D'Arricarrère Family/Arnaud

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Error while fetching data from URL https://battlemaster.org/data/character/7/Arnaud: $2.
There was a problem during the HTTP request: 400 Bad Request
Could not get URL https://battlemaster.org/data/character/7/Arnaud after 3 tries.

Error: no local variable "name" has been set.
<img src="Error: no local variable "portrait" has been set." alt="Character Portrait" width="300" height="300"/>
Continent Error: no local variable "continent" has been set.Property "Located on" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "continent" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Family Error: no local variable "family" has been set. FamilyProperty "Member of" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "family" has been set. Family" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Class Error: no local variable "mainclass" has been set. / Error: no local variable "subclass" has been set.
Age Error: no local variable "age" has been set. years
Honour Error: no local variable "honour" has been set.
Prestige Error: no local variable "prestige" has been set.
Rank Error: no local variable "rank" has been set.
Region [[Error: no local variable "region" has been set.]]
Duchy [[Error: no local variable "duchy" has been set.]]
Realm Error: no local variable "realm" has been set.Property "Member of" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "realm" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Character Description
Error: no local variable "description" has been set.




Letter from Sir Velax de Vere
Message sent to Message sent to all members of the Royal Arcaean Legion (24 recipients)
Dear nobles of the Royal Legion,

Welcome to our new Legion nobles. This army, and the Tribute Collecting Army which was its predecessor, has a long and proud history. The Legion is one of the strongest armies in the Far East, and we have been at the forefront of every battle in Arcaea's recent history. It was the Legion that routed the combined forces of Zonasa and Aenilia in Larmebsi, breaking the backs of their armies and forcing them to sue for peace after we besieging Nahad. It was the Legion that finally caught the army of Arcachon in Unotosa and destroyed it, dealing the islanders their first major defeat after months of them fleeing and evading us. And it was the Legion that was first over the walls of Enlod, signalling the beginning of the end to the treaty-breakers that had murdered our nobles, raped our peasants and attacked us every time our backs were turned.

I know you will help us maintain and grow our reputation for bravery, honour and victory.

Yours sincerely,
Sir Velax de Vere (King of Arcaea, Duke of the Dark Isle, Baron of Ecsetuah, Marshal of the Royal Arcaean Legion)

Letter from Arnaud d'Arricarrère
Message sent to Message sent to all members of the Royal Arcaean Legion (24 recipients)
Raping peasants is nice. Hope we get the chance to do it.
Arnaud d'Arricarrère (Knight of Talex)

Letter from Sir Velax de Vere
Message sent to Message sent to all members of the Royal Arcaean Legion (24 recipients)
Dear Lord Arnaud,

I would suggest you keep such thoughts to yourself in future. Any Arcaean caught murdering or raping peasants will be banned from this realm. We cleansed the Dark Isle to rid the Far East of the sort of noble that would engage in that sort of barbarity. We will not now join them.

Yours sincerely,
Sir Velax de Vere (King of Arcaea, Duke of the Dark Isle, Baron of Ecsetuah, Marshal of the Royal Arcaean Legion)

Letter from Sifeer Lejeunes Silver
Message sent to Message sent to all members of the Royal Arcaean Legion (24 recipients)
Sir Arnaud,

I assure you that I didn't get this far through such... base actions.

I have 100 men under my command. The cream of the crop, with the rapists culled.

There are men among them that even I would fear being on the wrong end of the sword from.
Sifeer Lejeunes Silver (Duke of Talex, Margrave of Talex)

Roleplay from Arnaud d'Arricarrère
Message sent to Message sent to all members of the Royal Arcaean Legion (24 recipients)
Arnaud grumbles after reading the King's reply. He looks the men he hired: the very lower filth of society, commoner criminals, caught and uncaught. He valued more those who managed not to get caught, of course. "What am I going to do with these if they cannot have a proper looting?" he wonders.
Arnaud d'Arricarrère (Knight of Talex)

The Larodais Affair

Report from Automated Messages
Message sent to Arnaud d'Arricarrère
Travel Report

You find a good route and make progress faster than assumed, saving one hour of travel time. As you pass the border, you come upon a signpost reading: Welcome to Ohnar West, the last true Republic of the Far East.

All who enter with truth, courtesy, and honor in their hearts are welcome.

As you enter Larodais, peasants who hate your realm take up arms and prepare to assault you.

Arrival You have arrived in Larodais, a Badlands region. You are not in friendly territory, though your realm is not warring these people either, for the moment. There is a horde of 21 angry peasants here, seemingly stirred up by your arrival or that of someone else.

Looting Activity message to all nobles of Arcaea

Someone from our realm has gone on a killing spree in Larodais (Ohnar West).
Automated Messages (Game Reports)

Roleplay from Arnaud d'Arricarrère
Message sent to Message sent to all members of the Royal Arcaean Legion (24 recipients)
The sun traveled closer to the horizon, prepared to set itself upon its mantle of earth and rock. It was only a matter of hours. It was cool, slightly chilly, over the desolate barren lands of Larodais. The faint song of mourning doves could be heard over the hills, the chatter of crickets by the pond granting a tranquil rise to an otherwise normal winter morning in the Far East. It was in such a scene that Arnaud reluctantly woke up too, his rustic eyes creeping open slowly. As he regained consciousness, the sudden and precise pain of a thousand hammers clamored against his cranium. Another intoxicated night, followed by yet another brutal hangover. He carefully looked around to find himself in a cart, one that was moving no less. "By the gods... What the...?"

Without word, his Captain passed him on horseback, conspicuously dropping a scroll before continuing on. Arnaud payed it no immediate attention, sitting upwards instead to inspect the scene. There were two soldiers, one on each side, marching by the cart. They seemed to reek of alcohol, accompanied by the faint tinge of an unknown smell. This prompted Arnaud to smell his own person, revealing that half of the earlier stench came from his own clothes. "What happened?" he questioned, directing his speech to either guard. They looked at each other momentarily confused, before one of whom spoke. "Do you remember nothing, sire?"

Arnaud shut his eyes and attempted to concentrate over the surges of pain. "There were peasants... and rocks? They were throwing them at us?" he asked, questioning his own memory.
"Yes. At least twenty of them!" answered the short one with the unnaturally large forehead.
"Twenty-one, to be exact." corrected the other, whose face resembled that of rat or weasel.
"And there was a monster or two..."
"I saw three, but Gofric says he saw four, but you already know he is not to be trusted!" accounted for the large forehead one.
"So, did we save them from the monsters?" asked Arnaud, trying to memorize that Gofric was the rat-man. The men looked at each other again, now even more confused.
"Are you sure you do not remember anything sir?" was Gofric's counter-question.
"Well, not really, there might have been a nude girl or two..."
"Driads!" intervened the large fore-headed, very enfatically.
"What?" Arnaud couldn't have sounded more confused.
"Those were dryads, sire, we met them in the forest!"
"I don't remember any forest..."
"They rewarded us for saving the peasants from the terrible creatures attacking them!"
"Well, I did always want to meet a dryad..." Arnaud fantasied.
"But you did, sire, and performed extremely vigorously! But that is a tale to be told later, you should rest now."
"I did? Oh, I must be beginning to remember... How did they look like?" he wondered.
"Yes, he did, did he not?" Cursed-brow asked rat-man, who was looking even more confused than Arnaud himself.
"Umm... Yes?" He half said, half asked.
"Good, good, now what is this?" The noble commander was now pleased, but his smile soon faded when he read the letter his captain had delivered him. "What is the meaning of this outrage? Did any of you go around raping peasants? Why did I not take part in this?"
"It must have been the treacherous lies of your envious enemies, sire! Your good looks leave many a man ashamed!" cursed-brow affirmed, poking rat-man with his elbow.
"Indeed they do, indeed they do..." rat-man nodded solemnly.

"Ah, I see, I must write back to rectify this horrible mistake. It is unbelievable, one's victory to be so badly confused for perversion! What times do we live in?" Arnaud's outrage was clear, and in the back of the accusing letter, on an unsteady and often jumping cart, he proceeded to write twisted lines that his scribe would later ignore to write a decent letter after hearing the whole story.
Arnaud d'Arricarrère (Knight of Talex)

Roleplay from Arnaud d'Arricarrère
Message sent to Message sent to all members of the Royal Arcaean Legion (24 recipients)
Before finishing this arduous task he noticed some bottles he had not previously seen before. He read the label: 'Brewed in Larodais'. "What is this, boys?"

Rat-man was caught by surprise. "A... tribute for our glorious victory?"
"Ah, fantastic! This night we should celebrate then, should we not?"

"We definitely should, sire, we definitely should!" answered cursed-brow with a grin that fully revealed his lack of teeth.
Arnaud d'Arricarrère (Knight of Talex)

Letter from Mono Kmap
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in your realm (56 recipients)
Arnaud d'Arricarrère, What is the use of your nobility if you choose to join the filth you claim to be your men? Men, who forget that they are supposed to fight people their own size and stature rather than rape and kill unarmed villagers.
Mono Kmap (Viscount of Athios)

Order from Sir Velax de Vere
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in your realm (56 recipients)
Dear Lord Arnaud,

As I find it impossible to believe that any noble calling himself Arcaean could be so lacking in intelligence as to directly disobey my order against killing and raping peasants just one day after they were given, I am going to assume your men assaulted you and left you unconscious in your camp before going about their business of murdering unarmed civilians. As such, you will immediately march your troops to Remton and disband them, where they will be taken into custody and tried for their crimes.

For your inability to control your men, you will be fined, severely. You will also be prohibited from requesting any funds from the Legion, or anywhere else, until that fine is paid. I suggest that when you are able to afford to recruit more troops, you hire ones of a better disposition.

Yours sincerely,
Sir Velax de Vere (King of Arcaea, Duke of the Dark Isle, Baron of Ecsetuah, Marshal of the Royal Arcaean Legion)

Letter from Arnaud d'Arricarrère
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in your realm (56 recipients)
Dears Lord Athios and Your Highness the King Velax,

I am most offended by the outrageous and offensive calumnies thrown against me and my fine men. There is no doubt that malicious tongues have spread dishonorable rumors of perversions and crimes against nature while we were doing naught but the most venerable task of heroes.

The truth is that we defended a group of peasants from the evil monsters who were committing foul actions against their dignities, before we were rewarded by sensual Dryads and received tokens of appreciation from the local population in coin and species. I have those offerings with myself as proof of my innocence and that of my men.

It is my most sincere hope that these absurd accusations fade away, so that I can ignore the stain against my honor by these most foul tongues, and continue on my mission to reach the Dark Isle and be of service to the army.

Your heroic and yet humble servant,
Arnaud d'Arricarrère (Knight of Talex)

Letter from Mono Kmap
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in your realm (56 recipients)
Dryads! Brewed in Larodais!

Sir Arnaud, I think you may have been tricked. Nothing ever grows in Larodais, and the people there, prefer hunting over any activity that requires effort and is not a sport. It is unlikely that anything is ever brewed in Larodais. Do you trust your men, Sir? It is possible you may have been intoxicated, and not conscious of your actions.
Very rarely do the clerks report incorrect news, for their life is at stake on the accuracy of the news. But I shall nevertheless confirm the news with my men in Athios, considering what you have said.
I hope you understand why I took offence, for the initial reports suggested you were with you men in Larodais when the incident took place. I apologise to not have considered the possibility that you were unconscious.

Mono Kmap

Letter from Arnaud d'Arricarrère
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in your realm (56 recipients)
Dear Lord Athnios,

I must confess to be scared by what seems like a display of your clairvoyance skills. How did you know the offerings of the locals included brews, and specially the writings in their labels? If it has been by magic, I plead you not to become my enemy and for you to use your arcane prowess to show the rest of the realm the heroic nature of my actions, and dispel the foul rumors circulating about me.

While I did drink some, it did not in any way impair my performance with the Dryads, as my good men can attest, leaving more than one very satisfied. But worry not, I take no offense if you are willing to recognize the error of these jealous and malicious scribes, whose lives do not ever meet the glorious rewards of the heroes.

May your travels be as bountiful as mine,
Arnaud d'Arricarrère (Knight of Talex)

Letter from Sir Velax de Vere
Message sent to (Personal message to Arnaud d'Arricarrère)
Dear Lord Arnaud,

You appear to believe you can ignore my order to return to Remton with a glib explanation. You cannot. It is well within my purview to simply have you banned, with no further explanation needed. It would not be the first time it had happened for such crimes. But I am attempting to give you a second chance. Don't make me regret it.

You have disobeyed my orders, and worse, given our enemies ammunition to use against us with the other rulers. I strongly suggest you apologise, publicly, and return to Remton to disband your unit and see them tried for their crimes. If not, I will be left with little choice but to order a ban.

Yours sincerely,
Sir Velax de Vere (King of Arcaea, Duke of the Dark Isle, Baron of Ecsetuah, Marshal of the Royal Arcaean Legion)

Letter from Arnaud d'Arricarrère
Message sent to (Personal message to Sir Velax de Vere)
Dear Your Highness,

I take great offense in you not believing my word, that of a high noble, instead of the one of lowly scribes. Their grudge against me is old, ever since I rescued a damsel in distress from one of their lairs ran by the evil society of the dead bards, who controls a fair deal of the scribe networks. It is the same malicious entity that fooled everyone to believe there were portals opening meaning the invasion of Daimons everywhere. But that is a different story.

In light of the facts it is clear that I am innocent. I have the gold we gracefully received to prove it. How else would I have come into possessing it otherwise? So apologizing would not be only an insult to my honor, it would be spitting on the efforts of any glorious hero whose actions repel evil forces in this world.

So we have only two possible alternatives: either you let everyone know publicly of my innocence, honor and good taste, or I will be forced to leave this realm for one that is more committed to the values of chivalry.

Your prestigious and yet humble servant,
Arnaud d'Arricarrère (Knight of Talex)

Letter from Sir Thain Himoura, Priest of The Order of the Elders
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in your realm (56 recipients)
I believe grounds for insanity have been established.
Sir Thain Himoura, Priest of The Order of the Elders (Duke of Nocaneb, Earl of Nocaneb)

Letter from Reginald II Von Borghoff
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in your realm (56 recipients)
As a veteran commander and leader of men, one important point has been missed here; " A commander IS RESPONSIBLE for the conduct of his or her troops. With Respect:
Reginald II Von Borghoff (Earl of Soniel)

Letter from Sir Velax de Vere
Message sent to (Personal message to Arnaud d'Arricarrère)
Dear Lord Arnaud,

Unfortunately for you, it is not a scribe that is accusing you, but the Prime Minister of another realm. Heaped upon that fact is that you apparently believe you can ignore my orders whenever you feel like it. And not just ignore my orders, but actually insist that I publicly state that I was wrong and you were right. You must be insane.

You either apologise publicly and return to Remton to carry out my order, or face a ban. Those are your options here.

Yours sincerely,
Sir Velax de Vere (King of Arcaea, Duke of the Dark Isle, Baron of Ecsetuah, Marshal of the Royal Arcaean Legion)

Letter from Sir Velax de Vere
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in your realm (56 recipients)
Dear Lord Arnaud,

You have your orders. Carry them out or have your punishment upgraded to a ban. It's that simple.

Yours sincerely,
Sir Velax de Vere (King of Arcaea, Duke of the Dark Isle, Baron of Ecsetuah, Marshal of the Royal Arcaean Legion)

Letter from Arnaud d'Arricarrère
Message sent to (Personal message to Sir Velax de Vere)
Dear Your Highness,

It is truly a shame the road you have chosen to take. I was prepared to win epic battles, felling terrible foes and raping beautiful maidens, all for the glory of Arcaea. If I felt you really deserved it I might have granted you the honor of becoming your King. So far I was willing to go for the glory of your realm.

But do not weep in excess for my departure. Surely another realm will be more ready to receive my blessings and boons.

Your most honorable yet modest former servant,
Arnaud d'Arricarrère (Knight of Talex)

Letter from Sir Velax de Vere
Message sent to (Personal message to Arnaud d'Arricarrère)
Dear Lord Arnaud,

Yes, good luck with that. I will my very best not to curse the fickle heavens that have torn you away from us after so brief a stay. It shall be difficult, but I will manage. Somehow.

Yours sincerely,
Sir Velax de Vere (King of Arcaea, Duke of the Dark Isle, Baron of Ecsetuah, Marshal of the Royal Arcaean Legion)

The Arcaea-Sorraine Journeys

Letter from Arnaud d'Arricarrère
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in your realm (61 recipients)
Arcaean fine noblemen,

My time in the realm has come to an end. It has been a true pleasure while it lasted, but unfortunately dark forces prevent me from staying. I shall retain the fond memories we shared deep in my heart, and I sincerely hope those I have argued with do not hold ill-feelings against my most modest person.

Though your culture is foreign to me and you deny yourselves and others some pleasures of life that every decent man should have access to, I will still feel nostalgic about the days I could be counted as an Arcaean noble.

Farewell my dears, do not excessively miss me!
Arnaud d'Arricarrère (Noble)

Roleplay from Arnaud d'Arricarrère
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in your realm (61 recipients)
At the sound of the martial drums the poorly trained, equipped and paid unit know as the Crimson Pikes left Arcaea proudly marching, ever seeking new looting grounds in where to delight themselves with every pleasure this earth had to offer them.

Little now remains in the realm marking their passage, such as the unpleasant consequences of their deeds in the minds of the higher nobility, and the more cheerful memories shared by every bohemian soul that met them in their wild feasts in the cities, many of those bards, as is natural of such profession.

A saddened melody can be heard in several corners of the realm, for the days in where they could share their spoils and company at the exchange of just good jokes and music are gone. The lyrics a testament of the effects these men had on the lives of many who now weep:

He's climbin in your windows
he's snatchin your people up
tryna rape em so y'all need to
hide your kids, hide your wife

Arnaud d'Arricarrère (Noble)

Report from Automated Messages
Message sent to message to all nobles of Arcaea
Arnaud d'Arricarrère has left your realm and joined the realm of Sorraine instead.
Automated Messages (Game Reports)

Letter from Arnaud d'Arricarrère
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients)
Esteemed nobility of Sorraine,

My name is Sir Arnaud, and I command the Crimson Pikes, an elite unit of common criminals I have decided to transform into proper soldiers. And everyone knows nothing rehabilitates better than a good battle followed by a proper looting session.

I hope these fine men serve you well, and are able to protect your lands from dreaded enemies. Just do not gamble with them, these scoundrels love to cheat, and I have lost many times when they cooperated against me or even took advantage of my advanced state of inebriation.

Yours for anything but work and duty, if possible to be avoided,
Arnaud d'Arricarrère (Noble)

Letter from Lady Selene Octavius, Priestess of The Church of Sartan
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients)

Word of your past has already reached me. I do not appreciate you attempting to use Sorraine in order to escape justice in Arcaea.

Rapine and murder of the innocent are crimes against the Code of Sartan and your heresy will not be tolerated in this pious realm. You are hereby banished from Sorraine and I will happily execute you should you ever darken this realm with your presence again.

In the name of Sartan and His Grace King Caspius, I cast you out!
Lady Selene Octavius, Priestess of The Church of Sartan (Tribune Ecclesiarch of Sorraine, Viscountess of Hosiel, Ambassador of Sorraine)

Report from Automated Messages
Message sent to message to all nobles of Sorraine
Noble banned!

Lady Selene Octavius, Priestess of The Church of Sartan, Tribune Ecclesiarch of Sorraine, Viscountess of Hosiel, Ambassador of Sorraine has declared Arnaud d'Arricarrère (Noble) an enemy of the realm and will issue a ban on him shortly. She has given the following reason:

For rapine and murder and attempting to hide from the law of our ally Arcaea by fleeing to our realm, and for your dishonesty, you are banished. And may you meet the swift and painful death that all rapists deserve.
Automated Messages (Game Reports)

Letter from Arnaud d'Arricarrère
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients)
Lady Selene,

That your age does no longer allow you to enjoy the pleasures of life, and that you would have never been chosen as one of the blessed receivers of attention from the Crimson Pikes, for you lack in physical attributes, does in no way justify your cruel actions. We, a troupe of merry men willing to go any lengths towards helping the realm, to be banished upon arrival as mere criminals is most offensive. You could at least have put a bounty on our heads or something, making us look more respectable in the crime underworld scene. Or at least have let us perform some deed worthy of recognition by our local peers. How will they know our names otherwise?

But I digress. King Velax, though recently suffering one of his hysterical crisis as usual, did bid me farewell and wished me good luck in my travels. To think that a crusade against this pretty body would be cast by its nefarious enemies! It is reason enough for damsels in distress to faint.

I sincerely hope you see the terrible injustice you are promoting, and redeem yourself with time. Now you all chase me, because I am the hero you deserve, not the one you need right now. So you will chase me, for I am not your hero. I am a silent guardian, and watchful protector. A crimson knight.

Combating the forces of crime and evil,
Arnaud d'Arricarrère (Noble)

The Rogue Lord

Report from Automated Messages
Message sent to Arnaud
Arrival You have arrived in Topenah, a City region, currently "independent", i.e. in anarchy.
Automated Messages (Game Reports)

Letter from Ciann Fraoch
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Topenah (2 recipients)
Ser Araud,

I am taking you up on the offer.

In faith,
Ciann Fraoch (Viscountess of Pesol)

Roleplay from Sir Elias Geronus
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Topenah (2 recipients)
As he left the house of the local Arcanis family after being hosted for dinner, Elias was most surprised to see what appeared to be a messenger in Sorrainian livery wandering the streets of Topenah, as if lost. His curiosity piqued, he approached and cleared his throat. "Excuse me good sir, but are you looking for something?" Turning about, a look of relief crossed the man's face. "Ah, praise Sartan. My sincere apologies sir, but I seem to have lost my way in these unfamiliar streets. I bear a message. Do you be of Sir Arnaud D'Arricarrère's party?" Surprised, Elias managed a brief nod. The messenger's face brightened immediately. "Good, then can you lead me to him? I bear a message for him from my lady, the Countess Ciann." Mind churning furiously, Elias demurred. "No, I'm afraid I am en route to deliver something myself, but if you would care to leave the message with me, I will be sure to give it to Sir Arnaud upon my return to our lodgings."

"Ah, I am sorry but I really should deliver this directly to Sir Arnaud directly," said the messenger, clearly disappointed and beginning to turn away. Elias swiftly interjected to forestall him. "Well, my business is not so pressing, and I would hate to leave you to wander these streets alone. I can lead you to him. But first let us get a drink in yonder inn. You look hungry and thirsty, my friend. Allow me to buy you a drink and some dinner in recompense for your hard work in delivering Sir Arnaud's correspondence." Looking pleased, the messenger agreed and soon the two were inside. Over several rounds of drinks and a roast, it was the work of but a moment for Elias to lift the message from the servant's satchel while claiming he had to relive himself and steal away to read it before replacing it just as deftly upon his return. He departed the inn soon after whilst the messenger was otherwise occupied with a comely barmaid.

Satisfied with his night's most unexpected gains, he strolled back to his lodging content.
Sir Elias Geronus (Knight of Ozrat)

Letter from Arnaud d'Arricarrère
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in the region Topenah (2 recipients)
Lady Ciann,

Which offer, my fair Lady? I have made several, one more generous than the other!

In certainty,
Arnaud d'Arricarrère (Noble)

((Censured material for containing important IC information. Will be undisclosed when its knowledge is no longer relevant.))

Roleplay from Arnaud d'Arricarrère
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Topenah (2 recipients)
In the middle of one of the many squares of Topenah Arnaud sat in a over-glorified wooden chair he had decided to call a throne, and led the event in there happening. A dozen of his soldiers were guaranteeing its success while the rest were busy doing "police work" in the region, "interrogating" suspects and what not. It could be noted how much more suspicious young ladies were than the rest of the population.

"I have considered your case thoroughly, freeman, and I shall declare you innocent. Your face seems to be that of an honest man, certainly you would never do anything wrong. You are freed in the name of King Kass-Pus", announced Arnaud solemnly.
"I believe it is Cas-pius, milord..." whispered Cursed-Brow, his loyal captain. Or at least that was how he referred him as in his head.
"Yes, Kass, the Pius", corrected Arnaud, "now begone!"
"Thank you, oh great Lord of Topenah, thank you!" The freeman effusively bowed and quickly left to clean himself of the blood of the several victims he had slayed allegedly in self-defense, in their own homes. On three different occasions through the day, before looting them. "Now, when will be my turn to conduct the interrogations?" Arnaud was getting impatient. This whole deal of holding courts was starting to get tiresome.
"Soon, milord, soon. The boys are almost finishing." Rat-man, the third-in-command, assured him.

"Good, good. Tell them to hurry for we'll likely face a wench and her lovers in combat when the sun rises again. I would like to practice a little bit with my other sword before, if you know what I mean..." He struck him with his elbow, and started laughing. Cursed-Brow and Rat-Man joined in the laughter, although theirs was somewhat forced.
Arnaud d'Arricarrère (Noble)

At this point brave Sir Arnaud loots Topenah, becoming rogue. He battles Lady Ciann and her unit, Galloglaich, losing.