Mighty Club of Battle

From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 16:57, 22 June 2010 by Corwyn (talk | contribs) (added link to Sirion)
Type Weapon
Re-Discovered by Karden
Re-Discovery date 20 June 2010
Re-Discovery location Sermbar, East Continent
Abilities Prestige +7,
Oratory +7
Current Owner (unknown)

The Mighty Club of Battle was discovered by Karden, a young adventurer in Sirion. During his investigations into rumors of undead and monsters he found the Mighty Club of Battle, a unique and legendary item, laying out in a sandy field of Sermbar.

Though word of mouth, he eventually learnt that this item was lost a scant 2 weeks ago during a battle in Tabost. (to be continued...)