Felhand Family/Davendrall

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Davendrall Felhand
Physical Age: __________ 19
Continent: ___________ Atamara
Realm: ______________ Eston
Region Knighthood: ____ Melias
Main Class: __________ Warrior
Sub Class: ______________ -


Davendrall is a young girl who escaped to Tara after the fall of Norland where she became a Dame of Ledunds where her parents live. During her time in Tara, Davendrall found herself in the wilderness with lack of food or water and had to resort to eating leaves and berries. She never did work out whether the red or the purple ones were safer, but both are just as addictive and the nice fluffy leprechaun told her they were also hallucinogenic. Naturally this lead to her becoming the inventor of Leprechaun Wine™ 'Made with bananas and wild berries. Warning: May cause Hallucinations, Drunkenness, Hyperactivity, Lethargy, Euphoria and uncontrollable urges to relive the 1970’s' Also, Davendrall has an obsession with cute things. Especially squirrels. Cute little bald talking squirrels stuck in starch barrels.

Davendrall has now moved with all the Norlanders to Eston where she is Dame of Melias.

Physical Description

Pale skinned with long black hair and blue eyes. Thin and small in height.

Active Relatives

CCC logo

The Cute Cookie Corporation

Davendrall is the head of a large run of businesses known as the 'CCC' (Cute Cookie Corporation) which include the production, distribution and selling of Leprechaun wine, manufacturing and selling of cookies and several other...underground businesses which...can't be mentioned.
The business also owns the newspaper which Davendrall edits; Muninn Newsrag

The Cute Cookie Corporation is the Felhand Family Business. It was originally started by Davendralls grandfather, Felendrell, and passed down to her Uncles, Bobdrell and Valendrell, as her father Zalendrell was too stupid to make any valid contribution. When her uncles retired they passed the business to her.

Hammie the Warhamster, Ravager of Peasants

Davendrall's Minions

  • Lemming (Levin) - Captain of her troops, the Cute Cookie Infantry
  • Banana Bus (Barnabas) - Ex-leader of her troops, manager of her Business
  • Nibbles (Nibal) - One of her scouts
  • Yumyum (Yuma) - Her scribe
  • Hammie the Warhamster - Ravager of Peasants

(So i can remember what I'm calling them)