Talk:Aetheris Pyrism/Pantheon

From BattleMaster Wiki

Amazing work with the pictures! I say that the page is rather well pretty-fyied now :) I knew the religion was awesome before, but now we also have some nice images to look at. --Arakiss 15:56, 24 September 2011 (CEST)

Thanks man :) I really appreciate it! -- Shenron 01:20, 25 September 2011 (CEST)

Proposed new gods

For those who wish to introduce them.


The Outcast is commonly envisioned as a man in travelling clothes, usually ragged and in poor conditions. He is the patron of those who seek vengeance and retaliation.


The Fair is represented by the image of a maiden in white garments. She blesses those who love and seek peace.


The Untainted often receives the representation of the stereotypical knight-in-shinning-armor. He is the paladin of honor and his way is followed only by the most pious Heroes and Cavaliers.


The Bright is pictured as a man of varying ages wearing ostentatious garments and jewelry. He is the representation of skill and prowess, bless those who seek to improve and test themselves. He is associated with the glory and fame of those who out stand others in their chosen field, usually the skill with the sword and the lance.


The Shadow is depicted as a man partially covered in shadows, and completely concealed in dark garments, only a hand wielding a dagger exposed. He is the patron of assassination and stealth, and is naturally worshiped by infiltrators.

Ecclesiastical Reforms


Confusions with the terms "Gods" and "Higher/Lower Spirits", specially when communicating with other religions.
Lack of "flesh" in the Higher Spirits.
Ambivalence in Roleplays regarding the nature and attitude of the Gods, some more concretely active, some more ethereal and abstract.
Not enough separation between the several Lower Spirits.


Gods become Dei supera or Superior Gods or Those Above. } Caeles (celestials)
Abstract and ethereal entities of superior power which do not mingle in our business, busy with more elevated affairs. (Akin to the Greek Primordials)

Higher Spirits become Dei maiora or Greater Gods or Higher Ones. } Caeles (celestials)
Closer to Slavic deities, few see glimpses of them or of their actions. (Akin to the Greek Olympians)

Stronger Lower Spirits become Deitates or Deities.
Demons and demigods inhabiting our world.

Weaker Lower Spirits become Phantasma or Spirits.
Animistic entities populating our world.

Saints become Ascended (Ascensa).

Ancestors or Elders.


Somewhat emulating the Roman Church. Names to be changed.

Umbrella of several independent cults united by common respect and a College (Collegium Pontificum).

1) Pontifex Maximus: Main representative of the Church.

2) Flamen superior: Chief cleric to a Deus superior.

3) Flamen maior: Chief cleric to a Deus maior.

4) Augur: Priest.

5) Epulones: Patrons.

Possible titles: High/Grand/Great/Greater/Proto/Arch/Venerable/Ecclesiastical/Lay Cleric/Priest/Prelate/Deacon/Prior/Provost/Primarch. And many more:

Question: continue with the Fire-themed titles or move to Latin (Roman) or existing ecclesiastical titles?

Church Language

The basic idea would be to have two names for each key-concept, one in Latin and one in English, its translation, so that everything can be referred to using a RPed either erudite or vulgar approach.