Luria Vesperi

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Revision as of 19:13, 18 July 2012 by Coldchest (talk | contribs)

Error while fetching data from URL $2.
There was a problem during the HTTP request: 400 Bad Request
Could not get URL after 3 tries.

Error: no local variable "FullName" has been set.

blank caption

Lights in the Dark

Island Error: no local variable "Island" has been set.Property "Located on" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "Island" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Capital [[Error: no local variable "Capital" has been set.]]
Largest City Darfix
Government Error: no local variable "Government" has been set."Error: no local variable "Government" has been set." is not in the list (Tyranny, Monarchy, Theocracy, Republic, Democracy, Anarchy) of allowed values for the "Government type is" property.

Duchies Error: no local variable "Duchies" has been set.
Regions 178
Population 587,398
Gold Error: no local variable "Gold" has been set."Error: no local variable "Gold" has been set." is not a number.
Food Error: no local variable "Food" has been set."Error: no local variable "Food" has been set." is not a number.
Nobles Error: no local variable "Nobles" has been set."Error: no local variable "Nobles" has been set." is not a number.
Error: no local variable "RulerTitle" has been set. Could not get URL<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"RulerName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
Error: no local variable "GeneralTitle" has been set. Could not get URL<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"GeneralName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
Error: no local variable "JudgeTitle" has been set. Could not get URL<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"JudgeName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
Error: no local variable "BankerTitle" has been set. Could not get URL<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"BankerName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
... further results
AboalScein Dubhaine
AbykalLinda Estrall
AdariaEgbert Brennaborg
AkuRyusho Oshu Fujiwara
AlebadImrahil Mormont
AlowcaCalla Fate
AmmandoLowry Cameron
AmmersfieldLord Damon (unknown)
An NajafWilbrand
Arak CastleLich King (unknown)
AskileonWassgandr Felsenbach
BerakorVex Konran
BiethRhinehart O’Relaious
BisciyeEnder Fate
Bode BaturaHercules von Lucker
BriarullDonagal Prestongreen
BruckSamuel II
Cave of GuiltGregoire Rundsted
CeltiberiaJames Liverpool
CheslandAntoon Finch
ChesneyKatrina Dragul
CommonyrEverhard Brennaborg
Corali Forest
Cramir Woods
CreasurCalberian Arylon
DaishaHilda Utengar
DaldMerewyn Kazan
Danlawer Family/mansion
DarfixError: No contents found at URL
Dark CitadelKane Dragul, Kane
DemyanskRoland Brennaborg
DiverdurGustava Komurov
DulbinRosaline Elizabeth Munro

[[Category:Error: no local variable "Island" has been set.]][[Category:Error: no local variable "Realm" has been set.]]

Luria Vesperi was born of the Duchy of Shinnen. The former Duke of Shinnen, Bipel Coldchest seceded, with full permission of the King Tybalt, from the Kingdom of Luria Nova in order to both keep the balance of power in Greater Luria and to focus on the maintenance of the more remote regions of the realm.

Luria Vesperi is a land of moderation and peace. While the sun may burn with heated words and harsh rhetoric when it rises in the East, it is in the darkening of the West that tempers cool and rational discourse holds sway.


The creation of the realm was carefully planned by both the nobles of the Shinnen Duchy the the Crown of Luria Nova. However, as the duchy prepared to separate, the entire Lurian Peninsula was swept up in the political drama caused by the attack on King Koli Bedwyr of Pian en Luries and the subsequent conflict in the Halls of Luria. As the situation rapidly escalated into war the nobles of Luria Vesperi vocally advocated for peace and remained militarily neutral in the battles that followed.


Luria Vesperi is a Monarchy and as such is organized under the leadership of a King or Queen. The Monarch then decides who sits on the other positions of the Realm Council - namely the Grand Marshal, the High Treasurer, and the High Magistrate.

Title Role Ascendancy Responsibilities
King Ruler Elected Directly responsible for Diplomacy and indirectly responsible for the Military and
Finances the appointment of the Grand Marshal, the High Treasurer, and the High Magistrate
High Magistrate Judge Appointed Directly responsible for establishing and enforcing the Laws of the Realm.
Grand Marshal General Appointed Commands the military of Luria Vesperi and oversees the defense of the kingdom.
High Treasurer Banker Appointed Directly responsible for the realm's financial matters, taking care of trade, banking
and taxes.


Illegal Acts

  • Looting
  • Looting, sacking or damaging a place of worship
  • Arresting Freemen of Luria Vesperi without legitimate grievance
  • Deliberately disobeying a Noble of higher rank


All Nobles of Luria Vesperi are given the right to an open and fair trial. Nobles accused of transgressions may either speak in their own defense or ask for a representative to defend them. An accused has the right to see all evidence against them and to know the name of their accuser. Once a verdict has been reached (by either the High Magistrate or the Council, depending on the severity and magnitude of a crime) that verdict cannot be appealed.

On Treason

Conspiring with another realm or group of individuals to cause harm or sabotage to Lura Vesperi is considered the most severe transgression against the realm. If found guilty by the Council, the accused will be punished to the upmost severity of the law.

Laws Regarding Adventurers

Adventurers have been invited and encouraged to work freely and unhindered within our borders to help keep the monster and undead problem under better control, in turn freeing more of our army for other tasks. Adventurers, therefore, are protected. If any of them break our laws or insult any of our Nobles, the matter should be brought to the attention of the High Magistrate, who will deal with the matter through the courts.

The Law

The laws exist not to punish, but to protect the nobles of the realm. If another noble is, in any way, harming yourself or the realm by the breaking of laws, please report them to the High Magistrate.