Long-lost Gem of Elroth

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Type Accessory
Discovered By Haniel
Discovery Date 5 February 2012
Discovery Location Elroth, Atamara
Abilities Prestige +7
Current Owner Doctor Jeckyl

Description: A masterfully cut ruby at the size of a normal chicken egg. When held up in direct sunlight there appears to be flames dancing inside it.

Ancient History: The Gem once was part of the regalia of Ulandor, an ancient Kingdom that reached around the Silver Lake area on Atamara. The regalia was a set of items dispersed through the lands with the various Lords as their protectors. When going to war the King ceremonially travelled through the lands and collected the regalia, and when it was peace he ceremonially returned them to their keepers. The Long-lost Gem of Elroth (then only known as the Gem of Elroth) used to be set at the end of the Sceptre of Ulandor that was the item in safekeeping in Elroth.

But Kingdoms comes and goes. When Ulandor was threatened by an overmighty foe the Wizard Yril who was in service of the Lord of Elroth thought he recognised magical properties in the Gem, and removed it from the sceptre before the King had the opportunity to call on it as he hoped to use it to summon a mighty army to destroy the enemy. He only succeeded in raising a large host of undead that turned on him and the entire region losing him both the Gem and the Kingdom.

Recent History: The Adventurer Haniel recovered the gem while fighting undead in Elroth. When inquired by the incident he reported: I was looking through the usual hideouts where undead is known to gather. After many years of doing this it has become second nature and routine, but this day I ran into something special. Inside a dark cave I found a larger than usual group of undead. Fighting them I suddenly noticed one of them looking at me with a red eye that glowed in the darkness. He was a fearsome opponent but after a long fight I brought him down. His eye continued to stare at me even after I ended his unnatural existence so I smashed his skull. What I had been taking for a glowing eye was indeed this very Gem.