New Westmoor

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New Westmoor.jpg
Regional News
4 March 1012

Ruler Re-elected The realm of Fontan has reconfirmed Aulus Severus of the Scipii as its Chancellor. He received 36% of the valid votes cast.

Ruler Re-elected The realm of Sirion has reconfirmed Ilias Thunthorn as its Prime Minister. He received 38% of the valid votes cast.

Undead Activity Undead are still at large in Poitiers: The peasants are in panic and morale drops 2 %. Some undead are falling apart and returning to their proper state.

Battle in Poitiers (rogue) vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 310 men The Westmoorian Column (Westmoor), sponsored by Maedros Iltaran, Duke of Westmoor, Duke of Westmoor, were led into battle by Marshal Ravier Nebehn.

Defender Victory!

3 March 1012

Undead! Panic is spreading in Poitiers after peasants spread rumours of an undead horde. The peasants are living in fear and barely dare to leave their homes.

Region Revolts The people of Dayr have revolted and abandoned Ibladesh, joining Eponllyn instead.

2 March 1012

Battle in Stora

(rogue) vs. Obsidian Islands, Westmoor Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 40 men

Defender Victory!

1 March 1012

Region Takeover

Caligus has taken control of Leibo , a former rogue region. Caligus now controls 18 regions.

 Zakilevo departs Westmoor 4 March 1012

Zakilevo Lapallanch the former general of Sirion, turned priest, departs Westmoor today towards the realm of Perdan. Zakilevo has for the last week been in Westmoor city as well as visiting some of the surrounding regions in an effort to improve diplomatic relations between Westmoor and Sirion. The Priest spoke convincingly of Sirion’s intention to have good relations with Westmoor as did King Jor who in conversation the two seemed to be able to overcome their differences of faith for the better of both realms.

Zakilevo addressing the nobles within Westmoor city spoke of the changes in the church of the sacred grove of which he seems to be deeply involved. The church has undergone extensive changes with the recognition of a large number of new deities known as divines. The church of the holy sacred grove now recognises nine celestial divines, nine terrestrial divines and four seasonal divines which have revealed themselves to priests of that faith.

Zakilevo also spoke highly of Sirion’s prime minister Ilias Thunthorn (who just today was re-elected; see regional news) whom he claims has strong support amongst the Republic and is not a man to start war without good reason. The priest also spoke of some trouble with Nivemus’ council being unresponsive after a family won two positions but this seems to have been fixed now by King Talius.

Hetrow Kinsey keeps Ibladesh alive with string

I was about to note that with the collapse of Dayr Ibladesh was officially a dead realm however when my scribes investigated the matter it turns out that the region of Al Aquabah is currently flying an Ibladeshi flag. This all seems to be down to the work of former Sultanese Flow Priest Hetrow Kinsey (now we presume priest of the church of Ibladesh) who seems to be running a rather humorous rebel campaign against Perdanese and Caligan rule. Hetrow was responsible for the region of Dayr changing to Ibladeshi rule some time ago. As Perdan’s army entered Dayr Hetrow seems to have snuck out into Al Aquabah holding down the position of General and Banker. The region of Dayr swiftly claimed Eponllyn as their new realm.


