Dubhaine Family/Brigdha/Roleplays/1019/December

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5th December

Summer Day -- Tournament in Ibladesh

Brigdha Dubhaine

"You could have asked Etain or Leopald to ride with you," Anagridh casually flicked the reins of her charger, a bay gelding from the distant plains of Ustimbar, "you know how these Southerners traditionally feel about my people."

"I could," Brigdha turned her head, a mischievous gleam in her eye, "but how then should we learn if this younger generation have changed their prejudices? And anyway, who's to say some wealthy lordling won't take a fancy to an Elven bride? You do have an impeccable lineage and a betrothal often makes for good diplomacy."

"I very much doubt that will happen," the princess coolly opined. As a captain of the Ghost Watch she was more than capable of discouraging unwanted attention.

"And is that how you feel when you think of your sister lying with my sweet Naevan?" the Ambassador slowed her piebald mare to a walk.

"Of course not," Anagridh responded testily, matching Brigdha's pace as they rode in silence for a short while, "he's an honourable man. These southerners have spilled so much of our blood! Good Elven blood, and fine men of the Southern Duchies too."

"Those Southern Duchies once had a different name as you well know Ana. Fontan. And if anyone has a right to claim blood it's those of us whose blood was spilt. But if I could forgive your father for turning his back on solemn promises and accept Erfrayj as my daughter-in-law then surely you can put this petty prejudice to one side? Even if only for a few days?"

"I suppose you're right," she offered begrudgingly , "just don't go playing matchmaker as I'd hate to ruin your diplomacy with a murder or three."

"Oh don't worry Ana, if a murder or three are necessary we'll be long past the point where diplomacy can make a difference."

Summer Evening -- Tournament in Ibladesh

Lindow Moonsun

The south of Moyale is famous for its large fields of wheat and barley. Unfortunately, those fields are bathed in the blood of their own population now.

Lindow rode with his men on these grounds, seeing the disastrous end of the people of this place.

" Knowing that they were going to lose and still they take up arms ... it seems even poetic " Lindow thought.

He turned his gaze to his men and ordered: - we come back to the camp! -

6th December

Summer Day -- Tournament in Ibladesh

Lindow Moonsun

Lindow was in the middle of the battlefield, seeing the field of dead between arrows and spears of cavalry. He looked at the hill where a Caligus banner was visible. The Division by Zero and its long-range projectiles undermined the morale of the enemy that then be razed by a cavalry charge of the Shadow King's custodians.

Lindow raised his fist looking at the hill giving thanks to his ally.

- Captain, put the wounded in the cars and climb Sir Mathew in another car, we will make a funeral before marching towards Domus-

Summer Evening -- Tournament in Ibladesh

Smiddich Fontaine

The ducal carriage rolled to a halt at the tourney grounds in Ibladesh. His men had gone ahead early to erect the massive pavillion tents that would form the centre of the Perdan presence here, making large dining spaces and room for presentation, dance and song.

The black-bladed Duke himself, Lord Smiddich Fontaine - affectionately known as the Pirate Lord - alighted the dark carriage and spied his own tent going up. It was a silk lined pavilion with a single tall post, with several squires wrangling the cords and pulling them taut. They installed a circular mat to keep pests and stray grass at bay, and began assembling a confounding array of travelling furniture. When it was done, it would form the quarters for the Duke of Perdan, whenever he decided to stagger home.

He surveyed the field and the attendants - sixteen nobles so far, but with four more days to go. Nothing to do until then except boast, drink and hone their skills.. and Smiddich intended to do at least two of the three. Of his own familiar knights, he saw the sigils and standards of Ladies and Sirs - Bo, Delphine, Elinor, Lucius, Rogos... he hoped many more would attend... and that he would not have to face them in the lists.

Kiera Cavendish

Kiera looked about the tournament grounds at all the unfamiliar crests and colors. "Quite an assembly," she thought to herself.

"Prepare my bath," she ordered her man-in-waiting. "I am too tired to face anyone tonight. Reserve some training time for me in the morning."