Tarvitz Family

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House Tarvitz

Where House Tarvitz originate from, none but the family records can say; the first mention of their name was in Nid Tek on the continent of Dwilight. A man named Saul Tarvitz arrived, along with his brother, Garro. With nought but 50 gold and a scroll of nobility to their name, they settled in the region of Nid Tek; the region in which all members of the family now grow up before setting out into the world.

The members of House Tarvitz are governed by strict codes and conditions and there are penalties for breaking the codes. The traditions however are slightly different, there is no punishment for breaking the tradition as you are required to pass them before you may leave the estate; so breaking them is a difficult thing to do.

Family Code

The members of House Tarvitz are brought up by a code, a code that they are taught is to be followed above all else. It does not matter where they are, or what they are doing; the code takes precedence.

  • Never break an Oath
    • To break an oath would be the greatest dishonour that a member of House Tarvitz can bring upon themselves. Should this occur, they are banned from visiting the Family estate and all ties are cut. There is no way to regain the honour that would be lost from being an oath-breaker and as such, House Tarvitz members prefer death over the breaking of an oath.
  • Never conspire with the enemy
    • To conspire with the enemy would bring great dishonour upon the member of the family and the family itself. Becoming the enemy, changing sides, is acceptable, but conspiring with the enemy is not.
  • The Protection of Humanity
    • As a Guide of The Manifest Path, the Head of the Family, Saul, recently added this to the code. It means that anything that hampers humanity's ability to defend and protect itself is evil, no matter the source.

Coming of Age

The coming of age of a member of House Tarvitz is no small endeavour. For a family member to come of age they must pass two tests, neither of which are walks in the local garden. It has been known for members of the family to go an entire lifetime without ever passing the tests, despite numerous attempts.

The Forging of the Blade

All member of House Tarvitz must pass this test before they may advance to the second test. Member of House Tarvitz must forge a blade for themself in the family forge. They are not permitted any assistance, and once completed, must give the blade a name. This blade is forged for one soul purpose, and it is only to be used in this purpose; the use of the blade for any other reason is forbidden. The soul purpose of the blade is to assist in the second task of the coming of age.

To pass this part of the test, the blade must be inspected, and approved, by the Head of the House and the Master Forger, from which all members learn the art form. Failure to produce a blade that is worthy of a name will result in it's destruction, and the family member will have to start from the beginning.

The Trial of Courage

The trial of corage is the hardest test that a member of House Tarvitz must pass in order to be considered "of age". Passing this test will allow him to go out into the world and make a name for himself. It is a way of proving that one is ready for the real world and that they shall not bring dishonour upon the family through lack of readiness.

One week after The Forging of the Blade has been approved, the member of the family leaves the estate for the first time and travels into the wilderness. Upon leaving, all the family member carries upon themselves are enough food for one week, and the blade which was forged in the first part of the test. This blade will be his only companion for the month to come, for whilst contact with others is permitted, accepting their help is not. Accepting the help of others is not monitored, they are not followed and tabs kept, it is up to the individual to follow the tradition. For most family members, the guilt that would come from accepting help would eat away at their souls, and eventually lead them to a confession, or suicide. For those who do, yet endure, they are not the most trustworthy; and their personalities are slightly twisted.

For one month the family member must endure the outside, with little provisions they must hunt, craft and forage to survive, and not all member of the family survive this test. At the end of the month, the family member may return to the estate; however he must bring something with him. Most family members bring back with them the head of an Alpha Monster, or a Champion of the Undead; some, however, bring back rare or unique item that are placed in the family armoury or on display, to show the courage and skill of the family members.

The Family

Head of the Family

Saul Tarvitz

Members of the Family

Garro Tarvitz
Euphrati Tarvitz

Deceased Members

Family Fame


FB Lord.png
(Saul, Ciarin Tut)
Sum: 1 points

FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 10
FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 20
Sum: 3 points

Sum: 0 points

Sum: 0 points

Sum: 0 point

Sum: 0 points

Total: 4 points