Galantos Family/Akbar

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Akbar is the oldest son of Tarkas Galantos III, and the fourth of his name. From the city of Hawthorne in Eston, the Galantos family strove for generations toward extreme humility and pious devotion to religious study. Encouraged into vows of celibacy and penitence by his father, Akbar has studied in a small, cloistered monastery for most of his adult life.

Before taking the vows of his order, it was decided that Akbar should travel abroad, and spread the word and the glory of The Father of Earth and Stone. Assembling a band of Archers he called the Peace Quivers (in hopes that their arrows may never cause harm), Akbar set sail for the Far East, landing in Ansopen in the Sanctum of Casshern.

Akbar has three younger brothers; Lexington, Tarkas IV, and Montague. Currently Montague is the heir to all titles and holdings, due to the vows of poverty taken by his more pious siblings. A cousin, Bufort, is also making his way in the world, but he is a troublesome sort.

Akbar is tall and heavy-set, with the shorn head of his order, and adorned in a simple wool tabard. His patron saint is theat of his family, Saint Hubbins. His banner is a burgandy slash on an ash field (the colors of Galantos). It is centered by three white bars, representing chastity, justice, and temperance.