Shenron Family/Shenron Duel Records

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Shenron Duel Records

Fatal Duels

Only fatal duels were recorded throughout the Family's history because all the duels were of too many to be recorded so only the important ones were recorded. Each duel has a complex story behind it but the Shenron scribes could only get the more basic versions of them to make sure people actually read them instead of thinking "to long" and forgetting about it.

Duel Record Sheet

Family Member Opposition Result Result of Loss
Mitsuhide Solama WIN Death
Kazuma Elektra WIN Serious Wound
Kazuma Elektra WIN Death
Kazuma Kojiro Sasaki WIN Serious Wound
Kojiro Sasaki Alpha LOSS Death
Saiga Sera WIN Death
Mitsuhide Ian LOSS Death
Nami Kazuya WIN Death
Nami Sushiba WIN Death

Duel History

Each one of these duels has unique story. If you want to find them out, read below!!!

Mitsuhide vs Solama

At the time these two men were both members of Antoza Commonwealth. At the time Antoza was fighting their enemy who had seceded off them off them not too long ago, League of Anacan. One day Solama was captured by Anacan's forces. While he was in their prisons, their leader offered Solama an amount of money for Solama to secretly give information to the League of Anacan about Antoza's moves when he returned. The plan went into actions shortly after Solama's release and he started supplying the League with Antoza's formation settings and the League kept getting the advantage in battle.

Solama told Mitsuhide what he was doing and asked Mitsuhide to join. Mitsuhide then rejected and instead challenged him to a duel for his life. His exact words were:

"You are of the lowest type of noble, Solama. You know I don't like the King. I know I don't like the king. However I have to uphold my honour and I must do what is best for this realm!! Because I love this realm and just because there is a crappy king sitting atop of it. I won't let it come to it's demise!!! I will rid it of your filth"

They went a ahead with the duel and Mitsuhide ended it and placed Solama's head in the king throne room.

Kazuma vs Elektra

In this story Kazuma was in the realm of Greater Aenilia with his liege and good friend Lord Tharion, Count of Ornaz. One day a woman from a neighbouring realm called Svunnetland came to Ornaz and just sat there. Tharion asked her why she was there and she went crazy and started hysterically yelling, screaming and such. Kazuma, as Kazuma would, told her to too shut up and she turned her attentions to Kazuma giving her comment "You look weaker, Fight me". This offended Kazuma and he accepted the challenge.

They met in the woodlands of Ornaz and Kazuma ended up impaling the woman on top of his polearm, Ryouzoji.

However that occurance was not the last since she didn't die..

After the fight when Tharion and Kazuma were drinking, they received a pile of messages that were giving various taunts and such. Within the pile, another duel challenge. Kazuma accepted hoping would finish her off. They once again met in the woodlands of Ornaz and this time he sliced her head off. Unfortunately the king was watching the duel from the trees and he wasn't happy that Kazuma had brokn the law on dueling.....twice...

Kazuma vs Kojiro Sasaki

Now this one was a very heated battle. It was a very personal matter and it wasn't too be taken lightly. This was during Kazuma's stay in Greater Aenilia, while Greater Aenilia assisted in destroying Colasan up north. After the battle and the allied forces had won. Kazuma recieved a message from the evil Kojiro Sasaki, by blood his brother and the man who killed his father. He met Kojiro in the city and challenged him to the ultimate fatal duel. Kojiro laughed at him because Kojiro was a master swordsman and could easily best Kazuma. Could!! but didn't....

Unfortunately for Kojiro while they were fighting, an arrow flew from the shadows and struck Kojiro in the heart. Kazuma should've finished Kojiro but he ran away.

Kojiro survived......and Kazuma is still trying to figure out who shot the arrow....

OOC:These are only old duels. I find my Characters in so many duels these days I can't keep up.
Shenron Additional Information

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