
From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 07:43, 14 November 2011 by Pcw27 (talk | contribs) (→‎Constitution)

Error while fetching data from URL https://battlemaster.org/data/realm/8/38: $2.
There was a problem during the HTTP request: 400 Bad Request
Could not get URL https://battlemaster.org/data/realm/8/38 after 3 tries.

Error: no local variable "FullName" has been set.

blank caption

Island Error: no local variable "Island" has been set.Property "Located on" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "Island" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Capital [[Error: no local variable "Capital" has been set.]]
Largest City Darfix
Government Error: no local variable "Government" has been set."Error: no local variable "Government" has been set." is not in the list (Tyranny, Monarchy, Theocracy, Republic, Democracy, Anarchy) of allowed values for the "Government type is" property.
State Religion Sanguis Astroism
Duchies Error: no local variable "Duchies" has been set.
Regions 178
Population 588,818
Gold Error: no local variable "Gold" has been set."Error: no local variable "Gold" has been set." is not a number.
Food Error: no local variable "Food" has been set."Error: no local variable "Food" has been set." is not a number.
Nobles Error: no local variable "Nobles" has been set."Error: no local variable "Nobles" has been set." is not a number.
Error: no local variable "RulerTitle" has been set. Could not get URL https://battlemaster.org/data/character/8/<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"RulerName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
Error: no local variable "GeneralTitle" has been set. Could not get URL https://battlemaster.org/data/character/8/<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"GeneralName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
Error: no local variable "JudgeTitle" has been set. Could not get URL https://battlemaster.org/data/character/8/<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"JudgeName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
Error: no local variable "BankerTitle" has been set. Could not get URL https://battlemaster.org/data/character/8/<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"BankerName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
... further results
AboalScein Dubhaine
AbykalLinda Estrall
AdariaAndrei Mersault
AkuRyusho Oshu Fujiwara
AlebadImrahil Mormont
AlowcaCalla Fate
AmmandoLowry Cameron
AmmersfieldLord Damon (unknown)
AmonarirJules Scribbler
An NajafWilbrand
Arak CastleLich King (unknown)
AskerEgbert Brennaborg
AskileonWassgandr Felsenbach
BerakorVex Konran
BiethRhinehart O’Relaious
BisciyeEnder Fate
Bode BaturaHercules von Lucker
BriarullDonagal Prestongreen
BruckSamuel II
Cave of GuiltGregoire Rundsted
CeltiberiaJames Liverpool
CheslandAntoon Finch
ChesneyKatrina Dragul
CommonyrEverhard Brennaborg
Corali ForestIvan November
Cramir Woods
CreasurCalberian Arylon
DaishaHilda Utengar
DaldMerewyn Kazan
Danlawer Family/mansion
DarfixError: No contents found at URL https://battlemaster.org/data/character.php?World=8&Name=Northon.
Dark CitadelKane Dragul, Kane
DemyanskRoland Brennaborg
DiverdurKrugg Hall
DulbinRosaline Elizabeth Munro

[[Category:Error: no local variable "Island" has been set.]][[Category:Error: no local variable "Realm" has been set.]]

Iashalur was founded on November 7, 2011. Duke Turin seceded the Duchy of Gaston from Astrum. The new theocracy of Sanguis Astroism will expand to the north and west, and recapture the great city of Darfix from the wild lands.



Laws of Governance

The head of state shall be the King in Exile in the case of a man or Queen in Exile in the case of a woman. The title "in Exile" is a constant reminder that we remain exiles until all our lands are reclaimed. The title shall not change until the Golden City of Darfix is once again under our domain.

The King/Queen in Exile's powers are as follows:

-To Conduct foreign policy as well as all diplomacy, including declarations of war or peace.

-To approve law codes of the Treasurer of the Realm and High Paladin

-To make other executive commands and edicts as he or she sees fit.

The judiciary branch shall be the High Inquisitor. This judge will be appointed by the holy church of Sanguis astroism in keeping with our theocratic governance.

The Powers of the High Inquisitor are as follows:

-To prosecute enemies of the realm in a court of law as well as all nobles who commit violations of this constitution.

-To establish a law code provided this code has no tenants in contradiction with the realm's constitution.

There shall be two tenants to ensure the voice of all nobility reaches the highest levels of government

First, the Treasurer of the realm and High Paladin of the Realm shall be elected each year by a simple majority. Each noble's vote will count equally regardless of their standing.

Second, no alterations or additions may be made to this code of law without a referendum and a two thirds majority vote of all the people of the realm.

The powers of the High Paladin are as follows:

-To order the armies of the realm in all military matters which are in keeping with the King in Exile's foreign policy.

-To create a military code of conduct which must be approved by the King in Exile. Said code must be in keeping with this constitution.

The Powers of the Treasurer of the Realm are as follows:

-To order the movement of food for the sake of preventing starvation and hunger.

-To regulate all commerce to prevent outbreaks of starvation.

-Abuse of either power for personal gain is strictly prohibited.

Common Law

First, as the integrity of the realm is paramount, that sedition and treason be punishable by a sentence of death. This includes open rebellion as well as conspiring against the realm and direct sabotage.

Second, as food is our prizest resource, that trading on the black market be prohibited with a fine of 50 gold as a penalty for first offense; escalating to banishment by the third offense.

Third, as matters of honor are integral to nobility, the challenge and acceptance of duels will be restricted only in wartime, and then permission must be granted by the military authority of a Marshal or higher.

Fourth, as matter of respect, that conduct unbecoming of a nobleman (including but not limited to disrespect of a superior or particularly egregious behavior) be punishable by a fine of 25 gold for the first offense, escalating by 25 gold per offense to a maximum of 100 gold.

Law Concerning the Military

First, as the command structure is integral to the army and the army integral to the realm, that the impersonation of a superior officer or forgery of an order be punishable as sedition.

Second, as discipline is the backbone of warfare, that dereliction of duty be punishable by a fine of 50 gold.

Third, that the looting of any lands be prohibited without either the direct order of the General or the direct order of a Marshal or Vice-Marshal who has received permission from the General, punishable by a fine of 100 gold for the first offense, escalating to banishment upon the third.

Law Concerning Religion

First, as a Theocracy of Sanguis Astroism, the establishment of any other religion is strictly prohibited, punishable by banishment from the realm.

Second, that the preaching of any religion other than Sanguis Astroism be outlawed unless established otherwise by treaty.

Third, as a Theocracy's highest feudal offices ought be reserved for the Faithful, heathens and heretics are prohibited from holding the office of High Inquisitor and may hold lordship over neither cities nor townslands.

Laws Concerning Adventurers

Harming a Ranger of the North without showing due cause is punishable by a fine of 25 gold paid to the realm to make restitution for damaging one of its assets. This law applies only guild registered rangers as their service is monitored by the crown.

This does not suggest that commoners have "rights" such as are afforded the nobility, merely that those serving the crown are an asset to the realm. Restitution paid to the realm may not be transferred to the harmed Ranger by any means.