Dubhaine Family/Ciarghuala/Roleplays/1019/February

From BattleMaster Wiki

3rd February

Spring Day -- Shomrak

Kiran Mir-Ashtan

Kiran had grown tired of the current situation, feeling that an rot had started to grow within the chain of command. He was a specialist that had never once received any communication from the higher command had relied on discussion's from those he knew to at least attempt to get a brief understanding of the plan. Of course, Kiran wasn't naive enough to not know that it could possibly inform the enemy of your plan but an incompetent ally was far more dangerous than a competent enemy.

Kiran spoke to his Captain, a man called Gerolf a slightly aged captain that came with experience though he had not had the chance to fight alongside him and his company against humans. He had taken charge of a significant number of siege weapons that in the end were abandoned to allow a quicker retreat from a battlefield that they never even reached. Information pertaining their need to travel did not allow him to get their retinue to the field.

Kiran requested of his Captain, "Take the men, scouts, healers, anyone you believe suitable and gather up some of the local citizenry and some scribes, bribe them with silver and coin if you have to. What I am going to call allowed I want to reach ears and penning a letter isn't enough"

The captain was well aware of Kiran's opinions regarding the lack of leadership present and while even Kiran acknowledged he was no genius, the captain was in no way able to sway the once Mercenary from stating his opinions aloud.

It was some hours later before a crowd had been gathered together, the intention behind this was to firstly with hope draw the attention of some of Sol's nobles and other allied nobles in the region. In addition, he hoped the peasantry would drive their nobles to act as it wasn't nobles that were the most dangerous to each other but their people and if they hated you, then you would burn.

Kiran had adopted to wear his combat regalia, armour quite simple originally a scaled mail which now had been reinforced with plates or bone found suitable from the monsters or men himself and his retinue had defeated in battle. He had decided on this due to his smaller than average shoulder size for a man but also to give the air of a soldier rather than a noble, no helmet was worn which showed the man's blonde hair with shots of red occasionally which was held back in a pony-tail and a moderate beard that was at least somewhat groomed had grown from his face during this very campaign.

Kiran would have no luxury to talk normally here and he had no need to speak with any troublesome etiquette here, he would shout out slowly and calmly to the crowd. He had no wish for his words not to be heard or molded into one another by a crowd that likely wouldn't be silent for a nobles that was unknown to them's speech.

"Freemen, Citizens Of Sol. The Days Draw Longer, The Claws Of The Alliance Creep. If Weinschenk Falls, Your Homes Will Be Next."

"You Must Decide Will You Remain Of Sol Or Will You Become Slaves To Religious Zealots And Skull Collecting Ravens. You Must Force Your Nobles To Act, Even If It Means Their Families Coin, Even If It Means Scars That Destroy Their Comeliness."

"However, I WILL NOT Just Slate Sol. While Us Allies Have Bled In Your Lands. We Have Had Our Own Failures, Particularly Are Own "Grand Commander" A Man That Has No Intention of Interacting With Those He Views Significantly Below His Station. Alongside Our Lack Of Cohesion In Battle"

"We Of The Supposed Blue Blood Could Have Done Better By You, And I Intend Us To Atleast Attempt To Put A Significant Dent In The Alliance"

"Lubberwort To Command And Raggabrash To Those That Now Hide In Their Manor's. Will You Let Yourselves Be Made Saddle-Goose, And Wandought To Our So Called Grand Commander"

"Are You Sol Or Are You Slaves!"

Kiran Would End His Speech or Mixed Insult their and Approach the Scribes that had been gathered in addition to his own.

"Please Pen within the letter's containing the Content of my Speech, That I Request Any Nobles of Both Lurian, Fellian or Sol Decent to Contact Me. I have no regard for status or rank, Only those willing to Act"

"If They Are Willing, I Will Take My Retinue And Alongside In Equal Anyone That Will Stand Alongside Me. We Will March Front, Everyone Alongside Each Other With No Retreat And It Will Attain Either Victory Or Death. March Will Be In Two Sunset and Sunrise, A Dawn War."

Kiran Continued, "For Those Of Sol, In Particular. Call Upon Your Families Or Great Nobles For Coin And Muster The Largest Retinue's You Can Until Your Last Coin Runs Dry If you Must"

4th February

Spring Day -- Unterstrom Vorstadt

Alessio de Medici

The return of the Emperor in Giask was one met with grave welcomes from the peasantry. How long had he been away? A year, maybe? It was far too long, nonetheless. Of the flowers that had been thrown his way, he picked some up to form a bouquet - they were purple anemones, Andrea's favourite. The faces of his people was a sight that felt so distant, but it was right there in front of him. Men, women, children. His people. His Empire.

In time, he did reach his estate and he waved to the peasants of the city, to look not at a crowd, but every man and woman within it. He sought to learn much about the Daimons in Nightmarch, but in truth had learned far more about himself. Nonetheless, he returned to Giask with family distant. A nephew at his side (though he would not truly replace Luca), some of his siblings, and his own children to tend to. Tonight, his daughter Lena would marry. With luck, Lisa would not be so far behind. Putting the flowers in the vase and leaving the new residents with the servants, Alessio went to bed to rest - before long, he would be in a carriage and they are not so comfortable so sleep in!