Muninn Newsrag

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Revision as of 11:02, 18 December 2010 by Audacity (talk | contribs)
Lead Editor: Davendrall (User:X-anne-x)
Editor, Agony Aunt and Official Spell-checker: Anneliese (User:Audacity)
Cost: 3 cookies October 2010

The Muninn Newsrag! The newspaper about whatever random things are happening in the lives of the writers and whatever realm they happen to be in at the time, and whatever strange and funny stuff they can think of at the time. The paper is currently based in Barad Lacirith, Capital of Eston. The main editor is Davendrall Felhand who also owns the newspaper as part of her business; The Cute Cookie Corporation. In her offices there are rows upon rows of mini desks. And in each one, is a rabbit. And in each rabbit's furry little paws is a pencil. And with that pencil, they have been trained to write. And thus this newspaper is written.

Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit

Also read the Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit, tales of the editors of this Newspaper, published by the Editors of this Newspaper available for your personal entertainment now!


This Month's Paper

Ask Anne the Agony Aunt
• Aunt Anne, Question -Name
• Dear Name,

Answer - Anneliese

Leprechaun Wine.JPG
Pest Control.JPG
Editor forgets newspaper exists Saturday 19th December
Someone who works for this newspaper has failed to report on such important events as:
  • Jean Alain stepping down, and the election of a new king
  • the death of a hero, Lyndia Knytling
  • an important battle in Anost
  • a ceasefire agreement with Hammarsett
  • Darka going to war against the Cagilan Empire
  • the capture of our general, and the appointment of a new general

And that reporter is Davendrall Felhand! What has she been doing, you might ask? To answer that, dear reader, I must tell you one thing:

Davendrall is a Huge Dork

She's been too busy gallivanting around with priests to pay attention to this poor, neglected newspaper - yes, that's right, she's involved in a cult! Furthermore, I have received proof that her involvement in this cult is so great that she has become one of the top members of this secretive organization - these high ranking members are known as Huge Dorks. Much like priests, they lead the followers in worship of a god they call the Mighty Dork.

Anyone who knows this woman will not be surprised or terribly shocked of this news, for she has been showing signs of it: setting warehouses on fire (a sacred and ancient rite known among the Dorks as 'setting things on fire'), torturing peasants and sacrificing them to the Mighty Dork, using rodents as daggers and wearing gaudy underwear - the last of which is mandatory dress for any true Dork.

Unfortunately, this information comes from an anonymous source and thus the proof of these words can not be seen publicly - our witness is very afraid of an untimely death by the hands of Davendrall, the Huge Dork. However, if everyone goes around proclaiming Davendrall is a Huge Dork, then she will not be able to discern which is the true informant and who is merely being loud and annoying. So tell your mother, tell your sister, tell everyone:

Davendrall is a Huge Dork!

By the way, Dave, I stole one of your daggers and used it to squish a bug.

Editor: Anneliese