Unti Family/Nerta

From BattleMaster Wiki
Nerta - Haunted Foederati
A wandering Foederati from the Jedinchel mountains, the dusky Nerta keeps strange company during her travels. Snapping out her name reluctantly, the hunched woman accepts odd jobs for coin, and seems to know her way around a spear. What more there is about her has yet to be seen, her story only just begins.

Quest for Old Gods
Story Act 1/Scene 1 Act 1/Scene 2 Act 1/Scene 3
Adventure Begins Tournament for Ancients Trip to Agyr
Characters Bob Baceolus Bob Baceolus
Wren the Watcher Wren the Watcher
Mulki Laraak Mulki Laraak
Mielba Cordenata Mielba Cordenata
Godfrey Greybrook
Plot Hooks & Threads