Felhand Family/Calvindrell

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Calvindrell Felhand
Calvindrell the Stupid
Physical Age: 24
Continent: Beluaterra
Realm: Bara'Khur
Region Lordship: Ren Madragas
Main Class: Courtier
Sub Class: -


Calvindrell was born in Norland. His parents died when he was 10 years old and was taken by his Grandmother, Lyonna, to live in Beluaterra, never seeing his younger sister, Davendrall again. When he was 12 he was sent off to learn the skills of a warrior. He became an incredibly brave and fearless warrior, but part of the reason for this may be because he is incredibly stupid and can't even read or write properly.

At the age of 17, he met and fell in love with his current wife Nikkitanilas, and they soon married. They went abroad for a honeymoon, but the sailors got lost and they ended up on the East Continent in the realm of Fontan. They spent a short time there and got caught up in several battles, before deciding it was time to leave and returning to Nikki's homeland of Bara'Khur.

Arriving in Bara'Khur, Calvin and his wife became knights of Zisswii and also joined the faith of Estahsism. Not long after Nikki told him her reason for returning was because she was pregnant, and a few months later gave birth to twins Drello and Dralla.

Calvindrell has fought many battles for Bara'Khur, with many more to come. At one point he became Lord of Xerus, changing his career to Courtier in order to aid his region. This was not to last however, as Sint brutally attacked the region once again, and the land was lost.

After spending a short time as a knight of Iknopata, Calvin was appointed Baron of Ren Madragas and works towards restoring another damaged region.

Physical Description


Active Relatives