Talk:The Vashmere Family/Dafayo/ Dafayo's Music.

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Revision as of 02:03, 31 August 2006 by Balewind (talk | contribs)

Are you by any chance a hiphop beatcreator? This is a pretty decent tune. -Marouane 22:11, 30 August 2006 (CEST)


Id hate to ruin any respect I may get from those who hate such music, but yes...I have been recording, performing and composing music that is often called "rap" by those who like our music. I can give you a link to soome of it someday. I make beats, record local artists in my home, and also make music with my band for a long time now. I dont ever claime to be anything but "having fun" and the following my band has is very into that shows you what wack-os would like me OOC. LOL.

Thanks for the compliment...I hope to upload alot more audio for Dafayo's work. Hope to see ya at the theater! Thanks bro!

Vashmere 22:39, 30 August 2006 (CEST)

Pure.... evil... genius. -Tarajist Balewind