User talk:Indirik

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Revision as of 00:10, 20 November 2007 by Murakama (talk | contribs) (preview button FTW!)
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I really like your banner in the contest, it's a sunny, cheerful banner. If it doesn't win, would you consider letting others use it for another realm? (I don't have any in mind, I'd just love to see it in game). --PrinceScamp 09:27, 6 September 2007 (CEST)

Newspaper Articles

Could it please be possible for you to ask me before making any changes to articles I write for The Rampant Lion? I don't mean minor spelling errors, but for additions or 'corrections', unless you write a separate 'update' for the article. A similar example woul be how I asked you about correcting the Queen's name rather than changing it myself. I hope you don't mind, I realise you have ownership of the newspaper, but I do find it hard having my articles changed after I've written them. --Thegep 04:07, 15 June 2007 (CEST)

If you would like, I can do that. In this case the article as it originally appeared gave a false impression of how things happened. And, really, that's a major point that is at the crux of the entire controversy: The Prophet asserts that Balkeese made the arrangement of her own volition, which is supported by the article as it was originally written. In fact, Balkeese was directed to do it by other, more senior Church members. When the arrangements were completed, she was accused of having done it completely on her own, with never an acknowledgment that she was instructed to do so.
In fact, Balkeese feels more than a little betrayed by the way she was treated, and not just by the Prophet. Several Church members took part in the discussions that resulted in the negotiations with Itorunt. Then when the Prophet attacked her for doing so, not a single Church Elder stood up to help clarify the point, or speak out in her defense. She was practically set up as a scapegoat.
If you would prefer, the entire article can be returned to its original state, and we can add a footnote similar to the following::
Editor's note: Arch Priestess Balkeese has provided messages from the Church Founder and Church Treasurer, both higher ranking Church Elders, directing her to make the agreements with Itorunt. As a point of clarification, Duke Screndt has only forbidden priests of the Church of Humanity from ministering in the city of Aix.
If that is more acceptable to you, then you are welcome to revert the article and add the footnote. --Indirik 15:02, 15 June 2007 (CEST)
No, its fine to leave it as it is this time. But in the future, I would appreciate you clarify your perception on any situation I write about with a footnote as you suggest or even a comment on mine or the TRLs talkpage rather than just deciding yourself to change one of my articles.
On a side note, if it does bother you to have other point of views writing in the paper, I am happy to revive the Perdan Pride or start another paper... I understand TRL is your paper. If you don't want me writing in it anymore, I won't be offended. -- Thegep 00:16, 16 June 2007 (CEST)
No, it doesn't bother me at all. It's nice having more than one person working on it. The more articles and viewpoints, the better. I'll be more careful. --Indirik 05:20, 16 June 2007 (CEST)

Region Pages

When making region pages, please follow this convention:

[[Island/Example Region]]

Rather than this one:

[[Example Region]]

As this is the way it has been set out in the Style Guide. Thanks - Revan March 28, 2006 20:06 (CEST)

Since East Continents redirects to East Island, it's a bit backwards that you move all the regions from East Island/Name to East Continent/Name ... --Kristian 30 March 2006 15:07 (CEST)

I didn't make the convention, I'm just using what was there. All of the existing region pages were all stored under East Continent/. I personally prefer East Island/, but you work with what you have. --Indirik

Ya, that duchie thing would be great, but can you change the color scheme? (I know i posted this twice...)--Twinblade 30 March 2006 21:46 (CEST)

That's OK, I'll amswer twice. :) I'll take a look at the colors. If I can figure out how to get a good color scheme, I'll whip it up. I can even change the Perdan color scheme to me more appropriate, too. Indirik 30 March 2006 21:48 (CEST)


Indirik, I didn't just delete the record I didn't like. You had left a record in obviously short of Perdans old record of 130 to 1, so I assumed you had a reason. And don't take my IC feelings OOC, I'm sure the people who play Perdanese are good players, doesn't mean my chartacters have to like them. Don't accuse me of being my characters. --The1exile 19:10, 10 May 2006 (CEST)

I left the immediately preceding record in place, just like the "Largest battle" record. I think it's interesting to see the previous record. It gives you some idea of how much better than the rest the record really is. Kind of like a "Top 3", almost. As for IC/OOC feelings, I find it hard to separate yours. Especially when you make comments like these:
  • [12:14pm] <The1exile> Owned Perdans record
  • [12:14pm] <The1exile> easily killed the eston miklitia [sic] record but I havent removed that
  • [12:40pm] <The1exile> nyeh, ruin my gloating over beating perdan/ibladesh at something.
--Indirik 20:53, 10 May 2006 (CEST)
I was just glad I got a record, and had beaten some other record. That record was a Perdan/Ibladesh record. And on IRC I am mildly IC unless talking about outside the game, as is everyone, I believe (e.g. "booh at Itorunt" has come up several times recently). If I disliked the players I would be in trouble, because I still play BM with them, like in other chars. And the last comment was a joke in response to being told it was probably a bug. --The1exile 21:09, 10 May 2006 (CEST)

No thank you

Thank you for the offer, but I want to try this on my own. I have Yunari's blessing in-game to re-ignite the flame of the Perdan Pride. It's coming back to the news stands soon. Thank you for your offer, but no thank you. Some of my interest in this is some competition, so good luck. -- Roman 20:12, 5 December 2006

The TattleMasters

Hello, I'd like to start an OOC newspaper called "The TattleMasters". For the short term my aim is to create a circulating platform for news regarding the bugfixes and some of the new features of the game, which should greatly help with some problems like duplicate bug reports or repetitive questions the coders find themselves are commonly facing. For the long term we can also extend the coverage to something like players interview etc. if we come to have enough editors handling this newspaper.

I would like to ask you that if you would be interested if I invite you to participate in this newspaper? It's mainly about the layout design of the newspaper; I very much like the looks of The Rampant Lion and would hope that this newspaper can share a similar style, but being the sole writer for the moment means I am left without any spare time to tackle with the appearance. Thank you for the attention in advance. -- Gsklee 09:09, 8 July 2007 (CEST)

Basically there needs to be one column for shorter reports and another column for detailed paragraphs, and of course a neat archive system. That would be the precise reason why I like the design of The Rampant Lion, because it just has all the functionalities a newspaper would require in a stylized trim. So if you don't mind, I think the current layout of The Rampant Lion would just do; perhaps tweak a few colors and revert the left and right and that would be enough for the moment. Once the skeleton's done I can create some extra images and will be ready to set the first few text entries up. Then later on we can further adjust the layout to fit the needs of the newspaper or as new ideas coming by. -- Gsklee 15:35, 8 July 2007 (CEST)

Minor edits

I would suggest that you not mark all of your edits to the wiki as "minor". A minor edit is typically a spelling or grammar correction rather than creation or expansion of an article. If someone is looking at their watchlist and excludes minor edits, none of your article edits would appear, which would be an inaccurate representation of edits to the pages. --OOC Habap 21:37, 6 September 2007 (CEST)

True, I should watch that more closely. I have Minor edit turned on by default, as I tend to make a lot of stupid little edits, especially when editing templates. I gues I've been forgetting to turn it off... --Indirik 21:56, 6 September 2007 (CEST)

Sagarmathism Expands

I would just like to say that writing that article is one of the greatest things you could have done to end the EC's peace. It fits perfectly with a letter my character send to the Church of Ibladesh in hopes of sparking a conflict. So, I just wanted to say thank you, and you rule. Fredrich 22:42, 6 September 2007 (CEST)

Unfortunately, I can't find it right now. It might have been deleted already, but I thought messages were saved for a month, not just two weeks. Anyway, the basic idea was that Ubent was attempting to spread its influence through this religion, and that it was done without permission in Caligus and Yssaria. It was almost entirely BS at the time, but thanks to this new temple and your article's bias, it now looks like a reliable source. I hope something happens because of it. Playing a deceiving backstabber in a quiet realm is pretty hard. Fredrich 23:20, 7 September 2007 (CEST)


Check Here. -Chénier 23:27, 13 October 2007 (CEST)

Preview Button Template

I love this! You're my personal hero for today for adding this subtle reminder to help the less perceptive. ^_^ -- Murakama 01:10, 20 November 2007 (CET)