Dwilight Daily/Writing

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< Dwilight Daily
Revision as of 01:11, 13 October 2007 by Chénier (talk | contribs) (→‎Realm Icons: Added anonymous.)

Links to News by Year

Writing Articles

  • Do not place articles on the main page. The main page is merely a collection of included subpages.
  • To start a new article, just click the "Write an article for..." link at the bottom of the main page. Then edit the page to which it takes you. It will automatically create new monthly and yearly pages as required.
  • Always use the Template:DDNews template when writing feature articles. You can copy/paste the example given on the template page, then add the appropriate items as needed.

Template Usage

The following templates are used for the Dwilight Daily. Template usage instructions are included on the template pages.

You can copy/paste one of the following frameworks into the page. Leave the {{subst:CURENT...}} codes as shown for the month, day, and year. It will automatically be replaced with the current values when you save the page. The variables for both templates are the same. The article_right variable is not used for DDNews, and will just be ignored if included in a story using the DDNews template.

  • Single column feature article
|month = {{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}}
|day = {{subst:CURRENTDAY}}
|year = {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}
|title = 
|article = 
|author = 
|realm = 
  • Two column feature article
|month = {{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}}
|day = {{subst:CURRENTDAY}}
|year = {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}
|title = 
|article = 
|article_right =
|author = 
|realm = 

Writing Style

  • Individual writers should write about the events that occur within their own realms, or that relate to their realms. Where major events occur in realms where there is no active writer, anyone may feel free to write about it.
  • As much as practically possible, articles should remain as neutral as possible. Being an island-wide newspaper, we want to ensure that we are recording events, and not speculations or opinions. We also want to avoid propaganda wars in the paper.
  • When editing someone else's articles, edit for spelling/grammar only, or for verifiable facts. i.e. correct region names if the reporter got the wrong region, but don't change "Realm A won the war" to "Realm A lost the war". Subjective opinions such as that should either be discussed on the comments page for that individual article, or you should write your own article with your own opinion of the matter. However, please keep in mind the neutrality principle.
  • All articles should be signed by their author and include a realm icon. Articles about the paper itself, such as pleadings for more writers, major style changes, etc. should be written as OOC and use the MicroDD.png icon: MicroDD.png.

Page Administration

The only things that needs done on a regular basis are the following:

  • Change the month names on the front page each month. The following two lines should be changed:
    • {{:Dwilight Daily/2007/October}}
    • {{:Dwilight Daily/2007/September}}
These lines should be the current month at the top, and the previous month underneath. (Adjust the year, if necessary.) Do not change anything else.
  • Occasionally the archive pages will need to be updated to provide easy access to the auto-generated monthly subpages. This can be done as infrequently as once a year, if the entire coming year is created all at once.
  • Whenever a new realm is formed, the DDNews template will need to be updated to include the new realm name and icon. Follow the patter for the existing realms to create the new ones.

Realm Icons

  • MicroDD.png - Dwilight Daily OOC stuff (use DD_OOC for the realm name)
  • Micro Anon.png - Anonymous
  • Micro Madina.png - Madina
  • Micro Morek.png - Morek
  • Micro Pian.png - Pian en Luries
  • Micro Springdale.png - Springdale