Talk:Redspan Revealer/November Edition 2006

From BattleMaster Wiki

A word from Vatticus Vashmere. To the editors.

You listen to me you disgusting, animal worshiping, filth-mongering pigs...This war is not a war of "us against our own lifestyle", its a war of BIG MONSTER CRUSH little goat...

Your god is a retarded mockery and a vision from a drunk who fell off a barrel. Darka is a merc realm that has no care whether you understand this or not..we simply are the bigger, better, more dangerous and more serious beast here. While your comedic realm of morons and dirt-snorters wonder why this is happening will be burned, looted and stomped...goats flattened.

You are lucky I am not going to be on the front line..or you would be eaten as well.

Here's what you fail to understand about this war...

You say, this is similar to us taking contracts to kill for money...YES you are RIGHT! It is the SAME thing...but here's what you fail to see. Darka does NOT take contracts on allies (and we punish who in our realm does), nor do we wonder why or question why our enemies fight back. We kill for gold, and those we kill fight back..its how wars are started, and how wars are ended...we don't expect our targets-of-war to wonder why they need to fight back...we simply know that marching forward and killing them will bring the actions of war, because if it didn't, it would be a realm of pathetic sissies begging for peace, weaponless and helpless.

We attack..and we kill...for gold..and those we attack fight back, and fail..because Darka is stronger. It is vicious and shark-like, it doesn't question our victim's need to fight back...

Now you did the same...your assassin attacked a high court official of Darka, and now you wonder why we fight you? Oh you disgusting bags of maggot-ass....we fight you because you swung first, and failed to ban, or punish the man who started this war... advice to you, you strange crowd of muddy-faced goat-headed zealots of the barnyard...your all going to die until we are satisfied. You started this...and now we fight back.

Saddle for you, when we do this sort of thing we come with an army of incredible size and organized simply sent one man to collect 600 gold...and now are left with a hoard of mercs who have no care but to kill you for gold.

You fools...this isn't political...its fracken kicked the bee hive, and now you bitch about bees!!!?


Cant wait to own a few of your heads for my mantle.

I always hated your stupid realm. Such undereducated realms that promote animal worship need to be erased before such practice takes over and brings humanity to an all new low.

Die goat....die.

PS-This is a personal note..not from my government. Lucky for me, I doubt they will ban or fine me for attacking my ENEMY...but of course..if I wrote this while we were be banned, fined, hung or all stupid beasts.

(ooc: Ex- thanks for the spellchecking...sadly I am on a comp with no such program...was going to spell check it at home..but thanks dude!)

Vashmere 23:26, 17 November 2006 (CET)

Vashmere, I remember the time when Darka said. "Were are not a political realm. Just a mercenary one" It seems that this was a lie. You are fighting against your own way of life. You feel threatened. Like the big bully when some one new encroaches on his territory. You have to resort to violence and intimidation.

Let me tell you Myself and the Rest of Redspan will not be intimidated, or be forced into oppression.

You are lucky I am not going to be on the front line..or you would be eaten as well.

It seems cowardice reigns supreme in Darka. You say all this yet you do not fight? I see a yellow streak appearing.

we fight you because you swung first, and failed to ban, or punish the man who started this war...

And you might want to get your facts right. AJ was fined, he was punished. Yet you still could not accept it. Now YOU will face the consequences.

Your (not yours exactly, as you are to cowardly to come and fight) soldiers will die in Redspan. They will go home defeated as they did during the Taran War.

Good day to you.

ScottSabin 12:32, 18 November 2006 (CET)

"AJ was fined, he was punished."
Oh yes, a fine. He pays the gold right back to your realm and he'll probably get it right back. I'd hardly call that a punishment of any sorts. The fact of the case is, one of RedSpans nobles stabbed a council member of a realm you were at peace with and RedSpan has refused to take appropriate measures regarding it. There is no double standards from Darka in this as any reasonable noble can admit that stabbing a council member of another realm is just asking for a war, no matter any bounty. - LilWolf 13:48, 18 November 2006 (CET)

That is where we disagree. If that man has a bounty. He is a target for everyone. Someone put out a contact AJ completed it. And double standards i do believe exist. Darka fight wars when they are at peace with realms. Heck, they even fought against REdspan during the Taran war for nothing except profit. That war had nothing to do with darka, but they kept butting in for sake of their own purses. Its about time someone played the game with their own rules! ScottSabin 15:31, 18 November 2006 (CET)
Man, wake up! If Darka accepts a contract and fights a realm, it's normal that the realm Darka fights, fights back. Now the roles have switched: AJ (representative for Redspan) has accepted a contract against Darka, and Darka fights back.Van Peteghem 16:01, 18 November 2006 (CET)
I'm not disputing that. Its the fact that they claim Peace means something. Redspan has always been at peace with darka, That didn't stop them attacking us. And it didn't Stop AJ attacking them. Yet they shout about it. They have had someone beat them at their own game and they do not like it. ScottSabin 18:24, 18 November 2006 (CET)

Beat us at our own game? This is where you begin to lose sight of the matter. Let me clue you in. YOU ARE DEAD. You didn't beat anyone. You stupid little FARM of a REALM is going to be savagly dismantled until we are satisfied with our revenge. This isn't some "political" war as you seem to HOPE it is. It is thousands of VERY ANGRY mercs, fighting for more then some CONTRACT. Your stupid Law fined him you say. Yes you fined him for LESS gold then he earned from his attack. You didn't FINE his action. You supported it and TAXED it...benifiting just the same.

Oh no didn't beat anyone at any game. This is NO GAME, this is war..and if you all don't submit and surrender what we demand in return for your murderous and underhanded attack on a sleeping offical of our and your primitive way of life may be erased from the face of the world as a whole.

Vashmere 23:35, 18 November 2006 (CET)

As part also in the federate members of Redspan, I believe that Vatticus has and no rights to voice out for his fellow Darka countrymen. Yes, in terms, AJ did something that can hurt his own realm diplomatically but even that, he have every rights as an infiltrator to claim his price. How if a Darka member attacks you? Same goes here. What I see now is that Darka refuses to let Redspan punish their own countryman their OWN WAYS. It will be unfair if the table was turn instead. This are only opinions and Vatticus in the other hand, cannot mock Redspan. He himself got banned like for more than 3 times in the same continent? Why should he voice out his immature speech that seriously have no gain of anything? My main reason to voice out is only Vatticus's speech that is rather insulting and stupid and no other than that.--Alex 00:56, 19 November 2006 (CET)
Had a Darkan infiltrator stabbed a council member of a realm we were at peace with and had that realm demanded a ban on him, he would have been banned. Darka doesn't tolerate unsactioned actions from its infiltrators. And the so called punishment handed out by RedSpan leadership is more of an endorsement than an punishment, thus Darka does not accept it. - LilWolf 10:39, 19 November 2006 (CET)

First off, Vatticus (me) was banned 5 times, you retarded loaf of meat. Secondly, I was banned for orginizing a world wide cult to overthrow the corruption of the "good aligned" Nobles and realms of this world. I can DO and SAY whatever I please...and I will continue to mock Redspan. Not only for its pathetic religion, but also for its inability to bathe, read or speak in full sentences. They are grotesque and hamburgers of filth. Lastly, if a Darkan assassin did what this Redspaner did, he would be thrown into the volcano you retard. Darka doesn’t allow this sort of thing. We are very strict on our laws. I think this is proven by the fact that even a wild dog like me shuts up and follows orders. I do it out of respect for a realm that has REAL laws…not just a bunch of fools acting and speaking like they were driven by the mentalities of little children playing some game.

Redspan is a blight on this planet's face. And a filthy one at that. Vashmere 07:36, 19 November 2006 (CET)

Hahaha! You never stop to amuse me Vatticus! Such childish act and words. Banned 5 times and you are happy? What bafoon are you!? Check your bans and read it! Your mouth is the cause of your ban! If I ever see you in my scribe, I will kill you instantly! To be fair, let the people see your death! I will duel you to the death! Do whatever you do best. It isn't working but more swords will be pointing at your neck even more.

Had a Darkan infiltrator stabbed a council member of a realm we were at peace with and had that realm demanded a ban on him, he would have been banned.

You or I could say this but we never know what will happen if it truly happens. Just for one man, you bring thousands to die because of that? Seriously, have you ever think of the people? Of the army? The army is the one dying and suffering not the council. For whoever that never enters the war, will never know how suffering the army is. It's only death awaits them. If they successfully came home, less than a week, they are back in the field. Wounds can be heal, scar will remain forever but death isn't returnable!--Alex 02:07, 20 November 2006 (CET)

OOC: They're peasants - no noble in this game has to care about whether they die in battle or of the plague or of the volcano exploding - particularly not Vatticus. --The1exile 02:38, 20 November 2006 (CET)
OOC - Well, there are heros. And infiltrators, or any other noble who has a ban on him in a realm he may be fighting, or nobles with sufficiently low honour or prestige as to qualify as outlaws... House Olik 02:43, 20 November 2006 (CET)
OOC: Lets just say that I'm making a roleplaying here. There is surely some noble that will be thoughtful and kind in heart to believe this. --Alex 02:47, 20 November 2006 (CET)
Seeing that I was the Arch Priestess of Darka up until a short while ago, I can say with confidence that such an infiltrator would be banned. Lavigna is now the Arch Priestess, but I can say with confidence that she'd do the same. It is RedSpan that's endangering its own people by refusing to ban a single noble, so don't start crying that it's Darkas fault. I you don't want to see peasants suffer then I suggest you ban AJ or pay the gold that has been asked. - LilWolf 10:12, 20 November 2006 (CET)
You want gold in comoensation? How about you compensate all of your victims? I dont remember you paying for the death and destruction you casued upon Redspan or Abbington. Or any realm you have fought! When you do pay those realms then we can think about giving you gold. Until then your soldiers will die in far away fields! ScottSabin 11:12, 20 November 2006 (CET)

Gauihu's comments

Ah, so many words from the renowned Vatticus. Truly, if this example of reasoning is all that the false realm of Darka has to offer up to excuse yet another instance of arrogant, hypocritical warmongering, then one might easily suggest that Darka's days are numbered, and that this is in the best interests of every sovereign realm in Atamara. And there is to this day a special place in our hearts - and dungeons - for every criminal 'mercenary' scum that ever oozed out of, or into, Darka. House Olik 23:44, 18 November 2006 (CET)