Ironsides Family/Bowie/Debauchery Two

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The Debauchery of Port Raviel

The Second Evening

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Black Bowie strolled gingerly down the snow blanketed, moonlit street. Along the way, an undead leapt out from an alley to attack. Startled, Bowie quickly unsheathed his sword and engaged with the creature. The incredibly strong monster nearly overpowered him, but luckily was not capable of defending against a trained swordsman. The undead lost both its legs and was immobilized.

Ignoring the dismembered beast, Bowie returned the sword to his side and continued walking, this time whistling.

He turned another corner and met with a second beast. This one had already found itself a meal. The shoe maker was half eaten and crawling numb towards his shop. He was caught working late. Bowie cringed at the mess before him, unsheathed his sword a second time and cut down the abominable thing. Then Bowie knelt beside the shoe keeper, examined the suffering man and dropped his sword into the man’s chest, mercy killing him. After wiping all the gore off his blade and boots, he continued walking towards his destination, whistling once again.

Finally, and without any more interruptions, Bowie entered the brothel near the overbridge. The place was quickly becoming his favourite hangout in the whole city.

So begun the Second Evening of Debauchery

Inside, Bowie flashed some gold to the Procuress who nodded immediately. The same three girls who met with Bowie last time came out and set up the table.

“Brrr, it is cold outside, but it feels really warm in here. How long have you had that fire going? Put more wood on it, we will need it the rest of the night. Say, has Antonine arrived yet? Play some music until he does. Delana dance while Nadia plays. Melani, sit with me.”

Melani smiled and set up two glasses and uncorked a bottle of brandy.

“Now that’s the stuff!” Bowie said as he sat down.

“Would you like anything to eat Master Amilcare?” Melani asked,

“No thank you love, please sit. Last time we spoke you said you knew how to swim. Can you believe that I am unable to? And you are just a peasant! Tell me what else you can do.”

“Well…I, my father was a very experienced man and always taught me the skills he learned. He also taught me how to read.”

Bowie’s eyes widened.

“Imagine that. You are literate! You know Melani, I am beginning to think that you are a scholar hidden in a peasants body.”

“Trapped in a prostitute’s life.” She frowned.

The Procuress overheard and detested.

“Melani! You are to entertain our guests, not depress them! Keep your pitiful thoughts to yourself. Smile, start dancing, and drink up!”

“Return to your quarters Mistress! This woman may speak her mind to me if she pleases. Intelligence is as pleasurable as the flesh is.” Bowie responded.

The Procuress silenced and returned to tending to the fire. Bowie ignored her and began to drink, Melani joined him.

“Trapped is a common condition,” Bowie said.

Melani answered, “Noble or not, we all share the same sufferings.”

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Port Raviel)
