Ashrak Imperialist

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About Us Journal Volume: Summer of 18 YD Archives
Our Motto: "Subscriptions Are Mandatory!"

Editorial Meditations Corner
"Whoever Smelt it Dealt It: Theocratism"


It is no secret that I have no love for Astromancy, everyone knows that – but that isn’t the point of this article. What is the point is that I would like to pick a fight with the government system theocracy, particularly the fact that it is employed in the Morek Empire. Alright I will concede these points, yes the Morek Empire is the cradle of Astromancy and yes the majority of its nobles are Astromancers, except yours truly, but, considering my last article (read: the decline of the Empire) and the state of High Toprakian politics I think it is high time theocracy was grandfathered out. Let it retire while the going’s good, Empire. You don’t have to be rude about it. Just ask it politely to clear its stuff out and enjoy its vacation fishing off the coast of Nimh. Theocracy is an old mentality. We should be psyching ourselves up for the future: Imperialism. Sure you can retain your Astromancer heritage and connections, no harm no foul, but allowing it to govern your realm is really a backwards idea. Here’s why.

At this moment in time there is a small group of you who are very uncomfortable with what I am saying. You cluck your tongues and write to the High Inquisitor to do something about this “Demon of Dwilight.” (Sorry ahead of time for the volume of letters you may receive High Inquisitor, I have no control over sensitive reactionaries). This is occurring to you because you are old and you are one of those who fought to build the theocracy we live in today. It is likely that you hold positions of power you earned by being a good little theocrat, and my views directly challenge your validity. My finger is poking you right on the shoulder and you don’t like it. The way I see it, due to your glorious effort in the past you are now content to horde your gold, to squat on your hands and watch the butterflies float around your head. I know all about it, I’m of the same generation as you. We’re old. We fought our wars and earned our titles; well, I lost my war, but regardless, we feel we must maintain the status quo we worked so hard for. We cling to the current pillars of our comfort and safety. In other words, theocratism has become our living tomb. We can go no further and do no more because you achieved the goals of your theocracy. It brought us so many friends and so much cushion room, ooo, aaa – how posh are we! But the party’s over if we don’t get rid of theocracy. Remember the last issue of the Ashrak Imperialist? How I said stagnation can either provoke change or borne decay? (I did say that didn’t I?) This is the flint of our fire. We either burn in it or above it.

So, where are the new nobles, the new minds with new ideas and with hungry bellies for experience and glory? I call upon the youth of Morek to hear this prophecy of doom and gloom! You have so much to prove, so much to gain and lose if you only try. You, the youth of my Empire, Young Morek, you want the noise! You want the action! You want the change! I believe theocracy is the greatest problem of the Morek Empire and if the young don’t change it they condemn us all to premature retirement. Those who wear the theocratic badge will argue with me that I am wrong and crazy, well you might be right about the last charge but you built the asylum. Stop squandering your spoils and get off the pot. Theocracy has run its course. It is a bad smell lingering in the Empire stubbornly refusing to dissipate. Please, for the love of the future, let a new fragrance emerge around here. How about a fragrance that does not exclude loyalty for obedience? Or how about one that does not impose itself in places it should not belong? Perhaps its time for the Morek Empire to develop a new aspect to its personality instead of strictly goody two shoes Astromancer all the time? The Morek Empire needs a new bag.

Next Issue: Identity of the Empire: Who are you?!

"Hat's Off Corner!"

For a long time I watched the Occidens become the place to be on Dwilight with a touch of jealousy. It used to be us, High Toprak, who had all the action. All the histories were dedicated to our heroes and our triumphs. But then, we got old, and the limelight crossed the sea to the Occidens. Now all we hear about is the Zuma this and the Véinsørmoot that and how terrible the cuisine of Kabrinskia is. Except for the Lurians! Thank the Divines for you crazy insurrectionists! From what I see you have no need of a demon to spice things up down there. You’re getting along with each other just fine! That is to say, your constant secessions, forced abdications, coup d’etats and civil wars are magnificent. My cap is off to you Toprak Minor for consistent fresh conflict. High Toprak can take a lesson from your playbook. Bravo!

"New Empire Social Club Bulletin"

  • Happy New Year Empire! May 18 YD prove prosperous and glorious for you.

The Morek Empire The Fundamentals of Mysticism
"Interview With the Grandmaster!"

The Ashrak Imperialist had the privilege of interviewing the Grandmaster of the Morek Empire, Lord Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico. Our last interview was ten years ago in 8 YD.

Ashrak Imperialist: The last time I interviewed you we were both much younger nobles. You were the Lord Polemarch of Xinhai at war with the Libero Empire and I was just becoming the Lord of Ashrak for the first time in Aquilegia. A great deal has changed since then, both for us and for Dwilight. In your personal opinion, what are your thoughts about the current state of Dwilight? (Some talking points for you: How much of it is almost civilized, the behaviour of the Zuma, the distinct regional characteristics of the continent such as High Toprak or the Occidens). Do you celebrate the progress we've made or are there some things you regret?

Grandmaster: Dwilight finds itself currently in a peculiar, and for that quite interesting, situation. The most relevant fact is that in several areas of the continent super-realm entities are acquiring importance to the point of overpassing the identities of the realms themselves. In other words, power blocks are starting to raise: Sanguis Astroism, the Veinsormoot and the Lurias; each of them is often wrongly considered a single entity, yet they are certainly the most visible trait of Dwilight's evolution. Personally I believe this is mainly the outcome of the colonisation process, as more or less everywhere it became clear that independent colonies have very little chance to survive, and that therefore almost all colonies came out to be strongly tied through something (guilds religion or whatever) with the motherland. It is also, I believe, a natural defence against the formation of other blocks, single realms banding together just for the purpose of increasing their weight on the politic arena.

On the one hand this scenario may not be incredibly exciting, as politics is reaching a very intensive point, but it's mostly about attrition and agreements: there is too much at stake for a complete war to easily spark. This means average nobles are cut out of most of the events of the continent, and wars are most of the times bearing too many consequences to be considered. On the other one it's not yet a completely locked picture, one can just see what Aurvandil is doing in the south (or what could the Zuma do) to understand things may not be as simple as I described them.

Right now nothing comes to my mind as regrets. There are many things I could have done differently perhaps, but I am not unhappy of my choice.

Ashrak Imperialist: My theme for the Summer issue is the youth of Morek. As a noble of vast life experience in the military and in the political arena, what advice to you have for the young Morekans who want to rise up one day to be Grandmaster, or something similar?

Grandmaster: My suggestion is always the same: don't be shy and propose yourself. It is sometimes surprising how much is it possible to achieve in this way. Volunteering is very often underestimated. I can safely state that the beginning of my growth within the ranks of Morek took place when I, a very young noble, volunteered to bring to battle an oversized unit sponsored directly by the founder of Morek and first Grandmaster Deverka. It turned out I have been the only one answering his call and he -even if perhaps reluctantly- agreed. Since then my visibility raised and I became vice-Marshal of the Order of the Maddening Star first, then everything else. Try to put oneself too much in light may be counterproductive, but honest and wise desire to increase one's visibility is the key to success. Our elections, where so few ran, are an example of missed opportunities of this kind.

Ashrak Imperialist: A few season ago we had some discussions about the present course of the Morek Empire and you've touched upon some of your thoughts and concerns in a few public letters to the Empire recently. Please tell us more about that. What are your hopes and worries for the future of the Morek Empire?

Grandmaster: It is difficult to say. I am aware that more often than not I curb down the enthusiasm of various nobles (you among them) by dismissing some -often rash- ideas. I would like to catch the occasion that this is not done because I enjoy the power I hold in Morek and do not want to put that at stake, or because I hold the status quo dear at heart. Perhaps it's just age, but very seldom I can see any gain in what these proposals would imply, and too much potential losses. In a sense, Morek now reflects this attitude of mine: we're powerful, deeply respected and deeply feared. But this locks us in a position where no one will intentionally provoke us or our allies, dooming the realm to a killer stagnation you analysed before. I believe this is a temporary moment: most of the realms (or power blocks) are busy conquering the last few remaining empty areas of the island, making hunting rogues pointless but still delaying wars. One day, when there will be no more unclaimed land to take, something may stir up, and I am confident it will be huge. On the other hand I confess you as an exclusive that it is not completely out of my mind the thought of stepping down, and let someone else - younger and more daring - lead Morek, to see where young blood would lead it.

Ashrak Imperialist: I've heard stories in history about rulers who disguised themselves and slipped out of their palaces undetected to learn a trade or experience the ordinary mediocrity of common life. If you could disguise yourself as a different noble, what realm on Dwilight would you like to experience?

Grandmaster: Some days ago I would have said Madina, perhaps to experience life in a very liberal republic constantly under siege. Now, perhaps one of the Lurian realm, as I miss a the thrill of war decisively.

Thank you Grandmaster! Long live the Empire.

The Demon of Dwilight Has Spoken!