Old Rancagua Press/1st July 2006

From BattleMaster Wiki

Old Rancagua Press
The True Story from the Lands of the North

The Old Rancaguan Press would like to thank the Editor of the Rampant Lion for his excellent work concerning the layouts of his papers (which we have stolen shamelessly :). This is work in progress, and is not concrete.

Disclaimer: Furthermore, The Press would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Old Rancaguan Government.

Chief of Staff: Antan Christenson

Reporter: Wenliang Dell

Battle Reporter: Sam Malone

Interviewer: Palandro Ar Pharazon.

News Stories and Words from the Editors
News around the Continent
July 1, 2006 -


In a predetermined move, to strengthen the stretched regional maintenance teams and improve the resolute attitude of the troops committed to the north. King Dekion, in an historic move, transferred the Capital to the central city of Ashforth, a former Oligarchian stronghold. Up until recently, the Bureaucratic Corps and the Army, under the command of Lord's Johnny and Wenliang respectively, had found the task of caring for the regions on the extremities an arduous task. Now perhaps, with the Capital in a more central location, the regions of Old Rancagua will finally be able to push past the barriers which had held them in the dumps.


Old Rancagua is on its way to the North. On June 29th, the full might of Old Rancagua's armed forces, took to the sea in an effort to sweep the Kalmar Islands free of its Avamarian Usurpers. Under the command of Lord Thalanteus and Lady Natasha, the Marshals of Oroya and Kazakh respectively, and the overall guidance of Wenliang, High Marshal of Old Rancagua and Marshal of Ashforth, along with the collective wisdom of the Military Advisory Council, it is almost certain that the Warriors of the White Tree shall find victory in the isles.

However, Avamarians have proved tough nuts to crack and through means unknown have managed to fortify the isles beyond previously expected means. But, despite their defences, it is certain the troops of Old Rancagua, in their righteous might shall fight on to victory.

July 1, 2006 -

Region Takeover: Itorunt has taken control of Clermont (formerly part of Perdan)

Region Takeover: Light of Fountain has taken control of Tokat , a former rogue region

Region Takeover: Fontan has taken control of Meuse (formerly part of Perdan)

New ruler in Kalmar Islands: The realm of Kalmar Islands has reconfirmed Lalakis as its Chancellor.

New ruler in Ubent: The realm of Ubent has reconfirmed Zog Returns as its Prime Minister.

New ruler in Fontan: The realm of Fontan has reconfirmed Gregor as its Chancellor.

New ruler in Sirion: The realm of Sirion has reconfirmed Handow as its Prime Minister.

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