Dubhaine Family/Ciarghuala/Roleplays/1019/March

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4th March

Summer Day -- Shomrak

Erika Alveron


Erika grinned magnificently as the salty breeze whipped through her golden hair, late summer sun glittering off her teeth. From her position in the crows nest she could see what had to be the spires of Storm's Keep, jagged against the horizon.

The young woman had enjoyed this time at sea, anxious as she was to return to Luria Nova and secure her lordship there was something so very liberating and almost spiritual about being surrounded on all sides by sea and sky. And at night, the stars!

My Goddess, she thought, I must have been a siren in my past life

Never in all her life had she ever dreamed of a sky so blue. She through back her head in a long, glorious peal of laughter ringing out like the sweet bells of heaven. At 17 she was just beginning to show the early glow of a legendary beauty that would doubtless peak much later in life. Her eyes were a dangerous blue, her tongue sharp, and her disposition had fire to it that would peel the skin from a man when she was angered.

Below her the crew scurried back and forth across the deck as they turned the great clipper towards the shore. In a few hours perhaps her sword would finally taste blood again. But in the meantime, her skin desired a more complete taste of the sun. Loosening the neck of her tunic, she reached down and peeled the long garment over her head and draped it on the rail. She was high enough above the deck she doubted any of the men could see her.

And what if they can?, thought the maiden with a mischievous grin, I'll have the eyes and tongue of any of them foolish enough to let on they've witnessed my immodesty.

Being out of her father's house and commander of her own troops did have its benefits, and sweet heaven did the sun and the breeze feel so incredible on her skin!

6th March

Summer Evening -- Mt. Black Nastrond

William Fitz Roberts

Sitting at his desk, William was going through the reports of the day. Seeing the name on one letter he got up slowly, walked to his balcony, screamed, walked back to his desk, sat down and proceeded to mutter expletives as he continued to work

7th March

Summer Day -- White Plains

Bennet Selemnir

Bennet walked off the pier. He spotted her. He shuffled his followers off. And he waited a minute.

He saw Lady Perdiat in front of him. A tall woman. He walked up to her


She almost dismissed the short mar. Then she looked him in the eye, and recognized him.

" Maaaan, he was short though."

"King Bennet," she spoke.

Bennet took her hand... "Yeah, I'm super short."

She took his joke and said nothing. Then he led her away.....looking excitedly into his eyes

13th March

Autumn Evening -- Seeker's Coast

William Fitz Roberts

This is the official declaration that Lord Myr has been found guilty of perjury in the attempt to mislead the Imperial High Court in an investigation.

Having claimed that the adventurer he had arrested had committed a crime, he then provided evidence that not only disproved the crime, but corroborated my suspicion that this was simply a case of the lord in question being outbid for an item. For some reason he was arrogant enough to presume that his wish to buy an item superseded the wish of another noble to do the same

Note that if the lord in question seeks any future retribution on the defendant in question he shall be found in contempt of court and fined accordingly

This is my final word for the matter. Lord Myr is lucky not to receive a fine for his wilful perjury, but I am in a lenient mood and the requisite paperwork for the fine would cost the crown more than the fine in question

please take this as a future warning: while rangers are not protected under the same laws that protect the nobility, they are still protected under common law, especially when they are contracted to carry out tasks for another noble. Lord Myr's arrest of an adventurer fulfilling a contract with another noble was in effect an assault upon their personal business.

This should never have ever been a case before the courts. Today I have already had to deal with four counts of murder and an instance of arson among the common sort. I do not need to waste my time investigating a crime that never happened, especially where the crime was imagined in order to remedy a perceived slight

And to think, I was having quite a good morning. I missed dinner with my daughters sorting out this mess.