Talk:Madina (Realm)

From BattleMaster Wiki

Madina Players Team

The Madina players team will be a team of players who will 'set up' the role playing foundation of the realm. This team will make sure that a solid pirate theme will exist in the realm and will make sure that it stays that way, below are the list of names. If your interested in Madina and wish to help along with role playing the realm than feel free to add your realm, we do not require anything from you, you can be an active or less active roleplayer, it doesn't mather. If you want to play along, just add your name. The list is meant to keep these players together and make it possible to inform them of any changes towards the big step 'establishing Madina".

When adding your self add your name and/or your family name, if possible add your pirate characters name too

Chit Chat

Stefona has made the first pages of the realm intro and it will be finished at the end of the week, with my help ofcourse XD --Laurens.schreuders

Will not be finished untill Dwilight opens, eventually the roleplay will take you to an ifnromation page of the realm. --Vlad 10:42, 30 October 2007 (CET)

Why get rid of the TOC? I liked it. --The1exile 22:44, 17 October 2007 (CEST)

Because I thought it didnt' have a real function, it did look cool, but the page is not an information page but a running story, so thats why i deleted it. --Vlad 10:42, 30 October 2007 (CET)

Yoo stefona when are you gonna make the rest of the pages...I'm like, a little hands tied with and study the coming 2 weeks. AND WHERE IS MY RP PART HARRR --Laurens.schreuders

No Pirate Nobles

Are you people aware that Tom has already said, quite explicitly, that nobles are not pirates—that pirate characters are not allowed in BM? --Anaris 14:04, 30 October 2007 (CET)

Pirates are not in the BattleMaster RP flavor. Look here, please. --Indirik 14:15, 30 October 2007 (CET)

I was not aware of that. There are many pirate players in the game and there has even been a pirate like realm on FEI before. Dwilight is a big new island, how should we rp the natives then? should we rp them as nbole men too? The middleages also knew non noble realms, not much in europe though but the natives of the new lands (america) are not quite the noble men too. If pirate realms are not alowed we can simply give it another name. Madina simply resembles a free land on a new continent, never discovered before, i don't care if it's inhabitants are called pirates, free nobles or what ever. It's the idea that counts and I am willing to tweak it now i can. I am curious to what Tom might have to say about it. I am almost sure he'dd seen the page by now. --Vlad 15:45, 30 October 2007 (CET)

There are a lot of people that play things that just don't fit in the setting of BattleMaster. That doesn't make it right. All player characters, except for adventurers, are nobles. You cannot have a "non noble" realm. Madina is quite obviously a maritime realm, being on an island with sea routes, and all. Embracing that is great. But talking like pirates and acting like pirates just isn't "noble". --Indirik 16:37, 30 October 2007 (CET)

But I don't think any group of people will be noble whom will colonize a new land. Take the USA as an example, the british colonists where totlay difrent than those who stayed in britain. You cannot have an exact same system of nobility when you coloinze anything, when you start, there is nothing, no land, no throne, no hierachy, or you have to be a slave master of some sort with the intentions to build lands so nopbility can be enforced again. But you simply can't start with noble structure if theres nothing to own... atleast i can't find a way to roleplay it. --Vlad 16:44, 30 October 2007 (CET)

Simple solution then: Have the peasants be the pirates and RP through them instead, with your characters being the local aristocracy, though not, perhaps, so refined as other nobles form more "normal" lands. --The1exile 17:53, 30 October 2007 (CET)

You don't even know how the island is going to be started. Maybe there will be a land, a throne, a hierarchy to start. Tom is a pretty creative guy...and he likes to surprise us. I would strongly recommend against making assumptions about how Dwilight is going to be started. ...As a matter of fact, I'd recommend against making plans like this at all, because for all we know, Tom's going to give away high positions in the opening realms to hand-picked people, and you won't have any chance to take over Madina and RP it as you please. --Anaris 18:09, 30 October 2007 (CET)

Your making a good point. We don't know what Tom has in mind and I am certainly not trying to mock with Tom's plans. But I figured that if we would be one of the first players on the island we would roleplay the realm with our characters. But who knows what Tom already has in mind. That is also why i haven't finished this Madina page and not added other peoples roleplays. But even if this idea will not work out or is not alowed, I still enjoyed working on it and who knows, maybe once, in the future. ;) either way I hope we, over-exited BM nerds will be informed of the spoils very soon :P --Vlad 19:42, 30 October 2007 (CET)

There very much were nobles who were pirates in medival times and beyond. Privateering was a big thing in the days of the tall ships and many privateers were 'enterprising' nobles with a taste for danger and blood. Besides, pirate characters already exist all over battlemaster. Batesaor (the pirate realm) in the Far East was started by my con artist/pirate/swashbuckler character and was well established on the RP list long before the continent opened up with the blessing of all involved, including Tom. I have never heard of Tom frowning on playing that aspect of nobility. -Balewind