
From BattleMaster Wiki
Region Details
Continent Colonies
Region Type Mountains
Geographic Area North-East
Population 2198
Economy Mining, Fishing
Realm / Duchy Blackdawn Covenant / the Reclaimed Lands
Local Lord Verterex (unknown)

A Mountainous Retreat

Ever since the first explorers arrived in the Colonies, the mountainous hideaway known as Drenga has been a part of the realm of Giblot. It's remote location has bred an independent and rebellious spirit amongst the Drengans, often leading them to the temptation of fighting for their own independence. They look with suspicion on outsiders, but have come to accept Giblot's rule ... for now.

The coastal climate provides a moderate growing season and the barley grown in the foothills and valleys of Drenga produces some of the finest ale in the Colonies. Access to the surrounding ocean and the wide Drenga Bay provides for a profitable fishing industry and some smuggling. Mines in the mountainous interior are a source of many valuable ores and minerals.

Former Lords

  • Maj. Gen. R. H. Anderson
  • The Late Morton Lious
  • Artumus Gris
  • James Stormclaw

Current Knights

  • Gellin Gellander
  • Sin RavenWulf



  • A temple of Kamido is located in Drenga. Funding was provided by Baron Will Bell, who also directed the construction. The temple was practically demanded by the Drengan people rather than built at the behest of the Kamido priesthood, which is a rarity in most faiths.

Small Giblot.png Travel Guide