Arn Family/Valeria Trueblade

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Revision as of 22:25, 7 December 2006 by Arn (talk | contribs)

Valeria Trueblade never truly considered herself a member of the House of Arn. She seeks honest justice, hearty companionship, noble truths, easy laughter, and other values meaningless to the Arns. After a bitter dispute with her uncaring father she cast her fate to the winds, and now finds herself upon the shores of the South-East Island, in the realm of Toren, seeking the wisdom of the Mighty Tor. She serves in the Black Knights of Toren Army, and has pledged fealty to Toren Stronghold.

She sleeps well, and dreams of glory, beauty, and chivalrous combat.

She also has a surprisingly decent mezzo-soprano singing voice.