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Template:Infobox Regions

1008 May 11, Moon setting.


Largest city on the northwestern shore. Trade from other continents that lie towards the northwest. Numerous smaller industry to support the trade. Designed like a citadel, its walls held off the monsters, undead, though the fortifications have recently fallen apart in several places. City is in a state of anarchy as internal factions fight for control of the city, gold and other resources are being hoarded for use against each other. Repairs to the fortification unlikely to occur within the year.

from 1008 May Darfix City Report by Marquess Tsuboh Gothic

Genghis's Hunt 1008 May 16

On his travels up the West Coast of the monster ridden Dwilight, Genghis Steel, adventurer finally arrived at a great city of Darfix. The wealth of the city was vast, with riches pouring from the shop windows. Darfix seemed to be the last city taken over by monsters and undead. Genghis stopped in at one of the merchants stalls and browsed quietly. He suddenly came across a book he had seen before. With in it was a list of all the noble families that once lived in Darfix. As Genghis went to lift up the book a slip of paper feel out from the back. Genghis was shocked at what he saw... it was an imperial seal. Whom ever holds this in there possession has the rights to the city state of Darfix. May the holder of this be honest, kind and treat the citizens well or suffer the wrath of the almighty. Genghis quickly paid the merchant and left the city. This would fetch a pretty penny on the private market.

Genghis knew someone who might be interested in the seal. On his travels Genghis ran into a man they called Judge Valens Soulja of Melodia and he directed Genghis to where he would find the undead lairs. He was the only man Genghis knew that had heard of Darfix before, and because he was a noble would be able to use the seal. What Genghis would get in return for this, he would have to find out.

Valens Search for Darfix

First, his father gave him a seal. Said it was his right to claim a great city on a lost continent. Now knowing where, or what, Valens set out to find this great city. Where was it? How would he find it? Finally boats opened up to a lost continent, the one of Dwilight. While there, commoners recognized the seal as the City Seal of Darfix. Valens then set his sights there, and worked tirelessly every day to put together a group, gather men and gold and set out for the city. After moving from Madina, to Melodia, being a Marquis, then a Judge. Moving from a dying Melodia to a growing Carewyn, everything was finally in place. Valens moves quickly now north, to claim his city of Darfix with his group to create their new great realm of Ivalice. However some other greedy colonists wish to hinder Valens true right to claim the city, and though they say they just want to get far from Everguard, then why don't they move to the south? What is further away then the other side of the continent? Obviously these "colonists" are not very smart.