Fame Box/Careful Research/Heroic Death Research

From BattleMaster Wiki


Unrelated (at least not solely depend on):

  • Honour
  • Prestige
  • Age
  • Career Time
  • Size of Battle
  • Number of dead family members


Legendary Heros

  • Lone Wolf Wylie (history)
  • TVFD3 Moore (history)
  • dulthalos Hyundai ([history)
  • Katerina Fleisher (history)
  • Dimian Indirik (history) Wasn't a hero very long, only 4 month. While he was a hero, he got into a few small monster/undead battles (local region maintenance type stuff). Then he died in the third round of a huge battle against the daimons on BT. He was ruler the entire time he was a hero.

Normal Heros


  • Might have to do with positions. Every one of those legendary hero's served as at least a count for a considerable amount of time.
    • Maybe. Archid did not. I seem to recall that one of the things that we needed was more cases of non-legendary heroes.