Sir Temple

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Region Details
Continent East Continent
Region Type Stronghold
Geographic Area East Coast
Population 2388
Economy Farming, Fishing
Realm (rogue)

Sir temple is a small city region located in a hilly region inthe north central area of the East Island. Sir Temple is the source of the Sirion River. Prior to the Great Eruption this region was known as Sirion Castle.


During the Elven Year 6295, The Great Calamity fell upon the East Continent. For many days, the skies remained dark, and the air filled with acrid smoke and dust. Many felt that the Gods were destroying the continent after many years of war. The pride and former capital of the great Sirion Republic, Sirion Castle, was destoyed during those darkened days. Years of warfare could not do what the Gods wrought upon the jewel of Sirion.

In the aftermath of The Great Calamaty, a mysterious prophet, whose name is still unknown to this day, was heard to be preaching in the region. This prophet spoke of former history, glory, and honor once known to only a few elves. The prophet pointed the way to what was thought to have been forever lost, the Temple of the Elves. After many generations, the temple had once again seen the light of day. The elven people, renewed by the discovery, began to restore the temple to its former glory.

Sir Temple now stands as a testament to the longevity of Sirion. The former guardians of the region include:

Hyraltic - Duke of Sirion Castle Tzarmeister Duke of Sirion Castle Alexander - Present during The Great Calamity. Graf - Duke of Sir Temple Glacious - Duke of Sir Temple Papier - Duke of Sir Temple

last updated on 2008-12-19 by Papier


Economic Sector Workers Quality
Farming 35 % average
Fishing 16 % good
Manufacturing 14 % average
Trade 13 % average