Quasath Family

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The Quasath Family

Origins and Founding Father

Historical Timeline

Family Members

Currently, there are four family members adventuring in the realm. Two have had the honor of fighting for the Cagilan Empire. The youngest, but bravest, is serving loyally in the Colonies, under the Wetham banner. The middle child just emerged in SWI.

The black sheep's whereabouts are not discussed, but it is rumoured he is dead.

Lopke, Knight of Ircymbar, Ashborn

Lopke, being the eldest of the children, was taught at an early age to be a Knight. He was to represent the family on the battlefield, honourably and skillfully. He finished his training and was immediately made a Knight of Calis in Duke Adam's army. After recruiting his first unit, he has travelled in a few parts of the Cagilan Empire, but desires more.
February 2, 1007. Lopke fought at the battle of Nardil against overwhelming odds. The strength of the monsters was felt by the gathered forces of Lopke and his allies. Although several units were wiped out, Lopke and his friend Sir Gen, managed to defeat them.
Lopke's unit: The 7th Barrier. Highly trained force, destroyed by monsters. February 3, 1007. Sad news when Lopke stayed to defend Nardil from the rallying monsters. The 7th Barrier were killed to a man, and Lopke himself was wounded in that slaughter.
Currently wandering the Empire, he has recruited a new unit. The 8th Barrier, a unit of archers, served in a few fights already. Lopke wanted to experiment with archers, and didn't like what he found. Too far away from the front lines for his liking, Lopke has decided to set down the unit as militia in Calis, his hometown.
In a move long mulled over, Lopke emigrated to the South-East Islands. There he chose to serve the realm of Toren. Their promise of battle with honor appealed to him. Although not entirely satisfied with his current unit (only 10 men), he has no choice but to go to the front lines. He hopes the 9th Barrier will perform well on their virgin mission.
9th Barrier has fought several successful battles as of 03/27/1007. They are back to a unit of 25 men and are aiding the Toren forces in taking over Taselak regions. Recently, after a series of hard battles in the south and Neralle, 9th Barrier was reduced to 1 man. Luckily that means the name may survive! Lopke is working his unit back up to full strength as of 04/12/1007.
After a failed rebellion in Toren, and a false accusation against him, Lopke left the island for Beluaterra. He chose the small and struggling nation of Ashborn, after his friend Rad told him his sister Tess was there. Well, his initial arrival was frought with suspicion, due to his malcontent brother Mathen. Being a "citizen" of Sint, Ashborn's mortal enemy, Mathen caused problems again. Lopke proved his worth in battle, where he captured by Heen (allied with Sint) and imprisoned. Luckily his new unit, 10th Barrier, survived their first skirmish (barely) and are ready for more.
Lopke has been in Ashborn a few months, and is neck deep in Daemons at the moment (08/25/1007). He was a loyal knight in Zwering, under Lady Tess, until he was called by Minister of Defense Lady Stormbrew to her region. He is now in Ircymbar. The 10th Barrier got decimated by monsters, and Lopke was very depressed for a while. He has his 11th Barrier archers now. He is next in line for a lordship in Ashborn, a fact he very much looks forward too.

Renee, Buro of Woodglen, Cagilan Empire

Renee wanted nothing more than to be a Knight. She delighted in brawling with her brothers any chance she could. Entirely unhappy when Lopke began his training, she found her own methods of learning the art of sword and lance. By paying various squires in coin and flesh Renee learned some basic points of fighting. When her father caught on, he was furious with her methods, but proud of her determination.
With her father's blessing, she began her own training as a Knight. Her only vow was that she would never use her body like she had again. That was easy enough for her to accept, after all she had gained her main desire. So, after a few years, she was as able a Knight as Lopke. Moreover, she had the determination to BE more. As Lopke struggles in his imagined bonds of servitude, Renee strives for more.
Recently she has joined the Army of Ered Luins, under Grand Duke Strider. She hopes to prove herself there and raise her profile in the realm.
In a battle at Hidale, her unit was decimated by monsters. The Blessed 33 were a good bunch of soldiers, loyal until death. Their memory will live on and their sacrifice will not be vain. Renee has recruited her new unit, Renee's Glory, and plans for vengeance.
Renee has trained her unit to a peak of excellence, and keeps their numbers low for easier control on the battlefield. In other news, she took the offer of Lord Garden of Etoge and became his knight. She now owns an estate in Etoge.
Currently she is traveling to Norland, through the lands of Minas Ithil, to fight a war. Excited by her first march abroad, she is anxious for a battle. And a battle she had, in Mansbridge against the army of Norland. Her troops were valiant, but they fell to axe and sword. With low morale, badly damaged equipment, and several wounded men she fell back to Tarasac in a slow week's travel. Luckily in Tarasac 5 hours rebounded her remaining 3 men to a fighting force. They were paid, gear repaired, and a few hours with some whores brought their morale sky-high. Making her way to Cagil to recruit more men, she aided a fight against undead in Alimonne. She lost another man there, but was very proud of her stalwart trio, now pair. Gathering her new 18 men in Cagil, she is now on her way to Alatol and Skalk to scout, back in the fold of the Army of Ered Luins. 04/12/1007.
After more battles against monsters and undead, Renee's Glory is back to 18 men. However, they are fierce veterans and proud fighters. For the past few battles she has fought besides her good friend, Kel.
08/25/1007. Renee retains her unit, Renee's Glory. Her captain Lanfried, is highly skilled and her bosom companion. She changed her occupation from knight to cavalier, to knight, to Bureacrat since she last updated the family logs. She is very happy doing paperwork and protecting the Empire's citizens in the Army of the Ered Luins.

Chault, Hero of Wetham, Count of Hulaferd, High Marshal of Wetham, Wetham

Chault was the quietest of the three children. Not that he didn't have anything to say, he simply let his older siblings have their way. He was patient enough to find his own way. He enjoyed being with the servants and common folk more than most of his family. He learned his fighting from the sergeants and the rank and file. He had more passion when he fought, and was often scolded by his parents for his behaviour. So, he learned to be polite, as well as speak his mind.
When Lopke was knighted, and Renee soon after, Chault decided that Cagila for not the place for him. With barely an acknowledgement from his parents, he left his home. The send-off from his friends and the villagers was something else entirely! Soon after he caught a boat for the colonies. Almost immediately upon landing, he saw the goodness that was in Wetham, and their just cause in removing the Assassins. He joined their ranks quickly enough.
Chault proved himself in several fights against the Assassins and monsters around Wetham. The two huge battles in South Bakker tested his mettle and he passed. He was disappointed with the cowardice of his men, but then realized that they only follow their commander. Determined, his most recent battle was, in his mind a success. His unit was slaughtered, but they didn't rout.
With the thought that the leader IS the unit, Chault has changed his outlook in life. He is no longer a knight. He is a Hero. He will help the people. He will lead his men himself. He will do what he can for Wetham and for the cause of Good.
Chault`s unit: Angel`s Fury. Although they have come close to full defeat several times, there are always a few veterans to keep the unit alive. Once again the ranks are being filled out.
Chault's life has been a flurry of activity in the Colonies. A large battle with the Assassins on 03/11/1007 led to another defeat, mostly because of the palisade in South Bakker. Angel's Fury soldiers all perished in the battle, with only the Captain escaping. Unfortunately, the Captain died from his wounds on the journey back to Hulaferd. Chault recruited a new unit in Wetham and named them the Holy Crusaders.
As a reward for his loyalty and aid to the realm, Chault was granted the lands of Hulaferd and declared Count on 03/26/1007. He immediately summoned new knights to Hulaferd and granted them lands. They are: Lady Kureshtal (who already had her personal estate in Hulaferd), Hitran, belkin, and Moradoq.
As of 04/12/1007, nothing much has happened. With the King's help Hulaferd is at peak efficiency. Chault has built 2 siege engines to help in the coming battle, and there is a sense of coming battle from many realms, but everyone is simply waiting. The dam will burst soon enough.
The dam burst, but not quite in the expected way. Through quiet discussion, King sasuke stepped down from the throne. Sir Atticus was chosen again as King. Chault was given the position of High Marshal through his devotion to King Atticus. There was a rebellion in the Guild and Lord Innocent overthrew Diana. Wetham attacked South Bakker again, but through a series of accidents and reinforcements, couldn't take it. Things go into an uneasy truce as we wait to see what Lord Innocent proclaims. The Holy Crusaders fought admirably in the battle, but retreated too early for Chault's taste.
08/25/1007. Chault's long preparations for an attack on South Bakker were successful. It is now under siege. Peaceful talks with the Assassins came to naught and there was a deathly calm between the two realms. Chault got Wetham prepared and when the time was right, he attacked, and won, in South Bakker. Time will tell if his overall plan is successful.

Samuel, Knight of Sandalak, Sandalak_(SWI)

08/25/1007. Just off the boat in Sandalak, SWI, Samuel came at the invitation of his friend, Rad Salamat. He hopes to have some fun. His new unit Pillars of War I are raw, but eager.

Mathen 'Underhand', Adventurer. Forced to serve Sint. Deceased.

Mathen, the black sheep of the family. Deposited on their estate when he was a baby, with a note that claimed he was part of the Quasath bloodline. The priests that were called in could not be sure either way if he was indeed one of them. So, rather than risk divine anger, Mathen was raised on the estate. He was never mistreated, more...ignored.
Mathen was smart enough not to cause any trouble nearby. Yet soon his antics were heard even back on the Quasath estate. Not wanting to further their embaressment, he was given some silver and sent away. Travelling restlessly for a time, Mathen decided to leave the continent for a better chance at making a name for himself.
Arriving in Beluaterra, or Sint to be exact, he was brought to the local court. Promising he would not be a nuisance, he was free to go his own way. Only spending a few days in town, he soon left for thrills and money.
Mathen has already hunted down dozens of monsters and undead. He's not much for searching for items, he'd rather fight. Recently recognized for his efforts, he is a known a bit more in the area.
Mathen experienced a brief stay in the clink. Captured by Mesh forces, he thrown in jail. However, their Judge Legault showed himself to be a fair man and after listening to Mathen's protests of innocence, he released him. Mathen is back in Sint doing his thing, killing monsters.
Lacking a compass, Mathen wandered back into Mesh lands and was captured again. This time he was left to rot for the full 6 days, as it was his second offence. Judge Legault offered to accept him into Mesh' service, but Mathen did not change allegiance. Now he's back in Sint, heading north.
08/25/1007. It has been reported that Mathen is dead. After joining forces with a few other adventurers, namely: Elinna, Marzo, and Grekk, Mathen hunted and gathered like any other man. There was a brief rise in hope when the King of Vlaanderen promised recommendations, but that never came. That incident, along with constant friction with one of his groupmates, Grekk, led to tempers flaring. Mathen challenged Grekk to a duel, and lost. His speed couldn't match Grekk's strength.