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Template:Infobox Regions

Wynford is a gently rolling rural region of Caergoth on the south-east coast of Atamara. The beaches and surrounding farmlands enjoy a mild coastal climate and are noted for fertile harvests of grain, olives and rich wine grapes from which the region gets its name. The population is distributed among a collection 14 villages that make their living mostly by farming, fishing and hunting.

Due to its strategic value as a gateway to the southern islands, the fields of Wynford bear the scars of many old battles. Conflicts between the cities of Riverholm and Ash'rily have often left their mark on the countryside and at times decimated the population. Through these adversities and the recoveries that followed the people of Wynford have gained a reputation both for good-natured optimism and unfailing tenacity.

Villages of Wynford County


A northern coastal fishing village, Woring is culturally closer to Worav and Ash'rily than to the mainland. Its residents commonly trade with Worav and Riverholm both, using islander punts and pinnaces more than the undeveloped roads of the area.


In the heart of wine country, this inland, wooded village is split by an annual creek which flows west toward the Great River. Creekton wine is particularly strong and jealously guarded from soldiers who are likely to become "enamored" of its vintage without desiring to pay.


Little is notable about this village other than its large and ancient church bell, which can be heard for miles around.


Centrally located, carved onto a small hill in the middle of wine country, Wynfordshire is the seat of the county. The village is surrounded by a low rock wall, known generously as the "Fort of Wynford", and the Viscount's Manor dominates the village commons. It is historically the county's most populous village, thanks to the adjacent ancient stone road which connects Riverholm with Worav.


A smaller village in the rocky eastern coast, noted for its quarries of limestone and granite.


Sitting on the edge of Wynford Swamp, this unlikely village is inhabited by mostly salt miners and hardy woodsmen rather than peasant farmers. In ancient times the workers were slaves but today they are free men holding marginally more status than the common serf. The people tend not to associate with the rest of the county except to trade, holding themselves oddly self-sufficient. The guards of Wynfordshire are unlikely to come to their defense unless explicitly ordered by the Viscount.


A small farming village, bordering Dorton County.


One of three main fishing villages on the great Eastern Ocean, Sardine is actually more of a bass and lobster port than the comparatively seasonal sardine.


Coveton is a fishing village on the Eastern Ocean, largely unremarkable except for its picturesque shoreline coves and caves and its offshore reefs.


Featuring a perfectly natural harbor well-suited to accommodating larger whaling boats or ships, Whaleport is indeed known for its hardy brand of seafaring whalers and fishers. Aside from the city of Wor'ight, Whaleport is the most likely place in the area where traders can find cheap whale-oil, blubber, whalebone and other such products.


Not far from Oeton, this farming village occupies the second-highest point in all Wynford and was once a part of Dorton County.


A few miles from Graniteville lies Clayshire, a tiny village notable for its pottery and brickwork.


Second-largest village in Wynford, flat Richfield is irrigated dairy farmland.


Dorville is a quiet farming village in the midst of south Wynford.

Nobles of Wynford

