Dubhaine Family/Rhidhana/Battles/1012/March

From BattleMaster Wiki

March 8th

Sunrise -- Braga

1AUndead Horde(Undead)(rogue)48 otherline  813
2DBraga Beserkers(militia/guard unit)Fontan18 Infline  275
3DBraga Long Range Defenders(militia/guard unit)Fontan26 Archline  326
4D Burning ArrowsZartosFontan35 Archline  480
5DDefenders of Braga(militia/guard unit)Fontan25 Infline  369
6DFlamekin(militia/guard unit)Fontan26 Infwedge  479
7D Flaming ArrowsBrockFontan40 Archline  574
8D Hunting PartyGuis'waFontan48 Infline  589
9DHunting Party(militia/guard unit)Fontan37 Infbox  501
10DIbladesh Palace GuardsArianneFontan4 Infline  119
11D Knights of CnaeusCnaeus AulusFontan24 Cavwedge  243
12D Negev Green JacketsRhidhanaFontan20 SFline  599
13D Oporto MusketeersKaysaFontan37 MIline  606
14DStabCut IFuseFontan21 Infline  192
15D The RagettesYvonneFontan32 Archline  449
16D This Is Fontan!SandraFontan47 Infline  559

1 attackers (48 other)
15 defenders (226 Inf, 37 MI, 133 Arch, 24 Cav, 20 SF)
Total combat strengths: 813 vs. 6360

The region owner Fontan and their allies defend.
The (rogue) troops attack because they are at war with Fontan.

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.
Lady Rhidhana Dubhaine, Marshal of the Fontan Rangers takes command of her army. They deploy in Infantry Wall formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

    <Char >1 (48-U)
</Char >
  7 (40-A)
8 (48-I)
13 (37-M)
14 (21-I)
16 (47-I)
<Char >2 (18-I)
</Char ><Char >3 (26-A)
</Char > 4 (35-A)
<Char >5 (25-I)
</Char ><Char >6 (26-I)
</Char ><Char >9 (37-I)
</Char >10 (4-I)
12 (20-S)
11 (24-C)
15 (32-A)

<Char >Braga Long Range Defenders (3) move closer to get better shots.
</Char ><Char > Flaming Arrows (7) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 257 hits.
</Char ><Char > Burning Arrows (4) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 193 hits.
</Char > Negev Green Jackets (12) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
<Char > The Ragettes (15) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 98 hits.
</Char ><Char > Oporto Musketeers (13) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 279 hits.
</Char >Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 827, Defenders: 0
Knights of Cnaeus (11) ride on, closing in on the enemy.
Flamekin (6) stay behind their camp fortifications.
Defenders of Braga (5) stay behind their camp fortifications.
Hunting Party (9) stay behind their camp fortifications.
Braga Beserkers (2) stay behind their camp fortifications.
Undead Horde (1) advance towards the enemy.
StabCut I (14), Ibladesh Palace Guards (10), This Is Fontan! (16) and Hunting Party (8) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line):
2 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
<Char >Undead Horde (1) score 70 hits on This Is Fontan! (16).
</Char ><Char >Undead Horde (1) score 73 hits on Hunting Party (8).
</Char ><Char >Undead Horde (1) score 29 hits on StabCut I (14).
</Char >StabCut I (14) score 77 hits on Undead Horde (1).
This Is Fontan! (16) score 302 hits on Undead Horde (1).
Hunting Party (8) score 543 hits on Undead Horde (1).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 922, Defenders: 172

<Char >Undead Horde (1) take 1749 hits (922 in close combat, 827 from archer fire), which cause 48 casualties, wiping the unit out.
</Char >StabCut I (14) take 29 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
This Is Fontan! (16) take 70 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Hunting Party (8) take 73 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1749 (922 from close combat and 827 from ranged), Defenders: 172 (172 from close combat and 0 from ranged)
Total casualties: 48 attackers, 5 defenders

Defender Victory! The battle does minor damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 2 %.


The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 0 Honour. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 7 points. Combat training increases by 1 points.

March 17th

Sunset -- Braga

1AMonsters(Monsters)(rogue)4 otherline  290
2DArrows of AzulJustinFontan10 Archline  159
3DBraga Beserkers(militia/guard unit)Fontan17 Infline  265
4DBraga Long Range Defenders(militia/guard unit)Fontan26 Archline  333
5D Burning ArrowsZartosFontan35 Archline  439
6D Clybr RangersLaicchFontan40 Archline  611
7DDefenders of Braga(militia/guard unit)Fontan24 Infline  364
8DFlamekin(militia/guard unit)Fontan25 Infwedge  468
9D Hunting PartyGuis'waFontan48 Infline  579
10DHunting Party(militia/guard unit)Fontan36 Infbox  500
11D Iron MasksLyzekielFontan39 Infbox  519
12D Negev Green JacketsRhidhanaFontan22 SFline  565
13D Redwulf's YeomenRedwulfFontan28 Infline  364
14DRowan's RidersRowanFontan16 Cavline  391
15D SkyfireValentineFontan10 Archline  151
16D The RagettesYvonneFontan32 Archline  417

1 attackers (4 other)
15 defenders (217 Inf, 153 Arch, 16 Cav, 22 SF)
Total combat strengths: 290 vs. 6125

The region owner Fontan and their allies defend.
The (rogue) troops attack because they are at war with Fontan.

Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.
Laicch Abliarsec, Marshal of the Democratic Guard takes command of her army. They deploy in no particular formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

   <Char >1 (4-M)
</Char >
  2 (10-A)
6 (40-A)
9 (48-I)
13 (28-I)
<Char >3 (17-I)
</Char ><Char >4 (26-A)
</Char ><Char >7 (24-I)
</Char ><Char >8 (25-I)
</Char ><Char >10 (36-I)
</Char > 11 (39-I)
12 (22-S)
5 (35-A)
14 (16-C)
15 (10-A)
16 (32-A)

The Ragettes (16) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Negev Green Jackets (12) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Skyfire (15) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
<Char ><Char >Braga Long Range Defenders (4) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 52 hits.
</Char ></Char ><Char > Clybr Rangers (6) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 255 hits.
</Char ><Char >Arrows of Azul (2) fire on Monsters (1), scoring 95 hits.
</Char > Burning Arrows (5) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 402, Defenders: 0
Rowan's Riders (14) ride on, closing in on the enemy.
Flamekin (8) stay behind their camp fortifications.
Braga Beserkers (3) stay behind their camp fortifications.
Hunting Party (10) stay behind their camp fortifications.
Defenders of Braga (7) stay behind their camp fortifications.
Monsters (1) advance towards the enemy.
Iron Masks (11), Redwulf's Yeomen (13) and Hunting Party (9) advance towards the enemy.

<Char >Monsters (1) take 402 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
</Char >Total hits suffered: Attackers: 402 (0 from close combat and 402 from ranged), Defenders: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged)
Total casualties: 4 attackers, 0 defenders

Defender Victory! The locals are grateful for defeating the evil forces plaguing their region.


The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 0 Honour. Your captain has improved his skill level. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 7 points. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 1 points.

March 27th

Sunrise -- Hagley

1A Aethelwulf Strike YeomenAethelwulfFontan62 Infline  642
2A Alodian ThingmenAlodiaFontan35 Archline  420
3A Arrows of AzulJustinFontan55 Archline  523
4A Darkness PrevailsJames Hind theFontan27 Infline  269
5A Flaming ArrowsBrockFontan40 Archline  556
6A Fontan ForeverAulus SeverusFontan65 SFline  1585
7A Iron MasksLyzekielFontan70 Infline  772
8A Just DeservesNathanialFontan28 SFline  589
9A Knights of CnaeusCnaeus AulusFontan25 Cavwedge  273
10A Lyirchtsars PrincipesRomanFontan24 SFline  536
11A Majikcal MaileonsLayrahFontan18 SFline  378
12A Majikcal SteedsSangahFontan33 Cavwedge  514
13A Men of WarMoznyFontan32 Infline  400
14A Negev Green JacketsRhidhanaFontan42 SFline  862
15AOberndorf YeomanryIndutiomarusFontan50 Archline  431
16A Redwulf's YeomenRedwulfFontan28 Infline  370
17A SkyfireValentineFontan44 Archline  509
18A Stratharch At ArmsTerviusFontan32 Infline  406
19A Strongjawed PezhetairoiAsgautr StrongjawFontan39 Archline  477
20A The RagettesYvonneFontan30 Archline  249
21A Trivium FlowAstrosFontan50 Infline  370
22A Trivium RisingAloisFontan32 Infline  268
23DAngry Peasants(militia/guard unit)Westmoor46 otherline  158

22 attackers (333 Inf, 293 Arch, 58 Cav, 177 SF)
1 defenders (46 other)
Total combat strengths: 11399 vs. 158

The peasants of Westmoor and their allies defend.
The Fontan troops attack because they are at war with Westmoor.

Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.
Aulus Severus of the Scipii, Chancellor of Fontan takes command of his army. They deploy in Archer Opening formation.
Lady Rhidhana Dubhaine, Marshal of the Fontan Rangers takes command of her army. They deploy in Archer Opening formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

  9 (25-C)
12 (33-C)
15 (50-A)
1 (62-I)
4 (27-I)
6 (65-S)
7 (70-I)
10 (24-S)
13 (32-I)
16 (28-I)
18 (32-I)
21 (50-I)
22 (32-I)
2 (35-A)
3 (55-A)
5 (40-A)
8 (28-S)
11 (18-S)
14 (42-S)
17 (44-A)
19 (39-A)
20 (30-A)
 <Char >23 (46-P)
</Char >

<Char > Strongjawed Pezhetairoi (19) fire on Angry Peasants (23), scoring 194 hits.
</Char ><Char > The Ragettes (20) fire on Angry Peasants (23), scoring 80 hits.
</Char ><Char > Flaming Arrows (5) fire on Angry Peasants (23), scoring 224 hits.
</Char ><Char > Arrows of Azul (3) fire on Angry Peasants (23), scoring 207 hits.
</Char ><Char > Skyfire (17) fire on Angry Peasants (23), scoring 187 hits.
</Char > Negev Green Jackets (14) move closer to get better shots.
<Char >Oberndorf Yeomanry (15) fire on Angry Peasants (23), scoring 55 hits.
</Char ><Char > Alodian Thingmen (2) fire on Angry Peasants (23), scoring 241 hits.
</Char >Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 0, Defenders: 1188
Majikcal Steeds (12) and Knights of Cnaeus (9) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
Men of War (13), Stratharch At Arms (18), Aethelwulf Strike Yeomen (1), Just Deserves (8), Iron Masks (7), Trivium Rising (22), Redwulf's Yeomen (16), Darkness Prevails (4), Majikcal Maileons (11), Fontan Forever (6), Lyirchtsars Principes (10) and Trivium Flow (21) advance towards the enemy.
Angry Peasants (23) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line):
7 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
Just Deserves (8) score 329 hits on Angry Peasants (23).
Majikcal Maileons (11) score 257 hits on Angry Peasants (23).
Negev Green Jackets (14) score 580 hits on Angry Peasants (23).
<Char >Angry Peasants (23) score 7 hits on Just Deserves (8).
</Char ><Char >Angry Peasants (23) score 7 hits on Negev Green Jackets (14).
</Char ><Char >Angry Peasants (23) score 4 hits on Majikcal Maileons (11).
</Char >Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 18, Defenders: 1166

Just Deserves (8) take 7 hits in close combat. No casualties.
Majikcal Maileons (11) take 4 hits in close combat. No casualties.
Negev Green Jackets (14) take 7 hits in close combat. No casualties.
<Char >Angry Peasants (23) take 2354 hits (1166 in close combat, 1188 from archer fire), which cause 46 casualties, wiping the unit out.
</Char >Total hits suffered: Attackers: 18 (18 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 2354 (1166 from close combat and 1188 from ranged)
Total casualties: 0 attackers, 46 defenders

Attacker Victory!


The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 0 Honour. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 5 points. Your men's equipment suffers 1 % damage. Unit cohesion rises 2 points.

March 28th

Sunrise - Hagley

1A Aethelwulf Strike YeomenAethelwulfFontan62 Infline  624
2A Alodian ThingmenAlodiaFontan35 Archline  413
3A Arrows of AzulJustinFontan55 Archline  510
4A Burning ArrowsZartosFontan35 Archline  453
5A Darkness PrevailsJames Hind theFontan27 Infline  264
6A FlamekinPrandurFontan30 Archline  372
7A Flaming ArrowsBrockFontan40 Archline  527
8A Fontan ForeverAulus SeverusFontan65 SFline  1561
9A For Fontan!DruhtinazFontan23 SFline  622
10AHufflers and HigglersHugoFontan28 Infline  341
11A Hunting PartyGuis'waFontan53 Infline  664
12A Iron MasksLyzekielFontan70 Infline  753
13A Just DeservesNathanialFontan28 SFline  581
14A Knights of CnaeusCnaeus AulusFontan25 Cavwedge  267
15A Lyirchtsars PrincipesRomanFontan24 SFline  528
16A Majikcal MaileonsLayrahFontan18 SFline  370
17A Majikcal SteedsSangahFontan33 Cavwedge  504
18A Men of WarMoznyFontan32 Infline  390
19A Negev Green JacketsRhidhanaFontan42 SFline  843
20AOberndorf YeomanryIndutiomarusFontan50 Archline  417
21A Redwulf's YeomenRedwulfFontan28 Infline  360
22A SkjaldmaerFarneseFontan32 SFline  590
23A SkyfireValentineFontan44 Archline  495
24A Stratharch At ArmsTerviusFontan32 Infline  404
25A Strongjawed PezhetairoiAsgautr StrongjawFontan39 Archline  467
26A The RagettesYvonneFontan30 Archline  254
27A This Is Fontan!SandraFontan47 Infbox  577
28A Trivium FlowAstrosFontan50 Infline  354
29A Trivium RisingAloisFontan32 Infline  261
30D 17th Special Forces RegimentRhakanvarWestmoor9 SFbox  256
31DAngry Peasants(militia/guard unit)Westmoor26 otherline  101
32D Arrows of SorrowDiscordeliaWestmoor20 Archline  324
33D Poitiers InfantryMaronWestmoor36 Infline  403

29 attackers (461 Inf, 358 Arch, 58 Cav, 232 SF)
4 defenders (36 Inf, 20 Arch, 9 SF, 26 other)
Total combat strengths: 14766 vs. 1084

The region owner Westmoor and their allies defend.
The Fontan troops attack because they are at war with Westmoor.

A calm wind blows, to the joy of the archers.
Aulus Severus of the Scipii, Chancellor of Fontan takes command of his army. They deploy in Archer Opening formation.
Lady Rhidhana Dubhaine, Marshal of the Fontan Rangers takes command of her army. They deploy in Archer Opening formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

  14 (25-C)
17 (33-C)
10 (28-I)
1 (62-I)
5 (27-I)
8 (65-S)
9 (23-S)
11 (53-I)
12 (70-I)
15 (24-S)
18 (32-I)
21 (28-I)
22 (32-S)
24 (32-I)
27 (47-I)
28 (50-I)
29 (32-I)
2 (35-A)
3 (55-A)
4 (35-A)
6 (30-A)
7 (40-A)
13 (28-S)
16 (18-S)
19 (42-S)
20 (50-A)
23 (44-A)
25 (39-A)
26 (30-A)
 <Char >31 (26-P)
</Char >
33 (36-I)
32 (20-A)
30 (9-S)

<Char >Oberndorf Yeomanry (20) fire on Angry Peasants (31), scoring 135 hits.
</Char ><Char > Negev Green Jackets (19) fire on Angry Peasants (31), scoring 305 hits.
</Char > Arrows of Sorrow (32) fire on Just Deserves (13), scoring 79 hits.
<Char > Alodian Thingmen (2) fire on Angry Peasants (31), scoring 315 hits.
</Char ><Char > Flaming Arrows (7) fire on Angry Peasants (31), scoring 318 hits.
</Char ><Char > Strongjawed Pezhetairoi (25) fire on Angry Peasants (31), scoring 221 hits.
</Char ><Char > The Ragettes (26) fire on Angry Peasants (31), scoring 122 hits.
</Char ><Char > Skyfire (23) fire on Angry Peasants (31), scoring 330 hits.
</Char ><Char > Flamekin (6) fire on Angry Peasants (31), scoring 294 hits.
</Char ><Char > Arrows of Azul (3) fire on Angry Peasants (31), scoring 303 hits.
</Char ><Char > Burning Arrows (4) fire on Angry Peasants (31), scoring 357 hits.
</Char > 17th Special Forces Regiment (30) move closer to get better shots.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 79, Defenders: 2700
Knights of Cnaeus (14) and Majikcal Steeds (17) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
Hunting Party (11), Aethelwulf Strike Yeomen (1), Lyirchtsars Principes (15), Darkness Prevails (5), Skjaldmaer (22), Trivium Flow (28), Stratharch At Arms (24), Trivium Rising (29), Majikcal Maileons (16), Hufflers and Higglers (10), Iron Masks (12), Fontan Forever (8), Men of War (18), For Fontan! (9), This Is Fontan! (27), Redwulf's Yeomen (21) and Just Deserves (13) advance towards the enemy.
Angry Peasants (31) and Poitiers Infantry (33) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line):
2 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
<Char >Angry Peasants (31) score 11 hits on Just Deserves (13).
</Char ><Char >Angry Peasants (31) score 10 hits on Majikcal Maileons (16).
</Char > Majikcal Maileons (16) score 283 hits on Angry Peasants (31).
Just Deserves (13) score 669 hits on Angry Peasants (31).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 21, Defenders: 952

<Char >Angry Peasants (31) take 3652 hits (952 in close combat, 2700 from archer fire), which cause 26 casualties, wiping the unit out.
</Char > Majikcal Maileons (16) take 10 hits in close combat. No casualties.
Just Deserves (13) take 90 hits (11 in close combat, 79 from archer fire), which cause 2 casualties.
Nathanial Cordon-D'Anerville (Knight of Oberndorf, Fontan) has been wounded by Arrows of Sorrow (32).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 100 (21 from close combat and 79 from ranged), Defenders: 3652 (952 from close combat and 2700 from ranged)
Total casualties: 2 attackers, 26 defenders

Turn No. 2

   10 (28-I)
14 (25-C)
17 (33-C)
1 (62-I)
2 (35-A)
3 (55-A)
4 (35-A)
5 (27-I)
6 (30-A)
7 (40-A)
8 (65-S)
9 (23-S)
11 (53-I)
12 (70-I)
15 (24-S)
18 (32-I)
19 (42-S)
20 (50-A)
21 (28-I)
22 (32-S)
23 (44-A)
24 (32-I)
25 (39-A)
26 (30-A)
27 (47-I)
28 (50-I)
29 (32-I)
13 (26-S)
16 (18-S)
33 (36-I)
  30 (9-S)
32 (20-A)

Arrows of Azul (3) fire on Poitiers Infantry (33), scoring 222 hits.
Burning Arrows (4) fire on Poitiers Infantry (33), scoring 314 hits.
Flaming Arrows (7) fire on Poitiers Infantry (33), scoring 300 hits.
Skyfire (23) fire on Poitiers Infantry (33), scoring 220 hits.
The Ragettes (26) fire on Poitiers Infantry (33), scoring 80 hits.
17th Special Forces Regiment (30) fire on Just Deserves (13), scoring 53 hits.
Strongjawed Pezhetairoi (25) fire on Poitiers Infantry (33), scoring 341 hits.
Alodian Thingmen (2) fire on Poitiers Infantry (33), scoring 233 hits.
Flamekin (6) fire on Poitiers Infantry (33), scoring 241 hits.
Arrows of Sorrow (32) fire on Just Deserves (13), scoring 74 hits.
Oberndorf Yeomanry (20) fire on Poitiers Infantry (33), scoring 150 hits.
Negev Green Jackets (19) fire on Poitiers Infantry (33), scoring 363 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 127, Defenders: 2464
Majikcal Steeds (17) and Knights of Cnaeus (14) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
Hunting Party (11), Aethelwulf Strike Yeomen (1), Just Deserves (13), Trivium Flow (28), Majikcal Maileons (16), Trivium Rising (29), Skjaldmaer (22), Men of War (18), Darkness Prevails (5), Hufflers and Higglers (10), Redwulf's Yeomen (21), Fontan Forever (8), This Is Fontan! (27), For Fontan! (9), Stratharch At Arms (24), Lyirchtsars Principes (15) and Iron Masks (12) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
2 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
Just Deserves (13) score 386 hits on Poitiers Infantry (33).
Majikcal Maileons (16) score 259 hits on Poitiers Infantry (33).
Poitiers Infantry (33) score 139 hits on Just Deserves (13).
Poitiers Infantry (33) score 121 hits on Majikcal Maileons (16).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 260, Defenders: 645

Just Deserves (13) take 266 hits (139 in close combat, 127 from archer fire), which cause 6 casualties.
Majikcal Maileons (16) take 121 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Poitiers Infantry (33) take 3109 hits (645 in close combat, 2464 from archer fire), which cause 36 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Maron Altir (Knight of Morshes, Westmoor) has been wounded by Arrows of Azul (3).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 387 (260 from close combat and 127 from ranged), Defenders: 3109 (645 from close combat and 2464 from ranged)
Total casualties: 9 attackers, 36 defenders

Turn No. 3

     2 (35-A)
3 (55-A)
4 (35-A)
6 (30-A)
7 (40-A)
10 (28-I)
19 (42-S)
20 (50-A)
23 (44-A)
25 (39-A)
26 (30-A)
1 (62-I)
5 (27-I)
8 (65-S)
9 (23-S)
11 (53-I)
12 (70-I)
14 (25-C)
15 (24-S)
17 (33-C)
18 (32-I)
21 (28-I)
22 (32-S)
24 (32-I)
27 (47-I)
28 (50-I)
29 (32-I)
13 (20-S)
16 (15-S)
  30 (9-S)
32 (20-A)

Burning Arrows (4) fire on Arrows of Sorrow (32), scoring 138 hits.
Strongjawed Pezhetairoi (25) fire on 17th Special Forces Regiment (30), scoring 157 hits.
Flaming Arrows (7) fire on Arrows of Sorrow (32), scoring 154 hits.
Flamekin (6) fire on 17th Special Forces Regiment (30), scoring 158 hits.
17th Special Forces Regiment (30) fire on Just Deserves (13), scoring 93 hits.
Oberndorf Yeomanry (20) fire on Arrows of Sorrow (32), scoring 70 hits.
Arrows of Sorrow (32) fire on Majikcal Maileons (16), scoring 193 hits.
Negev Green Jackets (19) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
The Ragettes (26) move closer to get better shots.
Alodian Thingmen (2) fire on 17th Special Forces Regiment (30), scoring 142 hits.
Arrows of Azul (3) fire on Arrows of Sorrow (32), scoring 151 hits.
Skyfire (23) fire on 17th Special Forces Regiment (30), scoring 127 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 286, Defenders: 1097
Majikcal Steeds (17) and Knights of Cnaeus (14) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
Trivium Rising (29), Hufflers and Higglers (10), Just Deserves (13), Redwulf's Yeomen (21), Lyirchtsars Principes (15), Skjaldmaer (22), Stratharch At Arms (24), For Fontan! (9), Hunting Party (11), Trivium Flow (28), Iron Masks (12), Majikcal Maileons (16), Men of War (18), This Is Fontan! (27), Aethelwulf Strike Yeomen (1), Darkness Prevails (5) and Fontan Forever (8) advance towards the enemy.

Just Deserves (13) take 93 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
17th Special Forces Regiment (30) take 584 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Arrows of Sorrow (32) take 513 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.
Majikcal Maileons (16) take 193 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 286 (0 from close combat and 286 from ranged), Defenders: 1097 (0 from close combat and 1097 from ranged)
Total casualties: 6 attackers, 20 defenders

Turn No. 4

     2 (35-A)
3 (55-A)
4 (35-A)
6 (30-A)
7 (40-A)
20 (50-A)
23 (44-A)
25 (39-A)
10 (28-I)
19 (42-S)
26 (30-A)
1 (62-I)
5 (27-I)
8 (65-S)
9 (23-S)
11 (53-I)
12 (70-I)
15 (24-S)
18 (32-I)
21 (28-I)
22 (32-S)
24 (32-I)
27 (47-I)
28 (50-I)
29 (32-I)
13 (18-S)
14 (25-C)
16 (11-S)
17 (33-C)
32 (9-A)

Burning Arrows (4) move closer to get better shots.
Negev Green Jackets (19) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Strongjawed Pezhetairoi (25) fire on Arrows of Sorrow (32), scoring 108 hits.
The Ragettes (26) fire on Arrows of Sorrow (32), scoring 79 hits.
Arrows of Azul (3) fire on Arrows of Sorrow (32), scoring 128 hits.
Oberndorf Yeomanry (20) fire on Arrows of Sorrow (32), scoring 79 hits.
Alodian Thingmen (2) fire on Arrows of Sorrow (32), scoring 160 hits.
Arrows of Sorrow (32) fire on Majikcal Steeds (17), scoring 53 hits.
Flamekin (6) fire on Arrows of Sorrow (32), scoring 135 hits.
Flaming Arrows (7) fire on Arrows of Sorrow (32), scoring 143 hits.
Skyfire (23) fire on Arrows of Sorrow (32), scoring 175 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 53, Defenders: 1007
Majikcal Steeds (17) and Knights of Cnaeus (14) charge forward.
For Fontan! (9), Majikcal Maileons (16), Stratharch At Arms (24), Iron Masks (12), Skjaldmaer (22), Lyirchtsars Principes (15), Men of War (18), Hunting Party (11), Darkness Prevails (5), Just Deserves (13), Hufflers and Higglers (10), Aethelwulf Strike Yeomen (1), Fontan Forever (8), Redwulf's Yeomen (21), Trivium Rising (29), Trivium Flow (28) and This Is Fontan! (27) advance towards the enemy.
Majikcal Maileons (16), Knights of Cnaeus (14) and Just Deserves (13) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Defender Line 3):
Majikcal Steeds (17) score 726 hits on Arrows of Sorrow (32).
Arrows of Sorrow (32) score 30 hits on Majikcal Steeds (17).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 30, Defenders: 726

The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.

Majikcal Steeds (17) take 83 hits (30 in close combat, 53 from archer fire), which cause 2 casualties.
Arrows of Sorrow (32) take 1733 hits (726 in close combat, 1007 from archer fire), which cause 9 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Discordelia Driscol (Dame of Poitiers, Westmoor) has been wounded by Majikcal Steeds (17).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 83 (30 from close combat and 53 from ranged), Defenders: 1733 (726 from close combat and 1007 from ranged)
Total casualties: 2 attackers, 9 defenders

Attacker Victory!


The battle lasted for 2 hours. You have gained 0 Honour. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 6 points. Combat training increases by 2 points. Unit cohesion rises 5 points.