Lapallanch Family/Kihalin/The Astrumite Wall of Glory

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  • 1 point for wounding a noble
  • 2 points for seriously wounding a noble
  • 3 points for capturing a noble
  • 5 points for killing a noble

Additional Points given for:

  • 1 point for lord
  • 2 points for duke/government members (except ruler)
  • 3 points for ruler

More points given for:

  • 1 extra point for wounding/capturing/killing each additional noble above two or higher.

Abek, Count of Duil (4 pts)

  • Willhelm Buffalkill, Earl of Aspar has been wounded by Whitebows (19).
  • Bartholomew del Fernyside, Count of Ienith has been wounded by Whitebows (33).

Abriel, Dame of Sabadell (4 pts)

  • Logar Soul, Viscount of Inklen has been seriously wounded by Flicaubh unit (9).

Adrian, Margrave of Aquitain (12 pts)

  • Kwa Comacho, Viscountess of Shuberstone has been wounded by Jysandr (11).
  • Sir Axylia Dundrave, Viscount of Gonophor has been wounded by Jysandr (11).
  • Samos Mithridates, Knight of Demyansk has been wounded by Jysandr (6).
  • Zach Kenwood, Margrave of Under Darfix has been killed by Jysandr (6).

Aristides, Knight of Eidulb Outskirts (2 pts)

  • Hengist deLacy, Earl of Echiurfield has been wounded by Ageama (1).

Aylwin, Count of Yggdramir (2 pts)

  • Samos Mithridates, Senator of Mech Alb has been wounded by Gottfried Hawkeyes (10).

Blazer G, Knight of Libidizedd (4 pts)

  • Maron Altir, Viscount of Lowervia has been wounded by Third Division (18).
  • Roose Bolton, Knight of Via has been wounded by Third Division (18).

Drakar, Count of Hvergelmir (5 pts)

  • Duckface Marauder, Noble of Asylon has been captured by Dalish Fangs (5).
  • Sir Axylia Dundrave, Viscount of Gonophor has been wounded by Dalish Fangs (7).

Dkarn, Margrave of Dizeddo (2 pts)

  • Samos Mithridates, Senator of Mech Alb has been wounded by Death's Rain (5).

Ekirt, Haruspex Maximus of Astrum, Margrave of Gelene Outskirts (10 pts)

  • Paul Marlboro, General at Arms of Farronite Republic, Knight of Golden Farrow, Marshal of Farronite Legion has been wounded by Guardians of the Stars (4).
  • Batugan Qaragan, Senator of Knyazes has been wounded by Guardians of the Stars (4).
  • Victor Brotacel, Senator of Mech Alb has been wounded by Guardians of the Stars (4).

Hades, Knight of Gelene Outskirts (6 pts)

  • Samos Mithridates, Senator of Mech Alb has been wounded by Astor Guards (3).
  • Shikon Kaze, Count of Bberentaur has been captured by Astor Guards (3).

Jorge, Count of Ygg d'Razhuul (1 pt)

  • Laszlo Radulovic, Knight of Kid's Rock has been wounded by Long distance troop (14).

Karibash, Duke of the Dark Mountains, Margrave of Shrine of Seeklander, Marshal of Twilight Wardens (11 pts)

  • Mihail Selius, Earl of Kosht has been wounded by Toren Berserkers (26).
  • Jayle Trigger, Countess of Uppervia has been wounded by Toren Berserkers (26).
  • Gerald Beauchamp, Count of Eeborngul has been wounded by Toren Berserkers (32).
  • Leuedai Atkinson, Dame of Walefishire has been captured by Toren Berserkers (26).

Kihalin, Strategos of Astrum, Count of Ammando, Marshal of Judgement of Austere (4 pts)

  • Lan Hyral, Dame of Barrow Peaks has been wounded by Hiems (11).
  • Marcous von Metternich, Count of Gaston Farms has been wounded by Hiems (10).
  • Vycka Neuropa, Knight of Kybcyell has been wounded by Hiems (5).

Mathieu, Knight of Eidulb Outskirts (5 pts)

  • Sir Benjamin Orfeur, Earl of Kybcyell has been wounded by Amaury's Vengeance (2).
  • Arya Stryfe, Senator of Grazne has been wounded by Amaury's Vengeance (1).
  • Joshua Kenwood, Knight of Under Darfix has been wounded by Amaury's Vengeance (2).

Munsel, Count of Vyanar (4 pts)

  • Arya Stryfe, Senator of Grazne has been wounded by Ignes Astrorum (12).
  • Jayle Trigger, Countess of Uppervia has been wounded by Ignes Astrorum (10).

Sergio, Vasilif of Astrum, Royal of Astrum, Duke of Eidulb, Margrave of Eidulb (13 pts)

  • Vigdis Grimhelm, Noble of Asylon has been seriously wounded by Cantabricus Impetus (4)
  • Logar Soul, Viscount of Inklen has been wounded by Cantabricus Impetus (4).
  • Zach Kenwood, Margrave of Under Darfix has been wounded by Cantabricus Impetus (4).
  • Widden Fraoch, Senator of Mech Calen has been captured by Cantabricus Impetus (4).
  • Laszlo Radulovic, Knight of Kid's Rock has been wounded by Cantabricus Impetus (2).

Susan, Dame of Gelene (10 pts)

  • Leopold Arrakis, King of Niselur, Royal of Niselur, Duke of the Golden Throne, Count of Kaigen has been wounded by Susan's Valiant (30).
  • Roose Bolton, Knight of Via has been wounded by Susan's Valiant (10).
  • Bartholomew del Fernyside, Count of Ienith has been wounded by Susan's Valiant (18).

Reynard, Fiduciary of Astrum, Duke of Chrysantalys, Margrave of Chrysantalys (8 pts)

  • Roose Bolton, Knight of Via has been wounded by Fearless (8).
  • Sir Benjamin Orfeur, Earl of Kybcyell has been wounded by Fearless (8).
  • Sir Anatrok Skoorbosla, Viscount of Kid's Rock has been wounded by Fearless (8).
  • Shikon Kaze, Count of Bberentaur has been wounded by Fearless (7).

Rohan, Noble (2 pts)

  • Mihail Selius, Earl of Kosht has been wounded by Arrohans (3).