The Vashmere Family/Dafayo/ Dafayo's Music.

From BattleMaster Wiki

Dafayos music and theater plays can be found here. His current works are listed below. All of Dafayo's theater and music is backed up by Eston's famous and talented "Eston Orchestra" and is performed only in the city of Hawthorn at the Hawthron Palace Theater. All showings are free to Nobility and no charge is paid to hear his music play. Commoners are also welcomed in the lower seats behind the stage and out of sight of the Nobles. The Grand Balconey of the theater is reserved for the most Royal of guest and currently seats 8.

  • Dafayo's 1st Sympony: Titled; "War March Of Eston. Dedicated and composed for the troops and units fighting for Eston.
  • Dafayo's 2nd Titled "Fact is I'm evil'. A dark comedy demanding an end to a witch hunt of sick children who need medical and mental help...not murder at the hands of a savage mob!!!
  • Dafayo's 3rd Titled: Dafayo. Composed and released to show all who hear it what lives inside him as a Noble, as an Artist, as a treasure to Eston, as as the the worlds FIRST true composer and master of Music. This song details him in everyway and will answer any questions of dafayo's true self. Come one come all! NEW SYMPONY!

OOC: To listen (stream) or download, simply make an account. The site has been used by me for over 6 years and is very user friendly. Low-fi will stream the song for 56k or slow connections. Hi-fi will be MUCH better quality and is ONLY for DSL or fast connections. Feel free to download and listen to all of dafayo's works. But keep in mind, I Brian Main own all this crap and some of it will appear on my band's next album (3 of our albums are on soundclicks). Youmust make an account before you will have access. Enjoy!.

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