New Westmoor

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Regional News
12 August 1012

Diplomatic News The realms of Westmoor and Dunnera have signed a peace treaty.

New Vice-Marshal Announced message to the Westmoorian Column army The sponsor of the Westmoorian Column, Maedros Iltaran, Duke of Westmoor, Margrave of Westmoor, has announced a new vice-marshal: Mathros Hagakure, Earl of Bruck.He replaces Sir Thomas Foxglove, Lord General of Westmoor, Earl of Poitiers.

New Marshal Announced message to the Westmoorian Column army The sponsor of the Westmoorian Column, Maedros Iltaran, Duke of Westmoor, Margrave of Westmoor, has announced a new marshal: Ravier Nebehn (Knight of Westmoor). He replaces Mathros Hagakure, Earl of Bruck, Marshal of the Westmoorian Column.

Undead! Panic is spreading in Gadlock after peasants spread rumours of an undead horde. The peasants are living in fear and barely dare to leave their homes.

Undead! Panic is spreading in Oligarch after peasants spread rumours of an undead horde. The peasants are living in fear and barely dare to leave their homes.

Monster Activity Monsters are rampaging in Evora: 12 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters.

Secession message to Everyone on East Continent The duchy of Fontan has seceded from Caligus and formed a new realm called Dunnera.

11 August 1012

Takeover message to Everyone on East Continent Westmoor has taken control of Greatbridge. The region used to belong to (rogue).

Region Taken message to all nobles of Westmoor We have successfully convinced the people of Greatbridge to raise our banner and abandon their old allegiance to (rogue). The region joins the duchy of Oligarch. The region now needs a lord.

Treaty Signed message to all nobles of Westmoor Sir Jor Tanos, Priest of Church of Humanity, King of Westmoor, Ambassador of Westmoor has accepted the "Westmoor - Sirion Accords" treaty in the name of the realm. With this signature, your realm has joined the signatories of this treaty. [protest options]

Undead Activity Undead are still at large in Evora: 11 peasants have vanished and were either killed by the undead or have fled in panic. The undead are leaving the region and moving somewhere else.

Monster Activity Monsters are rampaging in Evora: Rampaging monsters cause damage to various buildings and production drops 5 %. The monsters have caused 1 % of fortification damage.

10 August 1012

Tournament Announced Sir Zakilevo Lapallanch, Prime Minister of Sirion has announced a tournament of Joust and Swordfight to be held in Sirion 5 days from now. The winner will be rewarded with 1000 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 500 gold for the second best. All nobles of the continent are welcome on the tournament grounds on the day of this event. Make sure you announce your participation in time.

Undead Activity Undead are still at large in Evora: 13 peasants have vanished and were either killed by the undead or have fled in panic.

Monster Activity Monsters are rampaging in Evora: 2 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters.

5 August 1012

Looting Reported message to all nobles of Westmoor Sirion forces have plundered and marauded in Bruck!

Peasant Militia forming The citizens of Bruck have had enough with the looting. Since nobody seems to be helping them, they have formed a citizen militia. 1238 men take up improvised weapons to defend their homes.

Battle in Bruck Sirion vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 1110 men vs. 400 men The Army of Sirion (Sirion), sponsored by Ecthelion Tezokian, Duke of Sirion, Margrave of Sirion, were led into battle by Marshal Simba Warhawk. The Silver Legion (Sirion), sponsored by Erik Eyolf Serpentis, Priest of Church of the Holy Sacred Grove, Duke of Avamar, Margrave of Avamar, Ambassador of Sirion, were led into battle by Marshal Giselle Relak.

Attacker Victory!

Battle in Poitiers Westmoor vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 700 men vs. 180 men

Attacker Victory!

 Peace signed with Dunnera 13 August 1012

Yesterday evening Ambassador Antonius Turner helped forge a peace agreement with the new realm of Dunnera. King Traemlin’s letter was passed round the house of lords in Westmoor and seemed warm and friendly. The letter began:

“I thank you for your kind words. I look forward to a long, prosperous friendship with yourself and Westmoor…”

Something tells me that whatever the people of Dunnera do next it will be better than Fontan at the end of its lifespan. I mean after all they didn’t set the barrier very high. Dunnera’s only been alive for two days and we already got a peace treaty signed.


...well Fontan was Fontan enough said.

 Interview with Zakilevo Lapallanch 12 August 1012

What with the recent tournament in Sirion along with progress on the possibility of a peace treaty between Sirion and Westmoor, it seemed a good time for this paper to do an interview. Hence somewhat unusually we have published an interview with Sirion's current primeminister Zakilevo. You've all heard this newspaper's opinion of Sirion so now it's time to let Sirion speak for itself as the primeminister has kindly agreed to do so. We're most greatful for the time he spent to answer the following questions.

1: Sirion it has been noticed has recently changed its national flag. What was the reason and do both the elves and humans appreciate the change?

We've been using our previous flag for over a decade. I tried to freshen things up a little. Thankfully, our nobles do not mind the change.

2: Relations between Sirion and Westmoor are obviously at an all-time low. Do you think this will stay the way it is or improve in the coming months?

I cannot say much about this issue as I will be leaving Sirion to join the new colony soon. But I can say this for sure. If Westmoor can show that they can become a trustworthy ally, Sirion will also open up. To do this, Westmoor will probably have to prove that they are not an opportunistic realm.

3: The city of Sirion is hosting possibly one of the biggest tournaments held on East Continent in a long time. Does the Republic have any favourite champions that they think might scoop some or all of the prizes?

I am already seeing promising swordsmen. But I do not see anyone impressive in the jousting arena. Maybe people are just being shy on showing themselves off to the crowd.

4: It's been noticed that Sirion as a realm doesn't want to speak to King Jor in negotiations but rather through Ambassador & Judge Antonius Turner. Why is this and is there anything that can be done?

I did not have any problem talking to King Jor until I saw a letter from Lady Katalynfae. After that I lost any trust I had in King Jor. I cannot speak for the entirety of the council but some members probably do agree with me on not trusting King Jor.

5: Due to Nivemus' respect of the northern tribes it could be argued that Nivemus has a claim to regions containing the Omsk tribe in the rurals on the mainland territories claimed from the sultanate by the Obsidian Islanders. If Nivemus were to pursue its claims would Sirion support it?

Again, I cannot speak much about this issue as I will be leaving Sirion soon. But if I was not planning on leaving, I would probably convinced the council to stay out of any conflict between OI and Nivemus unless another realm involved itself. Both OI and Nivemus are Sirion's allies and we do not just aid one side and not the other. All allies of Sirion are valued.

6: After the mass banning of nobles from Nivemus have relations between Sirion improved? Has Sirion itself had any problems with undesirable immigrant nobles trying to stir up trouble?

Yes. It indeed has. I have been talking to my friends in Nivemus to improve the relations between our two realms and I believe we have succeeded in becoming truly allies. As for troublesome nobles, Sirion did ban a couple nobles already and things are quite pleasant now.

Sir Zakilevo Lapallanch
Prime Minister of Sirion

Fontan city ceded to create Dunnera!

This would be front page news if we knew anything about Dunnera at all. Hopefully news will trickle in over the coming days. Dunnera is formed out of former Fontanese territories and looks set to expand notably into the city of Krimml however regions such as Oberndorf and Commonyr which have already been claimed by Nivemus and Sirion will probably not be included in the new kingdom.

The new realm is currently ruled by King Traemlin Augulus who some may remember as the former High Marshal of Caligus. As per Zakilevo's interview above it seems that he'll eventually be heading in that direction once his business in Sirion is concluded.

 Peace treaty signed by the King! 11 August 1012

Sirion’s continued bullying has finally paid off and King Jor has put his signature on a peace treaty with the elves. The treaty is both a good thing and a bad thing for Westmoor as I will explain in the following article. The peace treaty still needs to be signed by Sirion before it will take affect.

The Kingdom of Westmoor and the Republic of Sirion have agreed to cease hostilities with one another and enter into a state of peaceful relations. It is hereby decreed that the conditions for peace are outlined below:

I. Westmoor acknowledges the claims and governance of the provinces controlled by Sirion. Westmoor acknowledges they have no right or claim to the provinces of Sirion.

II. Sirion acknowledges the claims and governance of the provinces controlled by Westmoor. Sirion acknowledges they have no right or claim to the provinces of Westmoor.

III. It is agreed that Westmoor and Sirion will respect each others right to govern their provinces as they see fit. As such, no nobles are permitted to travel through the provinces of the other, unless prior consent has been given for passage. Until otherwise stated, Sirion and Westmoor shall enact and observe a closed borders agreement as part of the peace treaty.

IV. Westmoor forfeits all claims to the provinces of the former Democracy of Fontan.

V. Westmoor will refrain itself from expanding towards the former Democracy of Fontan.

This peace treaty will remain in effect until otherwise decided by either or both parties involved. If either party violates this treaty, peaceful relations will cease and the terms of this treaty will be void.

First off the generous thing about this article is that Sirion hasn’t asked for reparations of any kind which as the victor in this dispute they would have a reasonable footing to demand. Territories is not within Sirion’s power to claim as thankfully to Westmoor’s credit both Caligus and Perdan don’t want Westmoor in any way removed from the map and after the Ibladesh war nobody wants to take on Perdan and Caligus combined.

Part of the reason Sirion has likely been generous with these terms is due to the bad press their war received both at home and abroad. It is a well-known fact that the war with Westmoor started purely to stop Westmoor expanding into Fontanese territories caused large scale dissent amongst Sirion nobles. Had we done something to deserve it then the situation would be different as it is Sirion wants to end the war as much as Westmoor needs to. The fact that we got off the hook reasonably cleanly is a good thing.

However let’s look at what isn’t so good about the treaty as well. The treaty is a little rushed and doesn’t really guarantee anything except what Sirion demanded at the start of the war. Westmoor is not allowed by order of Sirion to expand into any of the former Fontanese lands. For those who don’t remember what Fontan looked like (before it was reduced to a small pile of ash) it was that snakelike shape going from the region of Oberndorf down through Krimml all the way to Negev. The treaty is very simple and in basic terms means peace will continue until either realm decides they don't want to have peace anymore. This is a good thing as it has no binding clauses backed up by other realms placed on Westmoor. This is a bad thing because the same applies to Sirion and there would be nothing to stop Sirion from starting another war with Westmoor anytime they like for a reason just as idiotic as the first one.

One very good thing that has come out of this war is that the quality of nobles inside Westmoor has drastically improved. A lot of the nobles who really were not helping the realm were removed during the war with Fontan including some Saxons who funnily enough got themselves thrown out of Nivemus. Fighting the superior Saxon odds in Fontan followed by the massive armies of Sirion has altered the military structure of Westmoor's army making it a more capable machine than it ever was before. That we managed to hold to so many regions during the war with Sirion who failed to do any lasting damage is a credit to the new strength the kingdom has maintained through dedicated nobles for instance the recent takeover of Greatbridge the lord General points out only took two and a half days. It is funny to note in hindsight that the Saxon-Fontan army was larger than Sirion's and caused much more damage to Westmoor - such is the power of the evil witchcraft that they used.

Whether Westmoor will be able to continue to keep up it's efficient military strength is a question for the coming months. We'll have to wait and see if the newer nobles want to stick around when the sleepiness of Peace sets in - but by the divine we need a rest it's been a non stop fight for survival since March.

 Massive tournament in Sirion! 10 August 1012

Prime minister Zakilevo Lapallanch has announced a massive tournament in Sirion with a wapping 3000 gold (in total) for prizes in both sword fighting and jousting. The entry for this extravagant tournament is completely free to everyone making this the most charitable tournament to go down in this paper's records. Don't think this will be an easy ride however. The war with Sirion and Westmoor has entered into negotiation while wide spread peace is across the continent (barring of course the south). High level attendance is expected from Perdan and Calgius as well as all other peaceful realms making this a very competitive tournament! We will bring readers any news we hear as we receive it.

 The voice of Nivemus! 5 August 1012

While the war with Sirion rages onwards with Sirion still holding the upper hand looting Bruck and launching a takeover of Greatbridge it seems important at this time to notice the efforts of Nivemus which has created its first newspaper. Nivemus has previously seemed to the rest of the continent a reasonably quiet realm until the mass exodus of Saxon nobles a few moons ago. At the end of last month unknown to this paper the White Tree Times was launched hinting that the 'quiet days' of the newly founded Nivemus may be silenced to the past?

While the Obsidian news seems to have gone temporarily (we hope! we need you mysterious editor! cough cough emperor Shady) out of business readers of that newspaper will be happy to see that the White Tree Times has continued the power rankings tradition with a very detailed list of which realms hold dominance and why - definitely worth a read. This newspaper is coedited by Nivemus' current judge Vessol Miethridates and former judge Neji Uzamaki, so these are definitely opinions that hold weight in the kingdom. Definitely a newspaper to watch for nobles seeking to understand the political climate in Nivemus.


