Daubeny Family/Isle of Stone

From BattleMaster Wiki

The Valley Lords were led by three noble families, on the mountain tops above the clouds ruled House of Sun, in white marble towers and a mighty city, built more like a fortress then a city.

The City of Princeps Porta or as it was known as in High Gate stood resolute as the self proclaimed Capital of the Valley Lords.

Down in the Valley stood proud the House of Stone, farmers and blacksmiths, they lived peaceful lives as the trade hub between the House of Sun and the House of Moon.

The House of Moon, ruled the caverns, they were miners and warriors, fighting deep in the tunnels. They made their home in the Cavern of Stars, a cavern whose roof was covered in so many gems it looked like the nights sky.

– Apollyon Blackstone Daubeny (Throw away the Key)

The Isle of Stone is a small island of the northern coast of Dwilight it covers an area of about 50613 sq. miles, the Isle is often shrouded in thick fog and due to it's rocky and jagged coasts often lead to the Isle being avoided by most vessels.

The Isle is mostly covered in a thick tropical jungle with a large valley and some beaches near the Valley being the only truly safe places on the Isle, beyond the mighty Mountains is the Jungle of Blackwood where dark things dwell.

The population of the Isle is about 30,000. It's mostly centered in the Valley itself but some live in the foot hills and mountains and there are a few settlements on the beaches.

Since the Civil War and Dark Tides the Isle has been ruled by a council of representatives from the major three houses, minor houses and guilds of the Isle.


War of the Isle and Beast