Lapallanch Family/Kihalin

From BattleMaster Wiki



He is the Baron of Chrysantalys Mines and a Marshal of the Defenders of the Blood stars. Also a former member of the Warders of the Island Citadel. He commands infantrymen. The first noble of Astrum to win a sword-fight tournament. He joined a crusade against the Saxons of Thulsoma.


  • The First Tournament: the Tournament in Storms Keep (400 gold for the winner), lost to Sir Jonn from Pian en Luries(the winner of the tournament) in the round 3.
  • The Second Tournament: the Tournament in Valkyrja (1000 gold for the winner), Defeated Sir Greg from Morek Empire and won the tournament. [1 st]
  • The Third Tournament: the Tournament in Golden Farrow (1200 for the winner), lost to Sir Greg from Morek Empire and achieved the second place (600 gold). [2 nd]
  • The Fourth Tournament: The Tournament in Valkyrja (500 gold for the winnier), lost to Earl Larkin from Caerwyn and achieved the second place (100 gold). [2 nd]

The Crusade

  • He was defeated and captured during the siege of Storms Keep.
  • While the crusaders were assaulting the keep,he killed one of wardens and escaped in the confusion.
  • Defeated the Saxons, the second crusade was a success.
  • Promoted to a Knight Crusade within Sanguis Astroism.