the light of my sun,
You are the brightness of my moon,
You are the star of each night,
You are my only eternity.

I, Mathias Ridder, take all that you are, and offer the same to you, Sorsha McDowell, mo’ghrá, mo’chuisle, mo’shearc."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha grew more emotional as Mathias’ words seemed to answer her own. She then let go of his hands and removed her McDowell ring from her middle finger and before the assembled nobles and Mathias, she unlocked the small piece of jewelry in half. Each piece had half of a heart, half of a crown, and two incomplete swords. “This ring alone, signifies how incomplete I am, for only with you now shall I ever be whole again. ”

She held his hand and slid the ring over his ring finger.

“With you I share my life, for you are my solitude’s companion.
To you I give my smile, because you are my heart’s joy.
With you I shall feed my passions, for you are my desire’s mate.
My soul is bound to yours, because only you are my soul’s twin.”

And she then brought his hand up and kissed the ring and then turned his hand upward and kissed his palm. “We are one.”

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias then taking his ring to give to Sorsha from a servant who quietly moved up and left before being noticed by any. Taking her hand he then slowly slid the ring on her finger then looking deeply into her eyes he brought her hand to his lips and laid a small kiss on her hand.

"With these hands I give you my heart, and crown it with my love,
You shall always live within me, for each moment I live is for you,
for you I will fight and protect, for I would die for you.
Should you die for me, I will die eternally.

From this day I am no longer me without you, you are my universe, my all. Know, I belong to you forever."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha looked to the beautiful ring Mathias gave her and smiled as he brought her hand to his mouth to kiss it. Now more tears escaped her eyes, but they were tears of happiness. She then gently touched Mathias’ cheek with deep adoration.

“From this day I am no longer me without you, you are my universe, my all. Know, I belong to you forever," she repeated with a smile.

The priest, knowing this to be the end of their vows, said a solemn prayer and then looked to the happy couple. “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” he then leaned over with a small grin to Mathias. “You may now kiss your beautiful bride.”

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias took a small step forward towards his wife. Then grabbing her gently around the waist with one hand and her shoulder in the other he leaned her back kissed her for what seemed like an eternity. Finally bringing the two back up he turned her to face the crowd of people now cheering them on.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

After Mathias pulled her back up, Sorsha grinned. She knew Mathias, and he had anticipated that kiss the entire day now. When he turned her to face the crowd, she saw many tears from the women, and grins from the men, but all cheered them on, and clapped enthusiastically.

Mathias then led her from the dais and down the petal strewn path and led her out of the garden. A herald then stood up on the dais and spoke in a clear voice. “The bride and groom wish to invite the guests for dinner in the banquet hall. Afterwards, there will be a ball in the grand hall.”