Dubhaine Family/Rhidhana/Battles/2011/January

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January 9th

Sunrise -- Montijo

1A#Alakazam#SangahFontan23 Infwedge91 %  296
2AAn Najaf YeomanryBrigdhaFontan34 Infline88 %  404
3AAuto-crossbow squad [AC47]XenaSultanate of Asena38 Archline84 %  290
4ABig EarsSalvadorSultanate of Asena10 Infline88 %  155
5AGedMathrosSultanate of Asena32 Infline87 %  391
6AIronsidesRhidhanaFontan18 Cavwedge17 %  418
7AJudicial GuardGabriellaFontan1 Infline90 %  27
8AKnights of AsenaAltairSultanate of Asena35 Infline90 %  449
9AKrayo's KraziesKrayoFontan8 Cavline93 %  197
10APothead StrikersSparkyFontan47 Infline87 %  527
11ARaiders of the StormArianaFontan28 Cavwedge16 %  568
12ARoph's BladebringersRophlockFontan15 Infline87 %  203
13ASolacesta GuardTyrantSultanate of Asena40 Infwedge87 %  445
14ASons of VengeanceTaysirSultanate of Asena40 Infline90 %  537
15ASultanate BerserkersDamasusSultanate of Asena38 Infline84 %  367
16ASultanate RangersEboriusSultanate of Asena38 Archline83 %  330
17AThe HammersMalusSultanate of Asena33 Infline90 %  359
18AThe ParagonsWilliam JamesFontan40 Infline88 %  343
19A| > IWA < |GenghisSultanate of Asena21 Infline88 %  318
20A| > IWA < | Hooves O’ FuryDavidSultanate of Asena50 Cavwedge88 %  739
21A| > IWA < | Korkut's wrathAlparslanSultanate of Asena78 Infline88 %  863
22A| > IWA < | Shining ArrowsMyrniaSultanate of Asena120 Archline86 %  896
23A| >IWA< | Elf KillersSuperiorSultanate of Asena60 Infline90 %  586
24A| >IWA< | Shining BladesJangoSultanate of Asena21 Cavwedge85 %  243
25A|#~ SSF ~#| Golden BowsLuarinSultanate of Asena30 Archline93 %  412
26A|#~SSF~#| Shadow RidersMurphySultanate of Asena40 Cavbox90 %  647
27A|DG| FlamekinPrandurFontan9 Infwedge12 %  141
28A~=D.B.A=~ Black LegionRavenFontan17 Cavwedge97 %  404
29A~=D.B.A=~ Darton stingsMathiasFontan40 Archline93 %  476
30A~=FSR=~ Clybr LancesLaicchFontan33 Cavwedge92 %  508
31A~=FSR=~ This is Fontan!SandraFontan31 Infwedge92 %  382
32D=SL=VanguardZakilevoSirion49 Cavwedge12 %  818
33DGondolindhrimTurgonSirion37 Infline9 %  318
34DKlietos' PoliceKlietosSirion22 Archline15 %  351
35DLevy ArchersAlaricSirion40 Archline6 %  212
36DPaladins of EluneCorwynSirion50 Infline13 %  545

31 attackers (587 Inf, 266 Arch, 215 Cav)
5 defenders (87 Inf, 62 Arch, 49 Cav)
Total combat strengths: 12921 vs. 2244

The region owner Sirion and their allies defend.
The Fontan troops attack because they are at war with Sirion.
The Sultanate of Asena troops attack because they are at war with Sirion.

Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.

Corwyn Ni'Tessine, Banker of Sirion, Count of Elmbar is spotted wielding the Bloody Warhammer of Battle.
Alparslan Kalkandelen (Lord of Sultanate of Asena) takes command of his army. They deploy in Archer Opening formation.
Laicch Abliarsec, Marshal of the Fontan Strike Regiment takes command of her army. They deploy in Infantry Charge formation.
Taysir Brandon, Marshal of the Sultanate's Striking Fury takes command of his army. They deploy in Archer Opening formation.
Sparky Pothead, Marshal of the Order of The Thunder takes command of his army. They deploy in Archer Opening formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

 6 (18-C)
9 (8-C)
11 (28-C)
20 (50-C)
24 (21-C)
26 (40-C)
28 (17-C)
30 (33-C)
2 (34-I)
4 (10-I)
5 (32-I)
7 (1-I)
8 (35-I)
10 (47-I)
12 (15-I)
13 (40-I)
14 (40-I)
15 (38-I)
17 (33-I)
19 (21-I)
21 (78-I)
23 (60-I)
29 (40-A)
1 (23-I)
3 (38-A)
16 (38-A)
18 (40-I)
22 (120-A)
25 (30-A)
27 (9-I)
31 (31-I)
 33 (37-I)
36 (50-I)
34 (22-A)
35 (40-A)
32 (49-C)

Auto-crossbow squad [AC47] (3) fire on Paladins of Elune (36), scoring 63 hits.
Klietos' Police (34) fire on | > IWA < | Shining Arrows (22), scoring 147 hits.
~=D.B.A=~ Darton stings (29) fire on Paladins of Elune (36), scoring 83 hits.
| > IWA < | Shining Arrows (22) fire on Gondolindhrim (33), scoring 336 hits.
|#~ SSF ~#| Golden Bows (25) fire on Paladins of Elune (36), scoring 275 hits.
Levy Archers (35) fire on ~=FSR=~ This is Fontan! (31), scoring 17 hits.
Sultanate Rangers (16) fire on Paladins of Elune (36), scoring 74 hits.
Raiders of the Storm (11), |#~SSF~#| Shadow Riders (26), Ironsides (6), ~=D.B.A=~ Black Legion (28), | >IWA< | Shining Blades (24), ~=FSR=~ Clybr Lances (30), | > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (20) and Krayo's Krazies (9) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
=SL=Vanguard (32) ride on, closing in on the enemy.
The Hammers (17), Sons of Vengeance (14), Knights of Asena (8), Roph's Bladebringers (12), Big Ears (4), Judicial Guard (7), Solacesta Guard (13), Pothead Strikers (10), ~=FSR=~ This is Fontan! (31), Sultanate Berserkers (15), | > IWA < | (19), | >IWA< | Elf Killers (23), | > IWA < | Korkut's wrath (21), The Paragons (18), #Alakazam# (1), |DG| Flamekin (27), An Najaf Yeomanry (2) and Ged (5) advance towards the enemy.
Paladins of Elune (36) and Gondolindhrim (33) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat:
2 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
Paladins of Elune (36) score 441 hits.
Gondolindhrim (33) score 220 hits.
~=FSR=~ This is Fontan! (31) score 330 hits.
The Paragons (18) score 147 hits.
#Alakazam# (1) score 233 hits.
|DG| Flamekin (27) score 127 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 661, Defenders: 837

| > IWA < | Shining Arrows (22) take 147 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Paladins of Elune (36) take 1121 hits (626 in close combat, 495 from archer fire), which cause 34 casualties.
Gondolindhrim (33) take 547 hits (211 in close combat, 336 from archer fire), which cause 23 casualties.
~=FSR=~ This is Fontan! (31) take 294 hits (277 in close combat, 17 from archer fire), which cause 9 casualties.
Lady Sandra Jimenez (Dame of Krimml, Fontan) has been wounded.
The Paragons (18) take 200 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.
#Alakazam# (1) take 104 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
|DG| Flamekin (27) take 80 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Total casualties: 25 attackers, 57 defenders

Turn No. 2

   6 (18-C)
9 (8-C)
11 (28-C)
20 (50-C)
24 (21-C)
26 (40-C)
29 (40-A)
2 (34-I)
3 (38-A)
4 (10-I)
5 (32-I)
7 (1-I)
8 (35-I)
10 (47-I)
12 (15-I)
13 (40-I)
14 (40-I)
15 (38-I)
16 (38-A)
17 (33-I)
19 (21-I)
21 (78-I)
22 (115-A)
23 (60-I)
25 (30-A)
28 (17-C)
30 (33-C)
1 (20-I)
18 (34-I)
27 (7-I)
31 (22-I)
33 (14-I)
36 (16-I)
 32 (49-C)
34 (22-A)
35 (40-A)

~=D.B.A=~ Darton stings (29) fire on =SL=Vanguard (32), scoring 48 hits.
Sultanate Rangers (16) fire on =SL=Vanguard (32), scoring 62 hits.
| > IWA < | Shining Arrows (22) fire on =SL=Vanguard (32), scoring 92 hits.
|#~ SSF ~#| Golden Bows (25) fire on =SL=Vanguard (32), scoring 74 hits.
Levy Archers (35) fire on | > IWA < | Korkut's wrath (21), scoring 14 hits.
Klietos' Police (34) fire on | > IWA < | Korkut's wrath (21), scoring 104 hits.
Auto-crossbow squad [AC47] (3) fire on =SL=Vanguard (32), scoring 29 hits.
~=FSR=~ Clybr Lances (30) and ~=D.B.A=~ Black Legion (28) charge forward.
Raiders of the Storm (11), | > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (20), Krayo's Krazies (9), Ironsides (6), |#~SSF~#| Shadow Riders (26) and | >IWA< | Shining Blades (24) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks.
=SL=Vanguard (32) charge ahead, into the attackers' ranks.
Ged (5) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Knights of Asena (8) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
| > IWA < | (19) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Sons of Vengeance (14) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Sultanate Berserkers (15) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
The Hammers (17) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
|DG| Flamekin (27) break through the frontlines!
~=FSR=~ This is Fontan! (31) break through the frontlines!
An Najaf Yeomanry (2) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
| >IWA< | Elf Killers (23) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Solacesta Guard (13) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Big Ears (4) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Judicial Guard (7) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Roph's Bladebringers (12), | > IWA < | Korkut's wrath (21) and Pothead Strikers (10) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat:
2 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
5 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
9 Sultanate of Asena banners are visible in the melee.
The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
~=FSR=~ Clybr Lances (30) score 1420 hits.
Raiders of the Storm (11) score 1182 hits.
Paladins of Elune (36) score 172 hits.
| > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (20) score 1305 hits.
Roph's Bladebringers (12) score 143 hits.
Krayo's Krazies (9) score 318 hits.
#Alakazam# (1) score 262 hits.
| > IWA < | Korkut's wrath (21) score 570 hits.
The Paragons (18) score 131 hits.
Pothead Strikers (10) score 394 hits.
Ironsides (6) score 858 hits.
Gondolindhrim (33) score 118 hits.
=SL=Vanguard (32) score 2318 hits.
~=D.B.A=~ Black Legion (28) score 981 hits.
|#~SSF~#| Shadow Riders (26) score 1066 hits.
| >IWA< | Shining Blades (24) score 405 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2608, Defenders: 7774 (9035 before overkill)

~=FSR=~ Clybr Lances (30) take 458 hits in close combat, which cause 16 casualties.
Laicch Abliarsec, Marshal of the Fontan Strike Regiment has been wounded.
Raiders of the Storm (11) take 604 hits in close combat, which cause 14 casualties.
Paladins of Elune (36) take 2423 hits in close combat, which cause 16 casualties, wiping the unit out.
| > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (20) take 341 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties.
Roph's Bladebringers (12) take 269 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.
Krayo's Krazies (9) take 243 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
#Alakazam# (1) take 192 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.
| > IWA < | Korkut's wrath (21) take 234 hits (116 in close combat, 118 from archer fire), which cause 5 casualties.
The Paragons (18) take 74 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Pothead Strikers (10) take 104 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Ironsides (6) take 56 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Gondolindhrim (33) take 1168 hits in close combat, which cause 14 casualties, wiping the unit out.
=SL=Vanguard (32) take 4488 hits (4183 in close combat, 305 from archer fire), which cause 49 casualties, wiping the unit out.
~=D.B.A=~ Black Legion (28) take 61 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Raven Storm (Lord of Fontan) has been wounded.
|#~SSF~#| Shadow Riders (26) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
| >IWA< | Shining Blades (24) take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Total casualties: 71 attackers, 79 defenders

Turn No. 3

   29 (40-A)
2 (34-I)
3 (38-A)
4 (10-I)
5 (32-I)
7 (1-I)
8 (35-I)
13 (40-I)
14 (40-I)
15 (38-I)
16 (38-A)
17 (33-I)
19 (21-I)
22 (115-A)
23 (60-I)
25 (30-A)
1 (14-I)
6 (17-C)
9 (3-C)
10 (44-I)
11 (14-C)
12 (8-I)
18 (32-I)
20 (42-C)
21 (73-I)
24 (19-C)
26 (39-C)
28 (16-C)
30 (17-C)
27 (7-I)
31 (22-I)
34 (22-A)
35 (40-A)

Levy Archers (35) fire on ~=FSR=~ This is Fontan! (31), scoring 49 hits.
|#~ SSF ~#| Golden Bows (25) fire on Klietos' Police (34), scoring 173 hits.
Auto-crossbow squad [AC47] (3) fire on Klietos' Police (34), scoring 46 hits.
~=D.B.A=~ Darton stings (29) fire on Klietos' Police (34), scoring 63 hits.
| > IWA < | Shining Arrows (22) fire on Klietos' Police (34), scoring 218 hits.
Klietos' Police (34) fire on ~=FSR=~ This is Fontan! (31), scoring 239 hits.
Sultanate Rangers (16) fire on Klietos' Police (34), scoring 50 hits.
~=FSR=~ Clybr Lances (30), Ironsides (6), Krayo's Krazies (9), | > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (20), Raiders of the Storm (11), |#~SSF~#| Shadow Riders (26), | >IWA< | Shining Blades (24) and ~=D.B.A=~ Black Legion (28) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks.
~=FSR=~ This is Fontan! (31) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
|DG| Flamekin (27) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Big Ears (4), An Najaf Yeomanry (2), Ged (5), | >IWA< | Elf Killers (23), | > IWA < | Korkut's wrath (21), Sons of Vengeance (14), #Alakazam# (1), Judicial Guard (7), Knights of Asena (8), Solacesta Guard (13), Roph's Bladebringers (12), Sultanate Berserkers (15), | > IWA < | (19), The Paragons (18), The Hammers (17) and Pothead Strikers (10) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat:
3 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
6 Sultanate of Asena banners are visible in the melee.
The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
~=FSR=~ Clybr Lances (30) score 728 hits.
Ironsides (6) score 865 hits.
Krayo's Krazies (9) score 138 hits.
| > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (20) score 1353 hits.
Raiders of the Storm (11) score 689 hits.
|#~SSF~#| Shadow Riders (26) score 827 hits.
| >IWA< | Shining Blades (24) score 335 hits.
Klietos' Police (34) score 71 hits.
~=D.B.A=~ Black Legion (28) score 941 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 71, Defenders: 3137 (5876 before overkill)

~=FSR=~ Clybr Lances (30) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
~=FSR=~ This is Fontan! (31) take 288 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Ironsides (6) take 31 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Klietos' Police (34) take 3687 hits (3137 in close combat, 550 from archer fire), which cause 22 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Klietos Cullom (Lord of Sirion) has been wounded.
Total casualties: 11 attackers, 22 defenders

Turn No. 4

   29 (40-A)
3 (38-A)
16 (38-A)
22 (115-A)
25 (30-A)
2 (34-I)
4 (10-I)
5 (32-I)
7 (1-I)
8 (35-I)
13 (40-I)
14 (40-I)
15 (38-I)
17 (33-I)
19 (21-I)
23 (60-I)
1 (14-I)
10 (44-I)
12 (8-I)
18 (32-I)
21 (73-I)
27 (7-I)
31 (13-I)
6 (16-C)
9 (3-C)
11 (14-C)
20 (42-C)
24 (19-C)
26 (39-C)
28 (16-C)
30 (16-C)
35 (40-A)

Auto-crossbow squad [AC47] (3) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Sultanate Rangers (16) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
| > IWA < | Shining Arrows (22) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
~=D.B.A=~ Darton stings (29) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
|#~ SSF ~#| Golden Bows (25) fire on Levy Archers (35), scoring 139 hits.
Levy Archers (35) fire on | > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (20), scoring 30 hits.
Raiders of the Storm (11), |#~SSF~#| Shadow Riders (26), Ironsides (6), ~=D.B.A=~ Black Legion (28), Krayo's Krazies (9), | >IWA< | Shining Blades (24), ~=FSR=~ Clybr Lances (30) and | > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (20) charge forward.
Sultanate Berserkers (15), Big Ears (4), |DG| Flamekin (27), Roph's Bladebringers (12), Pothead Strikers (10), | > IWA < | Korkut's wrath (21), Ged (5), Judicial Guard (7), An Najaf Yeomanry (2), The Hammers (17), #Alakazam# (1), ~=FSR=~ This is Fontan! (31), Solacesta Guard (13), | >IWA< | Elf Killers (23), Sons of Vengeance (14), The Paragons (18), Knights of Asena (8) and | > IWA < | (19) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat:
3 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
6 Sultanate of Asena banners are visible in the melee.
Raiders of the Storm (11) score 638 hits.
|#~SSF~#| Shadow Riders (26) score 1003 hits.
Ironsides (6) score 982 hits.
~=D.B.A=~ Black Legion (28) score 806 hits.
Krayo's Krazies (9) score 170 hits.
Levy Archers (35) score 16 hits.
| >IWA< | Shining Blades (24) score 372 hits.
~=FSR=~ Clybr Lances (30) score 910 hits.
| > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (20) score 1288 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 16, Defenders: 6169

The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.

Raiders of the Storm (11) take 16 hits in close combat. No casualties.
Levy Archers (35) take 6308 hits (6169 in close combat, 139 from archer fire), which cause 40 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Alaric Caedwyn (Knight of Avamar, Sirion) has been wounded.
| > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (20) take 30 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
Total casualties: 1 attackers, 40 defenders

Attacker Victory!


The battle lasted for 2 hours. You have gained 1 Honour and 1 Prestige. Your jousting skill has increased. You have improved your leadership skill. None of your men were killed but 2 were wounded in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 8 points. Your men's equipment suffers 8 % damage. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 3 points.

Sunset -- Montijo

1A#Alakazam#SangahFontan14 Infwedge12 %  200
2A* Abra Kadabra *LayrahFontan25 Infline6 %  209
3AAn Najaf YeomanryBrigdhaFontan34 Infline89 %  401
4AArrows of AzulJustinFontan48 Archline87 %  503
5AAuto-crossbow squad [AC47]XenaSultanate of Asena38 Archline86 %  305
6ABig EarsSalvadorSultanate of Asena10 Infline88 %  156
7ACarnes FanaticsKatsuyoriFontan19 SFwedge95 %  574
8ACentrifical Strike ForceCentrificalFontan20 Infline13 %  278
9AFor Perdan!Malenard SaegarusFontan4 Cavwedge11 %  123
10AGedMathrosSultanate of Asena32 Infline88 %  389
11AHighlandersHighlanderFontan8 SFwedge95 %  347
12AIronsidesRhidhanaFontan18 Cavwedge93 %  415
13AJudicial GuardGabriellaFontan3 Infline91 %  78
14AKnights of AsenaAltairSultanate of Asena35 Infline91 %  430
15AKrayo's KraziesKrayoFontan3 Cavline94 %  103
16ALegionGabraelSultanate of Asena40 Infline88 %  459
17ALyirchtsars LegionariesRomanFontan25 Infwedge12 %  329
18AManticore Brotherhood of LionsMuratFontan73 Infline91 %  957
19AMinister's GuardAulus SeverusFontan6 SFskirmish19 %  266
20AOberndorf Light-ArmsmenKaidonFontan13 Infline4 %  96
21APersonal GuardIsrasSultanate of Asena40 Archline92 %  534
22APersonal GuardTenyaSultanate of Asena60 Infline87 %  508
23APothead StrikersSparkyFontan46 Infline89 %  517
24ARaiders of the StormArianaFontan14 Cavwedge92 %  336
25ARoph's BladebringersRophlockFontan8 Infline89 %  131
26ASolacesta GuardTyrantSultanate of Asena40 Infwedge88 %  439
27ASons of VengeanceTaysirSultanate of Asena40 Infline90 %  527
28ASultanate BerserkersDamasusSultanate of Asena38 Infline86 %  372
29ASultanate RangersEboriusSultanate of Asena38 Archline85 %  353
30AThe Dark LegionWillSultanate of Asena50 Infline92 %  588
31AThe HammersMalusSultanate of Asena33 Infline89 %  347
32AThe ParagonsWilliam JamesFontan32 Infline9 %  295
33AWhite Knights VGanelonSultanate of Asena45 Infline87 %  479
34A[DG] Elf HuntersBasiliusFontan54 Infwedge88 %  597
35A| > IWA < |GenghisSultanate of Asena21 Infline89 %  320
36A| > IWA < | Hooves O’ FuryDavidSultanate of Asena42 Cavwedge90 %  638
37A| > IWA < | Korkut's wrathAlparslanSultanate of Asena78 Infline89 %  847
38A| > IWA < | MarksmenGamaSultanate of Asena28 Cavwedge89 %  482
39A| > IWA < | Shining ArrowsMyrniaSultanate of Asena118 Archline87 %  881
40A| >IWA< | Elf KillersSuperiorSultanate of Asena60 Infline92 %  546
41A| >IWA< | Froggy DeathVinceSultanate of Asena50 Infline88 %  515
42A| >IWA< | Shining BladesJangoSultanate of Asena19 Cavwedge86 %  218
43A|#~ SSF #~| Emperess DragoonsSebastianSultanate of Asena40 Cavwedge88 %  550
44A|#~ SSF ~#| 1st Guard FusiliersParkerSultanate of Asena56 Infline89 %  545
45A|#~ SSF ~#| Golden BowsLuarinSultanate of Asena30 Archline92 %  407
46A|#~SSF~#| Shadow RidersMurphySultanate of Asena39 Cavbox90 %  641
47A|DG| FlamekinPrandurFontan9 Infwedge89 %  152
48A~=D.B.A=~ Black Legion(not present)Fontan16 Cavwedge18 %  379
49A~=D.B.A=~ Darton stingsMathiasFontan40 Archskirmish14 %  491
50A~=FSR=~ Clybr Lances(not present)Fontan21 Cavwedge12 %  360
51A~=FSR=~ This is Fontan!(not present)Fontan18 Infwedge12 %  247
52DAlexander's Elite Parm DefenseAlexanderSirion42 SFline15 %  733
53DBlue Hilt EntourageRuginaSirion26 Infline90 %  305
54DGondolindhrimTurgonSirion4 Infline89 %  85
55DLuxoreansLuxorSirion30 Infline13 %  386
56DPhantom Shock TroopersLeonardoCaligus54 Infline14 %  630
57DTemplars of the WhiteTreeOlafSirion30 Infline93 %  345

51 attackers (1062 Inf, 352 Arch, 244 Cav, 33 SF)
6 defenders (144 Inf, 42 SF)
Total combat strengths: 20860 vs. 2484

The region owner Sirion and their allies defend.
The Fontan troops attack because they are at war with Sirion.
The Sultanate of Asena troops attack because they are at war with Sirion.

There is almost no wind today, archers will be deadly.

Alexander Acies Dux Ducis, Duke of Parm is spotted wearing the Faries' Oil.
Alexander Acies Dux Ducis, Duke of Parm is spotted wearing the Ornate Armour of Strength.
Ganelon Lefanis, Marshal of the Iron Wolves of Asena takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Charge formation.
Taysir Brandon, Marshal of the Sultanate's Striking Fury takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Charge formation.
Murat Kalkandelen, Duke of Krimml, Marshal of the Manticores takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Charge formation.
Sparky Pothead, Marshal of the Order of The Thunder takes command of his army. They deploy in Archer Opening formation.
Turgon Noldorin, Marshal of the Silver Legion takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Wall formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

 9 (4-C)
15 (3-C)
48 (16-C)
12 (18-C)
19 (6-S)
24 (14-C)
36 (42-C)
38 (28-C)
42 (19-C)
43 (40-C)
46 (39-C)
50 (21-C)
3 (34-I)
5 (38-A)
13 (3-I)
21 (40-A)
23 (46-I)
25 (8-I)
29 (38-A)
39 (118-A)
45 (30-A)
1 (14-I)
2 (25-I)
4 (48-A)
6 (10-I)
7 (19-S)
8 (20-I)
10 (32-I)
11 (8-S)
14 (35-I)
16 (40-I)
17 (25-I)
18 (73-I)
20 (13-I)
22 (60-I)
26 (40-I)
27 (40-I)
28 (38-I)
30 (50-I)
31 (33-I)
32 (32-I)
33 (45-I)
34 (54-I)
35 (21-I)
37 (78-I)
40 (60-I)
41 (50-I)
44 (56-I)
47 (9-I)
49 (40-A)
51 (18-I)
 53 (26-I)
54 (4-I)
55 (30-I)
57 (30-I)
52 (42-S)
56 (54-I)

~=D.B.A=~ Darton stings (49) fire on Luxoreans (55), scoring 236 hits.
Personal Guard (21) fire on Templars of the WhiteTree (57), scoring 134 hits.
| > IWA < | Shining Arrows (39) fire on Blue Hilt Entourage (53), scoring 242 hits.
Auto-crossbow squad [AC47] (5) move closer to get better shots.
Arrows of Azul (4) fire on Templars of the WhiteTree (57), scoring 276 hits.
Sultanate Rangers (29) fire on Gondolindhrim (54), scoring 60 hits.
|#~ SSF ~#| Golden Bows (45) fire on Luxoreans (55), scoring 250 hits.
Minister's Guard (19) fire on Gondolindhrim (54), scoring 50 hits.
Alexander's Elite Parm Defense (52) fire on Manticore Brotherhood of Lions (18), scoring 298 hits.
For Perdan! (9), ~=FSR=~ Clybr Lances (50), ~=D.B.A=~ Black Legion (48), | >IWA< | Shining Blades (42), Raiders of the Storm (24), |#~SSF~#| Shadow Riders (46), | > IWA < | Marksmen (38), |#~ SSF #~| Emperess Dragoons (43), | > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (36), Ironsides (12) and Krayo's Krazies (15) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
| >IWA< | Froggy Death (41) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
| >IWA< | Elf Killers (40) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Manticore Brotherhood of Lions (18) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Personal Guard (22) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Solacesta Guard (26) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Big Ears (6) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Legion (16) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
#Alakazam# (1) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
The Hammers (31) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Oberndorf Light-Armsmen (20) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
|#~ SSF ~#| 1st Guard Fusiliers (44) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Sultanate Berserkers (28) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
|DG| Flamekin (47) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Centrifical Strike Force (8) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Lyirchtsars Legionaries (17) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Carnes Fanatics (7), [DG] Elf Hunters (34), Highlanders (11), Knights of Asena (14), | > IWA < | (35), White Knights V (33), | > IWA < | Korkut's wrath (37), The Dark Legion (30), Judicial Guard (13), Roph's Bladebringers (25), The Paragons (32), * Abra Kadabra * (2), ~=FSR=~ This is Fontan! (51), Ged (10), Sons of Vengeance (27), Pothead Strikers (23) and An Najaf Yeomanry (3) advance towards the enemy.
Phantom Shock Troopers (56), Luxoreans (55), Blue Hilt Entourage (53), Gondolindhrim (54) and Templars of the WhiteTree (57) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat:
5 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
11 Sultanate of Asena banners are visible in the melee.
The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
Carnes Fanatics (7) score 848 hits.
[DG] Elf Hunters (34) score 488 hits.
Highlanders (11) score 421 hits.
Knights of Asena (14) score 255 hits.
| > IWA < | (35) score 256 hits.
White Knights V (33) score 333 hits.
| > IWA < | Korkut's wrath (37) score 566 hits.
The Dark Legion (30) score 287 hits.
Luxoreans (55) score 323 hits.
Blue Hilt Entourage (53) score 211 hits.
Gondolindhrim (54) score 51 hits.
Templars of the WhiteTree (57) score 151 hits.
The Paragons (32) score 123 hits.
* Abra Kadabra * (2) score 113 hits.
~=FSR=~ This is Fontan! (51) score 202 hits.
Ged (10) score 227 hits.
Sons of Vengeance (27) score 397 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 736, Defenders: 3885 (4516 before overkill)

Carnes Fanatics (7) take 214 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
[DG] Elf Hunters (34) take 121 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Highlanders (11) take 69 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Knights of Asena (14) take 90 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
| > IWA < | (35) take 56 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
White Knights V (33) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
| > IWA < | Korkut's wrath (37) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
The Dark Legion (30) take 36 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Luxoreans (55) take 2220 hits (1734 in close combat, 486 from archer fire), which cause 30 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Blue Hilt Entourage (53) take 1161 hits (919 in close combat, 242 from archer fire), which cause 26 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Rugina Blakeshadow (Dame of Glinmar, Sirion) has been wounded.
Manticore Brotherhood of Lions (18) take 298 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Gondolindhrim (54) take 736 hits (626 in close combat, 110 from archer fire), which cause 4 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Templars of the WhiteTree (57) take 1016 hits (606 in close combat, 410 from archer fire), which cause 30 casualties, wiping the unit out.
The Paragons (32) take 20 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
* Abra Kadabra * (2) take 31 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Total casualties: 24 attackers, 90 defenders

Turn No. 2

  19 (6-S)
9 (4-C)
15 (3-C)
21 (40-A)
29 (38-A)
39 (118-A)
45 (30-A)
48 (16-C)
1 (14-I)
3 (34-I)
4 (48-A)
5 (38-A)
6 (10-I)
8 (20-I)
12 (18-C)
13 (3-I)
16 (40-I)
17 (25-I)
18 (67-I)
20 (13-I)
22 (60-I)
23 (46-I)
24 (14-C)
25 (8-I)
26 (40-I)
28 (38-I)
31 (33-I)
36 (42-C)
38 (28-C)
40 (60-I)
41 (50-I)
42 (19-C)
43 (40-C)
44 (56-I)
46 (39-C)
47 (9-I)
49 (40-A)
50 (21-C)
2 (24-I)
7 (14-S)
10 (32-I)
11 (7-S)
14 (33-I)
27 (40-I)
30 (49-I)
32 (31-I)
33 (44-I)
34 (51-I)
35 (19-I)
37 (77-I)
51 (18-I)
56 (54-I)
52 (42-S)

~=D.B.A=~ Darton stings (49) fire on Phantom Shock Troopers (56), scoring 179 hits.
| > IWA < | Shining Arrows (39) fire on Phantom Shock Troopers (56), scoring 173 hits.
|#~ SSF ~#| Golden Bows (45) fire on Phantom Shock Troopers (56), scoring 166 hits.
Auto-crossbow squad [AC47] (5) fire on Phantom Shock Troopers (56), scoring 73 hits.
Personal Guard (21) fire on Phantom Shock Troopers (56), scoring 238 hits.
Sultanate Rangers (29) fire on Phantom Shock Troopers (56), scoring 78 hits.
Alexander's Elite Parm Defense (52) fire on | > IWA < | Korkut's wrath (37), scoring 397 hits.
Minister's Guard (19) fire on Phantom Shock Troopers (56), scoring 49 hits.
Arrows of Azul (4) fire on Phantom Shock Troopers (56), scoring 163 hits.
For Perdan! (9), ~=D.B.A=~ Black Legion (48) and Krayo's Krazies (15) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
~=FSR=~ Clybr Lances (50), Ironsides (12), Raiders of the Storm (24), | >IWA< | Shining Blades (42), | > IWA < | Marksmen (38), |#~SSF~#| Shadow Riders (46), | > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (36) and |#~ SSF #~| Emperess Dragoons (43) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks.
Highlanders (11) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
The Dark Legion (30) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
~=FSR=~ This is Fontan! (51) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
[DG] Elf Hunters (34) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Sons of Vengeance (27) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
| > IWA < | Korkut's wrath (37) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
The Paragons (32) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Knights of Asena (14) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Ged (10) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
| > IWA < | (35) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
* Abra Kadabra * (2) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
| >IWA< | Froggy Death (41), Carnes Fanatics (7), Oberndorf Light-Armsmen (20), #Alakazam# (1), The Hammers (31), |DG| Flamekin (47), White Knights V (33), |#~ SSF ~#| 1st Guard Fusiliers (44), Manticore Brotherhood of Lions (18), Judicial Guard (13), Sultanate Berserkers (28), Solacesta Guard (26), Roph's Bladebringers (25), Centrifical Strike Force (8), Big Ears (6), | >IWA< | Elf Killers (40), Lyirchtsars Legionaries (17), Personal Guard (22), Pothead Strikers (23), An Najaf Yeomanry (3) and Legion (16) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat:
2 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
3 Caligus banners are visible in the melee.
8 Sultanate of Asena banners are visible in the melee.
The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
Carnes Fanatics (7) score 818 hits.
~=FSR=~ Clybr Lances (50) score 871 hits.
Ironsides (12) score 1017 hits.
White Knights V (33) score 314 hits.
Raiders of the Storm (24) score 805 hits.
Phantom Shock Troopers (56) score 581 hits.
| >IWA< | Shining Blades (42) score 336 hits.
| > IWA < | Marksmen (38) score 1323 hits.
|#~SSF~#| Shadow Riders (46) score 1011 hits.
| > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (36) score 1342 hits.
|#~ SSF #~| Emperess Dragoons (43) score 858 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 581, Defenders: 7481 (8695 before overkill)

Carnes Fanatics (7) take 93 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
~=FSR=~ Clybr Lances (50) take 88 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Ironsides (12) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
White Knights V (33) take 94 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Raiders of the Storm (24) take 66 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Phantom Shock Troopers (56) take 8600 hits (7481 in close combat, 1119 from archer fire), which cause 54 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Leonardo Francios, Royal Treasurer of Caligus, Baron of Scio has been wounded.
| >IWA< | Shining Blades (42) take 46 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
| > IWA < | Marksmen (38) take 45 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
|#~SSF~#| Shadow Riders (46) take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
| > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (36) take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
| > IWA < | Korkut's wrath (37) take 397 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
|#~ SSF #~| Emperess Dragoons (43) take 24 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Total casualties: 25 attackers, 54 defenders

Turn No. 3

  19 (6-S)
21 (40-A)
29 (38-A)
39 (118-A)
45 (30-A)
4 (48-A)
5 (38-A)
49 (40-A)
1 (14-I)
2 (24-I)
3 (34-I)
6 (10-I)
8 (20-I)
9 (4-C)
10 (32-I)
11 (7-S)
13 (3-I)
14 (33-I)
15 (3-C)
16 (40-I)
17 (25-I)
18 (67-I)
20 (13-I)
22 (60-I)
23 (46-I)
25 (8-I)
26 (40-I)
27 (40-I)
28 (38-I)
30 (49-I)
31 (33-I)
32 (31-I)
34 (51-I)
35 (19-I)
37 (68-I)
40 (60-I)
41 (50-I)
44 (56-I)
47 (9-I)
48 (16-C)
51 (18-I)
7 (12-S)
12 (17-C)
24 (12-C)
33 (41-I)
36 (41-C)
38 (27-C)
42 (18-C)
43 (39-C)
46 (38-C)
50 (18-C)
52 (42-S)

Minister's Guard (19) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Sultanate Rangers (29) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Alexander's Elite Parm Defense (52) fire on | > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (36), scoring 246 hits.
Arrows of Azul (4) fire on Alexander's Elite Parm Defense (52), scoring 178 hits.
|#~ SSF ~#| Golden Bows (45) fire on Alexander's Elite Parm Defense (52), scoring 150 hits.
Personal Guard (21) fire on Alexander's Elite Parm Defense (52), scoring 166 hits.
Auto-crossbow squad [AC47] (5) fire on Alexander's Elite Parm Defense (52), scoring 70 hits.
~=D.B.A=~ Darton stings (49) fire on Alexander's Elite Parm Defense (52), scoring 125 hits.
| > IWA < | Shining Arrows (39) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions.
Ironsides (12) are eager to charge, but the melee is too crowded already.
Raiders of the Storm (24) are eager to charge, but the melee is too crowded already.
| >IWA< | Shining Blades (42), | > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (36), |#~SSF~#| Shadow Riders (46), |#~ SSF #~| Emperess Dragoons (43), ~=FSR=~ Clybr Lances (50) and | > IWA < | Marksmen (38) charge forward.
Krayo's Krazies (15), For Perdan! (9) and ~=D.B.A=~ Black Legion (48) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks.
Carnes Fanatics (7) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded.
Lyirchtsars Legionaries (17), Sultanate Berserkers (28), | >IWA< | Elf Killers (40), Sons of Vengeance (27), |DG| Flamekin (47), Legion (16), Ged (10), * Abra Kadabra * (2), The Dark Legion (30), Personal Guard (22), |#~ SSF ~#| 1st Guard Fusiliers (44), | > IWA < | (35), White Knights V (33), Highlanders (11), The Paragons (32), | > IWA < | Korkut's wrath (37), Knights of Asena (14), The Hammers (31), An Najaf Yeomanry (3), Manticore Brotherhood of Lions (18), Centrifical Strike Force (8), Oberndorf Light-Armsmen (20), Solacesta Guard (26), Big Ears (6), Roph's Bladebringers (25), Pothead Strikers (23), ~=FSR=~ This is Fontan! (51), Judicial Guard (13), #Alakazam# (1), [DG] Elf Hunters (34) and | >IWA< | Froggy Death (41) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat:
2 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
2 Fontan banners are visible in the melee.
8 Sultanate of Asena banners are visible in the melee.
The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill!
Krayo's Krazies (15) score 145 hits.
| >IWA< | Shining Blades (42) score 307 hits.
| > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (36) score 1027 hits.
Alexander's Elite Parm Defense (52) score 402 hits.
|#~SSF~#| Shadow Riders (46) score 794 hits.
White Knights V (33) score 307 hits.
|#~ SSF #~| Emperess Dragoons (43) score 1066 hits.
For Perdan! (9) score 247 hits.
~=FSR=~ Clybr Lances (50) score 695 hits.
| > IWA < | Marksmen (38) score 1281 hits.
~=D.B.A=~ Black Legion (48) score 821 hits.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 402, Defenders: 4569 (6690 before overkill)

Krayo's Krazies (15) take 77 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
| >IWA< | Shining Blades (42) take 59 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
| > IWA < | Hooves O’ Fury (36) take 318 hits (72 in close combat, 246 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties.
David Ironheart (Royal of Sultanate of Asena) has been wounded.
Alexander's Elite Parm Defense (52) take 5258 hits (4569 in close combat, 689 from archer fire), which cause 42 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Alexander Acies Dux Ducis, Duke of Parm has been wounded.
|#~SSF~#| Shadow Riders (46) take 42 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
White Knights V (33) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
|#~ SSF #~| Emperess Dragoons (43) take 32 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
For Perdan! (9) take 36 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
~=FSR=~ Clybr Lances (50) take 33 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Total casualties: 17 attackers, 42 defenders

Attacker Victory!

The battle does minor damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 5 %.
The local roads network has also been damaged.


The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 1 Honour and 1 Prestige. None of your men were killed but 1 were wounded in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 11 points. Your men's equipment suffers 3 % damage. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 2 points.