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Region Details
Continent Beluaterra
Region Type Townsland
Geographic Area North Lowlands
Population 8900
Realm Sint



Hajiian Moose

The Hajiian moose is a rare type of moose. It only exist in Haji, a few neibouring regions, and the Moose ranch at the Haji moose Guard Guildhouse near ossmat. To ride a Hajiian moose is conciderd an honur. The Animal is quite large, with the cow being a little bigger than the bull. The Moose are very stubborn, especialy with an unfamiliar handler and/or rider. The moose are used mostly by the Haji Moose Cavalry, but can also be seen working as in the stead of horses with the local farmers, though that is rae and not allowed.

Little known facts about Haji

  • Some people - especially children - belive that Old Grehk is a part of Haji, not vice versa.
  • Haji was once a small kingdom, and many, especially older people, hope it will secceed sometime, and recreate the old kingdom of Haji.
  • The moose guard was originally founded to protect and scout the borders of Haji
  • Formerly lorded over by Eirik|, Xaia|, and Azer.