Impenetrable Armour of the Kings

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Type Armour
Discovered By Brooklyn Luna Eras
Discovery Date (unknown)
Discovery Location Far East
Abilities Prestige +4
Current Owner Jenred Bedwyr

The Impenetrable Armour of the Kings is known principally as the armour of Jenred Kindon Bedwyr, King of Arcaea. It was presented to him as a wedding gift from Lord Thalathafn Urominiel, after the adventurer Brooklyn discovered it. It is one of his more prized possessions, and is steadily increasing in prestige as the two become more well known across the Far East.

"Jenred himself prompted more than a cursory glance. Fully six feet tall when he stood, his broad shoulders hinted at the physique years of war had honed. Much of this was hidden by the Impenetrable Armour of the Kings, however, the overlapping plates of a strange silvery metal, stronger than steel yet as light as leather covering him from collar to toe. Golden engravings traced strange symbols and patterns across each plate, save for two of the breastplates, which sported the swords and stars of Arcaea. He had been surprised indeed when the Armour had been fitted to him and the flag of Arcaea had been replicated immediately in those golden lines. Truly excellent Armour…"

During a battle in Hupar, Jenred was badly wounded, and had to be half cut out of the Armour for the Healers to begin their work. During the chaos of the battle, they lost track of the Armour and it was lost. Jenred had Brooklyn hunt for a week to find it, but to no avail.