York Journal/Issue 13

From BattleMaster Wiki
MinasIthilFlag2.png The York Journal
Cost: 1 silver April 08 Editor(s): Relkin Sypher
The News
By Roxas Sypher Journal Redesign coming April 9th '08

In celebration of one year of the York Journal a redesign of our paper is forthcoming. We will reveal the new design in our next issue.

By Roxas Sypher Rest of Northern Federation joins the War April 7th '08

Without warning Eston attacked Barad Riel in the first days of this month. The City defenders fought bravely but were soon outnumbered by the full might of the Eston armies. Looting and battles in the city have swept the city as the people of the city resist attempts to bring the city under the iron fist of Eston. Nearly four thousand peasants are reported dead by some estimates. Most of the noblility of the city and the Duke of Barad Riel have escaped the patrols and made their way back to the interior regions. On the dawn of the fifth day of the takeover, Eston has completed their brutal takeover of the city.

This act of war has caused our King to declare war on Eston. Meanwhile, the Tyrant Sordnez declared war and sent the Makarian Horde to loot and takeover Moramroth. Thus, our fair realm finds itself under attack by the combined forces of the entire Northern Federation.